
Harbingers of reproductive

\"Harbingers of Reproductive\" is a WordPress post that introduces the fertility tracking platform of the same name. Harbingers of Reproductive stands out for its simple, easy-to-use technology that women can use to track changes in their fertility and reproductive health. By providing personalized insights and personalized metrics, women can receive a reliable and accurate picture of their fertility and have a better understanding of their bodies and their reproductive health. The platform also offers access to expert advice and resources to help women take control of their fertility and reproductive health. Harbingers of Reproductive is a comprehensive platform that empowers women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

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No matter how accurately gynecologists set the date of birth, factors that will change it will intervene. They can give an answer to the question about the timing of the birth of a child who is very worried about expectant mothers, including multiparous, themselves. This requires you to listen to yourself and recognize the forerunners of this event..

What are precursors of childbirth

A woman has precursors of childbirth

For a multiparous woman, it is important to know that all processes associated with childbirth will be much more lively than for the first time. This is especially felt when there is a slight age difference between the babies. The onset of symptoms or precursors of labor in multiparous babies begins after 36 weeks of fetal development. They are especially acute shortly before the start – a few days. If you are sensitive to changes in the body, you can recognize the time when you go to the hospital.

It is important to know that every woman is a special world. If something happens to one, it is not necessary that the other will be the same. The signs of childbirth during the second pregnancy can manifest themselves in different ways. Some are strongly expressed, while others do not appear at all – everything is very individual. No need to worry about the absence and presence of precursors of childbirth and to run to the gynecologist.

Characteristic signs of an approaching birth in multiparous

The female body is built wisely. At the end of pregnancy, preparation for the birth process begins. Hormonal changes are taking place, helping to facilitate the passage of all stages of the appearance of the child. All this contributes to the emergence of precursors of labor in multiparous. Characteristic are:

  • nervousness;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • discharge of the mucous plug;
  • periodic contractions;
  • water discharge;
  • change in the behavior of the baby;
  • stool disorders;
  • increased activity of mom.

Abdominal prolapse

When does the belly fall before childbirth? It all starts one to two days before the time when the baby falls into the mother’s pelvis. Outwardly, this is not always noticeable, especially if a woman is of solid build. If a palm is placed between the mother’s breast and abdomen, the abdomen lowered. Rather, mom will understand this for other symptoms:

  • breathing is easier;
  • heartburn will pass – the fetus does not press on the diaphragm;
  • frequent urination begins – due to squeezing the bladder;
  • backache will appear – a short, sharp pain when the child hurts the nerves;
  • having trouble sleeping.

Pregnant girl

There are folk signs, how to recognize the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the abdomen. Although this can be seen with an ultrasound scan, women are curious to compare the results. It is believed that a sharp stomach indicates that an heir will be born. If the waist is blurred, pregnancy is even visible from the back – wait for the girl. The belly is wide, looks like a melon and is located high.

Cork discharge before delivery

As long as the baby lives in the womb, it is preserved from the environment and infections through mucous plugs. Before the birth, she leaves, preparing the uterus for the start of labor. Everything can happen in a week, a few days. In some cases, cork discharge begins during childbirth. In multiparous, the uterus opens quickly, so this symptom signals that childbirth will occur in a few days.

The precursors of childbirth in multiparous appear very individually. You can notice the cork in the shower or toilet. The process can stretch for several days. These will be mucous gel-like clots. They come out in parts or in whole. By volume – about two spoons. Allocations differ in color:

  • cream;
  • colorless;
  • brown;
  • with blood streaks.

Cramping pain

About three weeks before the birth, women have contractions. They are called training – they prepare the cervix for the upcoming event. Contractions do not cause discomfort, do not bring pain. The main thing is that they do not differ in regularity and periodicity. Improve the condition will help candles with papaverine, agreed with the doctor. Another thing is regular fights. Such precursors of labor in multiparous signals indicate that labor has begun.

Mom expecting a second child does not always remember the features of contractions. To distinguish them from training, you should know the features of the course. It is necessary to gather in the hospital in the event of:

  • amniotic fluid withdrawal before contractions;
  • their appearance at regular intervals in time;
  • reduce the interval between contractions;
  • increase in pain;
  • longer duration of contractions.

Amniotic fluid discharge

How does the second birth begin? Often this happens with the advent of precursors – the discharge of amniotic fluid, especially in multiparous. Everything can happen instantly, without pain. Sometimes the amniotic fluid bursts with a dull clap. This can happen at any time. The advice in this case is urgently to the hospital, because the situation poses a danger to the baby’s life.

Baby behavior

A precursor to the prenatal situation is a change in fetal behavior. The kid calms down, it feels like he is preparing to go out into the light. Its head is clamped in the mother’s pelvis, the size of the fetus does not allow active and free movement. This does not mean that the movements are completely absent. Mom should follow this process, because a limited number of movements indicates a lack of oxygen, which is dangerous for the baby. Before the very birth, the child, preparing for the appearance, begins to actively move.

Pregnant preparing for childbirth

Nesting instinct

Hormonal changes that occur in the last days before childbirth, cause violent activity in mom. This harbinger of childbirth is called the nesting instinct. A woman starts cleaning, prepares a room for the baby, trying to finish the job. Everything happens in high spirits. It seems that she flutters, not looking at the impressive size of the abdomen. She is overwhelmed with a sense of happiness and joy in anticipation of an important event, although she is a multiparous mom.

Stool disorder

Another major harbinger is stool disorder. Before birth, hormones are activated that relax the muscles, preparing them for the birth process. The same thing happens with the gastrointestinal tract. Relaxed intestinal muscles cause diarrhea. Constipation at this time is a rare occurrence. Often, everything is accompanied by nausea, vomiting. The body is being cleaned, preparing for childbirth. Women are often afraid of this condition, thinking that they were poisoned. All symptoms signal that the baby will appear in the next day.

Other signs of labor onset

The future mother can find out about how childbirth begins in multiparous women. Harbingers of the second birth appear all at once or one at a time. During this period, it is required to remain calm, to be balanced, observing changes in the body. It is possible to determine the approximation of the term for multiparous children by signs. Signals that it’s time to give birth are:

  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • the appearance of nausea;
  • increased nervousness;
  • excretion of colostrum from the chest;
  • lack of edema;
  • difficulty traveling
  • pubic pain.

Features of the course of the second and subsequent births in women

Pregnant goes to the hospital

It is worth noting that repeated labor is much faster than the first. If about three years have passed after the birth of the first-born, the body remembers how everything happened. The birth process does not last long. This is due to the following:

  • the cervix opens quickly;
  • muscles are more easily stretched;
  • pain decreases
  • premature attempts are excluded;
  • better mental attitude;
  • no fears.

Risk factors in multiparous women should be considered. If the body recovers quickly after the birth of a second child, then subsequent births lead to its depletion. Pregnancy can occur with complications if:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • Caesarean section during the first birth;
  • mother’s age over 30;
  • complications after the first birth;
  • several fruits;
  • different rhesus parents.

Find out how the birth of the primiparous begins, how to determine it.

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Comments: 4
  1. Rhiannon

    success in animals can take many forms. In some species, physical traits like bright feathers or elaborate displays attract mates. In others, it’s about certain behaviors or vocalizations. But what about humans? As a reader, I’m curious to know what indicators of reproductive success exist in our species. Are there any physical or behavioral traits that are universally attractive to potential partners? How do cultural influences shape our perception of reproductive success? I’d love to hear some insights on this fascinating topic!

    1. Ava Dawson

      In humans, indicators of reproductive success can vary greatly depending on culture and personal preferences. While physical attractiveness is often considered important, it is subjective and can differ across societies. However, there are some universal traits that are generally attractive, such as good health and symmetry. Behavioral traits like confidence, intelligence, and kindness can also influence partner choice. Cultural influences heavily shape our perception of reproductive success, as societal norms and values dictate what is considered desirable. For example, in some cultures, wealth and social status may be highly valued indicators of reproductive success. Ultimately, the concept of reproductive success in humans is complex and multifaceted, reflecting a combination of biological, cultural, and individual factors.

  2. Tatum

    health and fertility, have you noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle recently? Have you experienced any irregularities or have your periods become heavier or lighter? It’s important to track these changes as they could be indicative of underlying health issues. Don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Remember, taking care of your reproductive health is essential for overall well-being.

  3. Abigail Hayes

    Health are important for women of all ages. Are there any specific early warning signs or symptoms that we should be on the lookout for?

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