
15 signs of fake nice people to avoid

Fake nice people can sabotage relationships and cause stress. This post outlines 15 signs of fake niceness, to help you avoid them and stay safe. These signs range from shallow compliments to constantly replying with 'yes' in a conversation. Fake nice people will also push their opinion onto you subtly and feign helpfulness. Knowing these signs can allow you to spot them and respond accordingly.

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Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish banal politeness from fake smiles. This is because some are good at masking their true emotions. At any time, they can deceive those who sincerely treat them. In order not to be in such a situation, it is good to know the signs that betray the falsity of the interlocutor.

Show violent emotions when meeting

No one will be surprised if a close friend will be very happy to meet after a long separation. But the situation when a colleague whom you met after the weekend, or a classmate whom you last saw 10 years ago, almost squeals with delight, makes you think about their sincerity.

They only talk about themselves

People-deceivers are not inclined to empathy, selfish. Their favorite topic of conversation is their own person. So they try to show themselves the way they want to look in the eyes of others.



When honest people give obligations, they try to keep them by any means, otherwise they feel uncomfortable. Hypocrites easily promise many things, not even going to do them. And at the same time they do not experience any torment.

Seeking attention for self-affirmation

Two-faced people increase their self-esteem by trying to be in the center of events. It doesn’t matter in what ways they achieve this. Remember that sincere people can stay in the shade, not attract attention to themselves.

Prone to passive aggression

Always criticized

Often from fake people you can hear caustic remarks under the guise of a compliment or compassionate stories, with the help of which it is convenient to manipulate others. Such individuals have big internal problems that are hushed up, so all emotions break through passive aggression.

Not listening

Fake people are indifferent to stories about someone else’s life. They only pretend to listen carefully to show interest.



This is one of the most striking signs of fake personalities. Sincere people can openly express their opinions about others, and insincere vilely whisper behind their backs.

Love to seem better than they are

If you give these people freedom, they are ready to boast from morning to evening. Dust into the eyes and show off, they know how to masterfully.

Love to exaggerate

Not enough attention

Fake people do not want to talk about their problems. A great way to avoid this is to distract yourself from the difficulties of others. Not only do they discuss someone else’s life behind their backs, they also will not miss the opportunity to add gloomy colors to their story.

Often interrupted

To listen to how the interlocutor pours out his soul, for them is another test. So that this is not so painful, these people try to always interrupt and translate the conversation on another topic.

Trying to please everyone

Trying to please everyone

Fake people in every possible way try to expand their social circle in order to make useful contacts. This is easiest to do through trust, so the hypocrites are trying to please and are ready to do a lot of things for this..

Seeking profit in everything

From a fake friend, you will never hear a call or read a message in which he simply wants to know how you are doing. Such a person will only remind himself when he needs help..

Respect only influential and powerful

Authentic and Fake

Authoritative personalities can be useful, therefore, fake people in every possible way maintain good relations with them. If in your environment there is a friend who is kind to you, but considers many others unworthy of respect, then you should think about the sincerity of this person.

Find a reason to refuse help

Insincere people easily ask for support, but they avoid situations where they can provide services to others. As soon as they begin to feel that they may be asked to do something, urgent matters and circumstances are found..

Belittles the dignity of others

Without their own merits, such people do not miss the opportunity to pour mud and devalue the achievements of others. They believe that against this background they themselves will look better..

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Comments: 1
  1. Jaxon Davis

    Can you provide some examples or situations that commonly occur when dealing with fake nice people? It would be helpful to know what kind of behaviors or actions to look out for in order to avoid them.

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