
How does a person influence the nature of the Earth positively or negatively

This WordPress post examines how individuals can influence the nature of the Earth positively or negatively. People have a direct impact on the natural environment of Earth through their behaviors, actions, and lifestyles. Factors such as pollution, waste, and the destruction of natural habitats are explored and explained. It is also noted that there are many simple, positive actions that can help to improve the state of the planet, such as reducing energy consumption and living more sustainably. The post highlights the importance of individuals in influencing the nature of the planet and emphasizes that we all have the power to change the future of the planet, whether positively or negatively.

The content of the article

From the moment that a person learned to use tools and became intelligent, his influence on the nature of the Earth began. Further development led only to an increase in the scale of influence. Let’s talk about how a person affects nature. What are the pros and cons of this effect??

Negative influence

Human influence on the biosphere of the Earth is ambiguous. With confidence, only one thing can be said: without a person, the surrounding world would certainly not be what it is. Both land and ocean. To begin with, let’s find out about the negative aspects of human influence on the nature of the Earth:

  • Deforestation. Trees are the “lungs” of the Earth, mitigating the negative effect of human influence on the Earth’s climate due to the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen. But, apparently, the person does not need help. In areas where impassable forests grew 20 years ago, highways and fields are planted.
  • Depletion, soil pollution. To increase productivity, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals polluting the earth are used. And productivity growth means increased consumption of nutrients and minerals by plants in a particular area. Restoring their content is an extremely slow process. Soil is depleted.

Soil depletion

  • Population decline. To provide food to the growing population of the Earth, new areas are required for the fields. Under them you have to devote new territories. For example, cutting down forests. Many animals, losing their natural habitat, die. Such changes are the result of the so-called indirect human influence.
  • The destruction of tens of thousands of species of animals and plants. Unfortunately, they could not adapt to life on Earth, changed by man. Some were simply exterminated. This is another method of influence..
  • Water and atmospheric pollution. About this – below.

Positive influence

Protected areas, parks, sanctuaries are being created – places where the impact on nature is limited. Moreover – there people even support the flora and fauna. So, some species of animals now live exclusively in reserves. If they weren’t, they would have long since disappeared from the face of the Earth. The second point: artificial canals and irrigation systems make fertile land that without human intervention would look as bare as a desert. Perhaps everything.

Amboseli National Forest in Kenya

The impact of people on the nature of mountains and the ocean

Wastes of production and even ordinary garbage find their last refuge in the waters of the oceans. So, in the Pacific Ocean there is the so-called dead zone – a huge territory completely covered with floating garbage. A good example of how a person affects the environment. Light garbage does not sink in the ocean, but remains on the surface. The access of air and light to the inhabitants of the ocean is hindered. Entire species are forced to seek a new place. Not everyone succeeds..

Worst of all, the same plastic, for example, has been decomposed in the ocean for thousands of years. A floating landfill appeared no more than half a century ago, but since then its area and impact on the ecosystem have increased tenfold. Each year, ocean currents bring millions of tons of new garbage. This is a real environmental disaster for the ocean..

Trash Island in the Pacific

Not only oceans are polluted, but also fresh water. Thousands of cubic meters of sewage and industrial waste fall daily into any large river on which large cities stand. Groundwater brings pesticides, chemical fertilizers. Finally, trash is dumped into the water. Worst of all, the supply of fresh water on Earth is strictly limited – less than 1% of the total volume of the world’s oceans.

Separately, it is worth noting oil spills. It is known that one drop of oil makes about 25 liters of water unsuitable for drinking. But this is not the worst. Oil spilled in the sea or ocean forms a very thin film that covers a huge area. The same drop of oil will cover with a film of 20 square meters of water.

Ocean oil film

This film, although it has a small thickness, is detrimental to all living things. It does not allow oxygen to pass through, therefore, if living organisms cannot move to another territory, they are doomed to slow death. Think about how many oil tankers and other ships carrying oil suffer accidents in the world’s oceans every year? Thousands! Millions tons of oil fall into the water.

But how does a person affect the nature of mountains? The negative impact is primarily in deforestation on their slopes. The slopes become bare, the vegetation disappears. There is erosion and loosening of the soil. And this, in turn, leads to collapses. Also, a person extracts minerals that have formed in the earth for millions of years – coal, oil, etc. While maintaining the pace of production, the reserve of resources will last for a maximum of 100 years.

Coal mining

The impact of human activity on processes in the Arctic

The industrial production of the whole Earth, like automobiles, emits colossal volumes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This leads to a decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer, which protects the Earth’s surface from the deadly ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. Over the past 30 years, ozone concentration over some parts of the planet has decreased tenfold. A little more – and holes will appear in it, which a person can not patch.

Carbon dioxide does not escape anywhere from the lower atmosphere of the Earth. It is the main cause of global warming. The essence of the effect of carbon dioxide is to increase the average temperature on Earth. So, over the past 50 years, it has increased by 0.6 degrees. This may seem like a small amount. But such an opinion is erroneous.

Melting glaciers

Global warming leads to such a pattern as an increase in the temperature of the oceans. Polar glaciers are melting in the Arctic. Ecosystems of the poles of the Earth are disrupted. But glaciers are sources of a huge amount of clean fresh water. Sea level rises. All this is due to carbon dioxide. The need to reduce its emissions is a problem of global importance. If we don’t find a solution, the Earth may become uninhabitable in a few hundred years..

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Comments: 2
  1. Alexander Clarke

    How can an individual’s actions either positively or negatively impact the environment and contribute to climate change? Are there specific ways we can make a positive difference in preserving and protecting the Earth’s natural resources?

    1. Leo Moore

      An individual’s actions can have a significant impact on the environment and contribute to climate change in both positive and negative ways. Negative actions such as excessive use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and waste production can lead to increased carbon emissions, habitat destruction, and pollution.

      On the other hand, positive actions like reducing carbon footprint by using public transportation, recycling, conserving water, and supporting sustainable practices can help mitigate climate change and protect natural resources. By making small changes in our daily lives, such as reducing single-use plastics, planting trees, and supporting renewable energy sources, we can collectively make a positive difference in preserving and protecting the Earth’s natural resources for future generations. Every individual has the power to make a difference, and by working together, we can create a more sustainable and healthy planet.

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