
7 things your body language says

This WordPress post examines seven different ways body language affects communication. It looks at how our physical expressions, such as posture, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and body movements, can signify different things to the people around us. It highlights the importance of reading the body language of others and understanding how our own body language impacts the way we interact with others. Additionally, it looks at why controlling our body language is important to achieve a desirable outcome in any conversation. This post is a useful resource for anyone seeking to learn more about how to control their body language to make a lasting impression.

The content of the article

Gestures are movements that convey the true feelings of people. With proper reading, they will better than words tell about the motives and intentions of the individual. Find out what a person’s posture is about to understand how you impress others.

Straighten hair

Straightens hair

Subtle subconscious signals can be used for productive communication: body language will tell a lot to someone who knows it. An innocent habit of removing hair from the face is a gesture indicating latent nervousness. Touching a girl with her hair in a romantic context means flirting.


Poor posture does not always indicate poor health. If you stoop at a meeting, try to squeeze as if, the body betrays uncertainty. Protracted conflicts and sadness also do not allow your shoulders to straighten out. To create a “pose of success”, keep your body straight: relax and spread your shoulders, raise your chin.

Tilt your head

Head position

Be careful and learn what gestures say about the mood of the interlocutor. A fixed head means a sense of power, a demonstration of dominance. You can use this pose in important business meetings to build confidence. Slightly tilting the head down means agreement. Strong tilt – a person takes a protective position. A sharp nod of misunderstanding is expressed. If the partner throws back his head, he loses interest in the conversation.

Cross arms and legs

Closed poses indicate alertness, a sense of danger. Arms crossed on the chest show anxiety, concern, desire to move away. People often take this pose in an unfamiliar society, in the office of the boss, in family quarrels.

In body language, crossed legs indicate a person’s defensive position. When you disagree with your interlocutor, experience negative emotions, you involuntarily start one ankle after another. You need to interpret sign language based on the situation. Sometimes people put one foot on the other because of habit, and insecure girls intertwine them.



Gestures of strength and superiority are characteristic of men. An unconscious demonstration of masculinity is expressed in a standing pose with legs wide apart. If a man sits with his knees apart, leaning slightly forward, this indicates a willingness to defend his interests.

Twitch legs

The farther a part of the body from the head, the more difficult it is to control unconscious movements. If you do not want to show those present anxiety, irritation, watch your feet. Tapping, swaying your feet vividly shows people who understand sign language that you’re nervous.

Unwrap socks

Sit differently

In body language, socks of the legs speak of the true intention of a person. The feet deployed to the exit indicate that your interlocutor wishes to leave as soon as possible. If the feet are directed to the object of attention, then the person is interested in communication. To the side of him – wants to distance himself.

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Comments: 2
  1. Sage

    What are some common things that our body language inadvertently reveals about ourselves?

  2. Nova Reed

    What are some common things that our body language says about us? Can you provide some examples and explain how they are interpreted?

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