
Thirty-third week of pregnancy

This post highlights the essential questions and information to consider during the thirty-third week of pregnancy. Key topics of discussion include the baby's growth, common symptoms experienced during this stage of pregnancy, and changes to the mother’s body. The post also focuses on safety measures to ensure health and well-being, such as avoiding certain foods and medications, as well as the importance of regular check-ups and tests. An informative and comprehensive guide for any expecting mother, this post provides all the key information and advice needed during the thirty-third week of pregnancy.

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Now the baby is becoming the main one in your couple, all your thoughts are occupied by the upcoming meeting with him, if premature birth begins now, usually they arise because it is the child who suffers. But in this period the child is already fully grown and will be able to exist independently with a little help from doctors. But it is still worth reaching the due date. Now you have dreams about childbirth and the baby, you have a desire to buy a dowry for your baby, to prepare a baby for him. In this period, it is important to begin psychological preparation for childbirth and attend courses for pregnant women, if you have not started doing this earlier. Only seven weeks left before delivery.

Changes in the body at week 33

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the obstetric calendar it is the ninth month of pregnancy, and eight months of pregnancy according to the calendar. Only seven weeks are left before delivery. The main changes in the body of the expectant mother:

  • Weight gain. In a week you can add up to 500 grams.
  • The movements slow down, it is difficult to find a comfortable posture for sleeping, irritability is increased.
  • There is discomfort with the movements of the baby in the stomach.
  • When standing on the back, nausea and dizziness can occur, severe discomfort, this occurs due to compression of the inferior vena cava.
  • Edema appears, if they are severe, this may be a sign of gestosis.
  • Heartburn appears, as the stomach is squeezed by an enlarged uterus, and because of this constipation, bloating and nausea occur.

Girl at 33 weeks pregnant

Fetal development at week 33: weight size and gender

At this time, the baby’s weight fluctuations can range from 1800-2200g, with growth fluctuations of 42-44 cm, depending on the gender and characteristics of the course of pregnancy. From this period, the child will add about 200-300 grams per week, actively accumulating subcutaneous fat. Now the baby is becoming like an ordinary baby at birth, only a little smaller. His skin turned pink, blood vessels did not shine through, his cheeks became puffy, and the body acquired proportions. Cartilages of the nose and ears have become denser and have taken their final form of birth. The bones of the skull are gradually strengthened due to the deposition of calcium, but the seams between the bones are still very wide, the bones of the skeleton, legs and arms, become denser. Due to this movement, the crumbs are becoming more and more strong and active, the mother feels them very clearly, although due to the cramped uterus they become less common. If the fetus is located in the uterus in the wrong position, most likely it will remain in childbirth, although it is still possible with the help of special exercises, laying on the left side, to persuade the baby to “turn around”. A.

The child is already very developed, now all organs and systems are included in his work, the liver and kidneys are actively functioning, and only the endocrine part works in the pancreas – insulin is produced, enzymes will be produced only after birth. A surfactant is actively synthesized in the lungs, it is due to it that the lungs can fully open at the first inhalation and will not stick together after exhalation. This will help the baby breathe on their own in the event of premature birth. Now internal genitalia and external genitals are fully formed, cannon hairs (lanugo) gradually disappear from the body, but hair grows on the head. Fat accumulates under the skin, which helps in maintaining body temperature. The most active pace is the development of the brain, new neural connections are formed, gyrus and furrows are finally formed. Now the child spends most of the time in a dream, but at the same time he is actively developing, his sensory organs are fully active – the fetus can respond to light, he hears various sounds of the mother’s body and those that come from outside, feel touch, distinguish the taste and smell of amniotic fluid. If the mother eats sweets, the child likes it, and if she consumes foods that are not tasty according to the fetus, he can actively kick. Now the fetal heart is reduced to 130 beats per minute, it is fully formed, with the exception of special openings, shunts, along which blood is discharged to bypass the lungs, which are closed with the first breaths of the child at the beginning of his life. The immune system is almost fully formed, but still not fully working, which makes the child vulnerable to infections and allergies if the mother does not maintain a diet.

Feelings of a future mother

In this period, due to the active weight gain and growth of the fetus, a whole gamut of sensations may arise. The child grows very quickly and is cramped in his mother’s stomach. The main sensations now will be the movement of the fetus, which now has become not so active and frequent, but at the same time each movement is felt very clearly. Some of the shocks and kicks can be painful for the mother, especially if the fetus strikes the ribs, liver, or bladder. Watch the number of fetal movements, they should occur at least five to six times per hour.

Now the woman’s mood is changeable due to the changing hormonal background, the changing body and the fear of the forthcoming birth. You need to devote more time to yourself and rest, sleep during the day and walk a lot. You also need to carry out exercises to unload the back and abdomen, occupying the knee-elbow position several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Delivery at 33 weeks

Sometimes it happens that childbirth begins earlier than planned, and within 33 weeks they will be premature, and the baby prematurely. But by this week, the baby’s body is already formed enough to exist independently, during childbirth he will be able to scream and his lungs will be straightened, the surfactant may be enough for independent breathing. Of course, the nervous system is not yet mature enough, and the ability to maintain body temperature is still limited, but other organs and systems are quite active. The baby will need special care and the creation of constant heat, and he will be able to quite actively grow and develop.Normally, these kids are placed in the wards of the children’s ward in cribs with constant temperature and additional oxygen supply. The sucking reflex in such a crumb can be weakened. And most likely he will have to give expressed breast milk until he gets stronger.

Uterine condition at 33 obstetric week

In this period, the bottom of the uterus rises from the pubic joint by 33-34 cm, but this is not its maximum height, it will grow a little more. But by this time, the walls of the uterus should be relaxed, the cervix is ​​closed, in the area of ​​the uterine pharynx there is a lump of dense mucus (mucous plug). Due to the relaxed state of the uterine walls, adequate blood flow is made between the placenta and the walls of the uterus. If there is a frequent tone of the uterus, you should consult a doctor in order to prevent the formation of placental insufficiency in time. Usually, the tone of the uterus feels like a sharp compaction of the walls, the abdomen stiffens and pulls. Training fights can now occur – they are irregular, painless and do not lead to the opening of the cervix. They pass after rest or sleep, do not disturb the blood circulation in the fetus.

If there is pain in the abdomen of a cramping, intensifying character, while the abdomen hardens strongly, spotting has appeared – immediately call an ambulance and in the hospital. Perhaps premature birth begins.

The abdomen has become very large, although over the next weeks it will add another couple of centimeters. The skin on the stomach is stretched, itching and dryness can occur, as well as striae (stretch marks), the navel is twisted and stretched. Now it may be the most unpleasant time due to the size of the abdomen, in just a few weeks it will become easier to breathe due to the lowering of the abdomen and the formation of the child in the pelvic area. To alleviate the condition, it is useful to wear a prenatal bandage – it supports the stomach and removes the load on the lower back, helps in the prevention of stretch marks.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

In the period of 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, a third fetal ultrasound screening is prescribed, which is necessary to identify late fetal malformations, problems with the walls of the uterus, placenta and determine further tactics of pregnancy management and birth planning. First of all, on an ultrasound, the presentation of the fetus is determined – the head or pelvic, with the head presentation, it is determined where the back of the fetus is turned. This is necessary in order to decide whether labor will be carried out through the natural birth canal or if a caesarean section will be needed..

Ultrasound is deciphered by a doctor, and he evaluates the main indicators of ultrasound:

  • estimated height and weight of the fetus, specifies the term of the expected birth,
  • looks indicators of the circumference of the head and chest, the length of large bones,
  • evaluates the structure and functioning of internal organs, especially the heart and the heart, determines the heart rate and blood flow.
  • if necessary, fetal dopplerometry is also performed.
  • additionally, the quantity and nature of the amniotic fluid, the state of the uterine walls, the size, the height of the uterine fundus, the condition of the cervix, the location of the placenta and its condition, as well as the length of the umbilical cord and the state of its vessels, are evaluated. In this period, it is possible to conduct 3D ultrasound, but the whole fetus will not be visible on the monitor, since the baby is already large enough, and you can only see parts of the body.

Ultrasound at 33 weeks of gestation

How to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta

According to the ultrasound, an assessment is made of the degree of maturity of the placenta. This is a special condition of the vessels of the placenta, its thickness and size. The determination of this degree is important for the prediction of pregnancy and childbirth – with slowed or premature aging of the placenta, blood circulation and nutrition can be disturbed, the baby can suffer. Data on the maturity of the placenta is indicated by the doctor with ultrasound, and the placenta can have maturity from zero to third degree. By the term of 33 weeks, the placenta has a first degree of maturity, and in the presence of a placenta with a second degree of maturity, the doctor will more closely monitor the pregnant woman.


At 33 weeks, the discharge should be mild, transparent or slightly whitish, without a strong odor and pathological inclusions. Due to the mucous plugs, excretion can be a little more common than always. At this time, the nature of the discharge can change with the development of thrush. In this case, the discharge becomes milky white, curdled or flaky, with the smell of sour milk, plentiful, with the development of itching and burning in the vagina.

This condition requires treatment in order to avoid premature birth or intrauterine infection of the fetus, maternal health problems. The doctor will prescribe treatment with candles, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and wear only breathing linen, washing with decoctions of herbs or a solution of soda. No less dangerous may be a discharge of greenish, yellow, gray or white in color with an admixture of mucus, foam, vesicles, pus or a sharp unpleasant odor. Such discharge is usually accompanied by redness of the perineum, a feeling of itching and burning in the vagina..

Usually, genital infections manifest themselves in this way, which must be treated immediately in order to avoid intrauterine infection of the fetus. Usually, the doctor performs a smear and, according to its results, prescribes local, and very rarely, general therapy with oral medication. Bloody, spotting or blood on the underwear is dangerous. This condition requires hospitalization and exclusion of pathologies of the placenta and cervix, premature birth.

If the discharge is abundant, watery in nature, with a sweet smell, colorless and constantly wet clothes, it is necessary to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid. In the presence of defects in the fetal bladder, odes leak and open the way for fetal infection. In addition, this is a real threat of the onset of labor. A test for amniotic fluid at home or at a doctor’s appointment is necessary. If water leaks, you must immediately decide whether to continue the pregnancy – the infection can penetrate the fetus in just a few hours.

Stomach ache

With a normal pregnancy, there should be no abdominal pain. The uterus is relaxed, the ligaments are stretched and only light training contractions can occur, which will not bring any pain and discomfort. If there is abdominal pain or severe discomfort, you need to talk to your doctor and undergo an additional examination.

If there is soreness in the lower abdomen with a sharp compaction of the uterine wall, in the presence of severe pain in the lower back, especially with spotting, placental abruption can occur, a condition dangerous to the mother and fetus. Immediate hospitalization in the hospital and life-saving measures are needed. With a small area of ​​detachment, it is possible to use conservative methods of therapy to prolong pregnancy.

Pain can also be in the back, lower back, on the sides of the abdomen or in the pelvic area due to the growth of the fetus and the pressure of its weight. This occurs due to a change in the center of gravity, stretching and softening of the ligaments. Wearing a bandage, special gymnastics and frequent rest can relieve these pains..

Colds and treatments

In this period, as in any other, the development of a cold is possible. SARS and influenza in this period of pregnancy can be dangerous, they lead to damage to the placenta and premature aging, which will disrupt uterine-placental blood flow. Although the fetal immune system is already active, it can skip viruses or microbes, which will lead to impaired fetal development and functional abnormalities in the nervous system.

A runny nose with a cold is dangerous because it disrupts proper breathing and oxygen delivery to the tissues and the fetus, coughing can lead to an increase in uterine tone due to an increase in intraperitoneal pressure during coughing. High temperature leads to the threat of premature birth, placental abruption and other complications. If you get sick, how to treat a cold, the doctor will tell you. Self-medication for colds of pregnant women is prohibited.

Mom’s diet and weight

At 33 weeks, weight gain in general can range from nine to 13 kg, depending on the initial weight before pregnancy. In thin girls, weight gain is 13-15 kg. Chubby – about 8-9 kg. Small deviations of 1-2 kg are not considered a pathology, and are quite acceptable in both directions. In the third trimester, weight control is extremely important, since very large increases can indicate a pronounced fluid retention of the onset of gestosis, or an improper diet and the formation of excess weight.

In this regard, monitoring the proper nutrition of the expectant mother and correcting her diet with high weight gain is important. A woman needs to monitor what and how much she eats, refuse fatty and high-calorie foods, carbohydrates and sweets. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein and vitamins, minerals, and plant fiber in the diet. It is worth abandoning fast food products, highly allergenic foods and eating in small portions, but often, at least five to six times a day. It should be very salt food, especially with swelling.


If there is a desire and no contraindications, sex in this period of pregnancy is not contraindicated. But it is worth consulting with a doctor what poses are possible. In the presence of contraindications or the threat of premature birth, intimacy should be abandoned for the remaining time before the birth.

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Comments: 2
  1. Andrew Watson

    “How can I best prepare for the arrival of my baby during the thirty-third week of pregnancy? Any tips on what I should prioritize in terms of baby essentials, nursery setup, or self-care? Are there any signs or symptoms I should pay extra attention to at this stage? Any advice from experienced parents or healthcare professionals would be greatly appreciated!”

    1. Grace Torres

      During the thirty-third week of pregnancy, it’s important to focus on preparing for your baby’s arrival. Prioritize buying essential items, such as a crib, clothing, diapers, and feeding supplies. Set up the nursery with a cozy and safe environment. For self-care, ensure adequate rest, proper nutrition, and regular exercise. Look out for signs of labor, such as regular contractions, water breaking, or changes in baby’s movement. Watch for any unusual symptoms like severe abdominal pain or bleeding, as these may indicate complications. Seek advice from experienced parents or healthcare professionals for personalized guidance. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so consult your doctor for specific recommendations.

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