
Compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

This post explains the compatibility of blood type, by highlighting the implications of compatibility when it comes to organ donations, blood transfusions, and paternity tests. It further discusses the importance of Rh Factor in determining the compatibility of blood types and illustrates the difference between negative and positive Rh Factor. It also emphasizes the importance of testing for both blood type and Rh Factor in order to accurately assess the compatibility between blood samples. This post provides readers with vital information on the importance of compatibility when dealing with blood samples and organs.

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The biological heritage, carried through centuries, can tell a lot about the ancestors of man. A scientist from Poland developed a theory in which all people initially had the first blood type. So it was conceived by nature – this blood type was given to them for survival, in order to better digest meat.

What is a blood type

An analysis is necessary in order to find out the compatibility of blood groups, a genetic predisposition to diseases. An elevated white blood cell count will determine the presence of an infection, an inflammatory process. Indicators of red blood cells above or below normal will indicate abnormal functioning of organs or systems of the body. Knowing your group will help you quickly find a donor or become one. Blood compatibility can be a decisive factor for a husband and wife when a woman tries to get pregnant. Blood composition is a combination of:

  • plasma;
  • red blood cells;
  • platelet count;
  • white blood cells.

With the development of civilization, meat feasts ceased to interest people. Vegetable protein and dairy products began to be consumed. How many blood types did a person end up with? Over time, a mutation has helped to improve human adaptation to the environment. Today there are 4 blood types.

Blood in test tubes in the hands of a health care provider

Blood types – table

The study of red blood cells has led to the identification in some of them of special proteins (type A, B antigens), the presence of which indicates belonging to one of three groups. The fourth was later determined, and in 1904 the world was waiting for a new discovery – the Rh factor (positive Rh +, negative Rh-), which is inherited by one of the parents. All the information received was combined into a classification – the AB0 system. In the table you can see what blood types are..

Designation Opening Power Features Personal qualities Time and place of occurrence
First 0 (I) 1891 Karl Landsteiner from Australia Meat food Courage and strength 40 thousand years ago
Second A (II) 1891 Karl Landsteiner from Australia Vegetarianism Community Western Europe
Third B (III) 1891 Karl Landsteiner from Australia Monodiet is contraindicated Patience and perseverance Himalayas, India and Pakistan
Fourth AB (IV) 1902 Decastello Do not drink alcohol Allergy resistant About 1000 years ago, as a result of the mixing of A (II) and B (III).

Blood type compatibility

The idea of ​​transfusion arose in the 20th century. Hemotransfusion is a useful procedure that restores the total volume of blood cells; plasma proteins and red blood cells are replaced. The compatibility of donor and recipient blood groups during transfusion is important, which affects the success of blood transfusion. Otherwise, agglutination will occur – fatal gluing of red blood cells, resulting in a blood clot, which leads to death. Blood Transfusion Compatibility:

Blood type Recipients From which you can transfuse
0 (I) I, II, III, IV I


The foundation of human civilization is considered to be the first blood group. Our ancestors formed the habits of excellent hunters, courageous and stubborn. They are ready to spend all their strength on achieving the intended goal. Modern pioneers need to be able to plan their actions in order to avoid rash actions.

Key character traits:

  • inborn leadership;
  • extroversion;
  • best organizational skills.


  • strong digestive system;
  • physical endurance;
  • increased ability to survive.

Weaknesses are:

  • increased acidity (risk of peptic ulcer);
  • predisposition to allergies, arthritis;
  • poor coagulability;

Doctors holding a test tube with blood in their hands.


City dwellers. Evolution went forward and people began to engage in agriculture. When vegetable protein became the source of human energy, a vegetarian second blood group appeared. Fruits and vegetables began to be used in food – the human digestive system began to adapt to changing environmental conditions. People began to realize that compliance with the rules increases the chances of survival..

Key character traits:

  • sociability;
  • constancy;
  • composure.


  • good metabolism;
  • excellent adaptation to change.


  • sensitive digestive system;
  • weak immune system.


People with a third blood group are called nomads. It is difficult for them to experience an imbalance within themselves, in the team. It is better to live in the mountains or near water bodies. They suffer from a lack of motivation, because under stress their body produces a large amount of cortisol.

Key character traits:

  • flexibility in decisions;
  • openness to people;
  • versatility.


  • strong immunity;
  • tolerate changes in diet;
  • creative.


  • susceptible to autoimmune diseases;
  • lack of motivation and self-confidence.

Girl doing research


The owners of the rarest, fourth blood group occurred as a result of the symbiosis of the second and third. A bohemian, easy life is what is characteristic of its representatives. They are tired of everyday decisions, devoted themselves to creativity. The total number of people with this group is only 6% on the planet..

Key character traits:

  • mysterious;
  • individual.


  • resistant to autoimmune diseases;
  • resist allergic manifestations.


  • fanatics are able to go to extremes;
  • drugs and alcohol should be avoided.

Test tube blood

What blood type can everyone be transfused with?

The most compatible is the first. Human red blood cells with this blood group do not contain antigens (agglutinogens), which eliminates the possibility of allergies during transfusion. Therefore, the answer to the question which blood type is universal is the first with a negative Rh factor.

Blood compatibility for conception

Before pregnancy, the planning of the baby should be approached correctly. Reproductologists advise parents to determine blood compatibility in advance. The child’s inheritance of a certain set of qualities from each partner will depend on this, and checking the Rh compatibility will help protect against hemolysis during pregnancy. If a woman has Rh- and a man has a positive Rh – there is a Rhesus conflict, in which the body perceives the fetus as foreign and begins to fight, actively producing agglutinins (antibodies) against it.

Rhesus conflict is a danger not only to the expectant mother. Hemolytic disease can occur with the reaction of positive and negative red blood cells in the bloodstream of the fetus. To determine whether conception by blood group succeeds, the Ottenberg rule can:

  • it will help protect the couple by learning what diseases can occur during conception and pregnancy;
  • establish an approximate pattern of combination of a set of chromosomes in the formation of heterozygotes;
  • to suggest what Rhesus factor may be in the child;
  • determine height, color of eyes and hair.

A man hugs a woman

Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor

The ratio of the blood group of the father and mother determines the child’s possible inheritance of qualities and genes. Incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of becoming pregnant, but only shows that problems may arise. Knowing in advance is better than discovering when it is too late. It is better to check with your doctor what blood types are incompatible for conceiving a child. Table of compatibility of blood groups and Rh factor:

Blood type 0 (I) Rh+ 0 (I) Rh- A (II) Rh+ A (II) Rh- B (III) Rh+ B (III) Rh- AB (IV) Rh+ AB (IV) Rh-
0 (I) Rh+ + + + +
0 (I) Rh- + + + +
A (II) Rh+ + + + +
A (II) Rh- + + + +
B (III) Rh+ + + + +
B (III) Rh- + + + +
AB (IV) Rh+ + + + +
AB (IV) Rh- + + + +

The probability of a child inheriting the Rh factor:

Dad Mum Kid
Positive Positive 75% positive

25% negative

Positive Negative 50/50
Negative Positive 50/50
Negative Negative Completely negative

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Comments: 1
  1. Lucas Watson

    I have read about the compatibility of blood groups, but I am still unsure about how the Rh factor plays a role in blood compatibility. Could someone please explain how blood groups and the Rh factor interact? Are there specific combinations that can lead to complications during blood transfusions or pregnancies?

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