
Putin’s allowance

This post discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's allowance, which he granted himself in an executive order recently. The allowance of 6.7 million is based on the annual budget of Russia and gives him an annual salary equal to Russia's highest-paid government officials. This allowance has sparked controversy about its transparency and if it should be used to benefit the Russian people. Nonetheless, it highlights the extraordinary power of Putin and the freedom he enjoys in ruling Russia.

The content of the article

Improving the demographic situation in the country is one of the priority tasks. To solve it, the government takes various measures, develops programs to support families with children. Both monthly and one-time payments are provided for them..

What are presidential benefits for children

When is the allowance assigned?

At the end of 2017, Federal Law No. 418-ФЗ On Monthly Payments to Families with Children was adopted. We developed it on the instructions of President V.V. Putin. According to this document, from the beginning of 2018, monthly benefits are assigned to Russian families with children.

The people gave them the eloquent name “presidential payments”.

This is additional cash that is added to other children’s benefits. The allowance is provided only for the birth or adoption of the first and second child before reaching the age of one and a half years. Its value is equal to the children’s cost of living for last year’s second quarter in the region under consideration.

Payments for 1 child

First child allowance

Only low-income families have the right to receive Putin’s allowance for the first-born. It is paid to a woman for a newborn up to one and a half years. This money does not cancel the appointment of other amounts, such as maternity, childcare. The subsidy is carried out from the state budget in two stages. First you need to complete the design up to a year.

After 12 months, parents will have to reapply for a subsequent payment..

Allowance for 2 children

Payments from the capital

A low-income family also has bonuses for a second newborn. They are paid out of the amount of maternity capital. To save it in full, you can not draw up Putin’s allowance. However, it is intended only for families that fit certain criteria. For example, taking into account the priority of the child in relation to the woman.

If the couple has a second joint baby, but the mother is the third, then the child benefit will not be assigned.

Who should pay Putin payments


The conditions for applying for benefits for the first and second newborn are the same:

  • birth or adoption occurred after January 1, 2018;
  • the applicant and the baby must be citizens of the Russian Federation and permanently reside within the country;
  • income per family member should not exceed 1.5 living wages for the working population of the subject (from the beginning of 2020 – 2 PM).

Calculation of the average family income

Calculation Examples

Parents need to start applying for benefits by receiving a 2-personal income tax certificate for 12 months from all employers. In addition, it is required to provide information on other payments received. To calculate the average per capita income, you need to add all the amounts.

The result must be divided first by 12, and then by the number of family members, including children. The result of the calculation will be the desired value.

What incomes are taken into account

What is taken into account and not taken into account

  1. Wage.
  2. Hospital, vacation, business trip.
  3. Pensions, scholarships.
  4. Social benefits, maternity.
  5. Satisfaction of the military and their equivalents.
  6. Business Profit.
  7. Payments by court order (e.g. alimony).
  8. Any other type of earnings.

Comparison with the cost of living

In 2019, the average family income should not be more than one and a half times the subsistence level. These figures can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

From the beginning of 2020, the per capita income limit will increase to the value of two living wages.

How to get a monthly presidential allowance

Procedure in the suburbs

  1. Consult with authorities regarding a list of documents.
  2. Prepare a complete package of references. If not enough, may refuse to assign payments.
  3. To write an application.
  4. Submit prepared papers for the baby to the authorities.
  5. Wait about a month until the application is considered. The applicant will be notified of the decision taken.
  6. If the outcome is positive, get a surcharge, which will be transferred to the ruble account indicated by the applicant.


Key Documents

  • Application for the appointment of Putin’s benefits.
  • Passports of parents and adolescents over the age of 14.
  • Birth certificate, adoption certificate or custody statement.
  • Family composition certificate.
  • Papers confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the fact of the applicant’s and child’s permanent residence within Russia.
  • Certificate of marriage.
  • Information on the form 2-NDFL on income for the last year of all able-bodied family members. Entrepreneurs provide declarations.
  • Details of the bank account of the mother.
  • Copies of parents’ work books.
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

Application for Payments

The application form for receiving Putin’s allowance is filled out at the department that appoints the payment, or the MFC. It is required to provide the applicant’s personal data and all information about the child, including the order of his birth.

It is necessary to enter information on family income and account details where the money will be transferred.

It is also necessary to write a list of all documents provided, a cell phone number for communication.

Where to go

Bodies for filing documents

To receive money for the first child, the mother must contact the social security authorities. At the birth of the second baby, the application must be submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In either case, you can contact the MFC.

Reasons for Failure

  1. Incorrect family income information.
  2. The child is on state support.
  3. The applicant is deprived of parental rights or guardian status.
  4. Not all references collected.
  5. Identified fraudulent actions of the applicant.
  6. Per capita household income above regional.
  7. Death of parent or child.

How to extend Putin’s payments after a year

Social support measures for families with children

Parents will have to apply twice and collect documents. The first time it is necessary to receive money before the baby reaches the age of one. For the remaining 6 months, a subsidy will be assigned only if parents reapply with all newly prepared papers.

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Comments: 1
  1. Aria Russell

    What is Putin’s allowance and how does it compare to the average salary of a Russian citizen?

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