
Types of human temperament and their characteristics

This WordPress post explores the various types of human temperament and their characteristics. Temperament is the overall combination of emotional, intellectual, and behavioral traits that make each person unique. There are four basic temperaments - sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic - each with their own distinctive qualities. Sanguine people are energetic and extroverted; choleric people are strong-willed and assertive; phlegmatic people tend to be thoughtful and calm; melancholic people are naturally thoughtful and can be perfectionists. While everyone has a blend of all four temperaments, understanding your dominant temperament can be beneficial in managing relationships, making decisions quickly, forming strong leadership skills, and creating effective communication.

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How a person behaves in different situations depends not only on his upbringing or character. More often it determines temperament. The words “sanguine” or “melancholic” are familiar to many, but not everyone understands what is behind them, what are their differences, how do they affect personality.

What does type of temperament mean?

Types of temperament according to Hippocrates and Gallen

Temperament – a set of mental qualities of a person, which are laid down in him by nature. The type of personality that brain chemistry determines is the central nervous system. You cannot change temperament, but you can develop some qualities, hide others. Congenital traits will appear when a person does not control his behavior. Initially, types of personality temperament were distinguished in Greco-Arabic medicine. This knowledge was used to treat diseases..

Hippocrates was the first to speak about the types of temperament. He proposed a classification of the bodily fluids that make up the human body. This is blood, phlegm (lymph), yellow, black bile. So there were four types of temperament. Other scholars associated the personality traits of a person with his constitution (body structure).

What determines

In modern psychology, types of temperament are identified on the basis of the speed of arousal, inhibition of nervous processes. Experts take into account how quickly a response to a stimulus (reactivity) arises, with what force it manifests itself. The role is played by the activity or passivity of behavior in this situation, the ability to adapt to new conditions and the rate of adaptation, the level of excitability of emotions, the rate of reactions.

Hippocrates and Gallen

Ancient scholars associated temperament with the state of the body, and not the characteristics of the nervous system. Hippocrates claimed that the reaction determines the ratio of body juices. The theory was developed and supplemented by his student, Claudius Gallen. He explained temperament as behavioral features that are associated with metabolic processes in the body. Blood warms, lymph cools, and bile dries (yellow) or increases humidity (black).

The role of bodily juices in personality behavior:

  • Lymph (phlegm) – a calm, balanced person.
  • Yellow bile (chole) – unrestrained actions, impulsive behavior.
  • Blood (Sangvis) – active, mobile.
  • Black bile (melana chole) – sad, thoughtful nature, which is prone to digging.

According to Ivan Pavlov

Types of higher nervous activity according to Ivan Pavlov

The Russian scientist divided the temperament into species according to the properties of the nervous system. He took 3 components as a basis. “Strength” determines how quickly a person recovers from labor, how much he remains working. “Balance” measures how much he remains calm under stressful conditions, how it suppresses spontaneous desires. The component “mobility” Pavlov associated with the reaction to the situation, the ability to acquire new skills.

So 4 human temperaments turned out:

  • Alive. Strong, agile but balanced.
  • Calm. Stable, inert (slow), adequately responds to stress.
  • Rampant. It acts impulsively, reacts and learns quickly. Efficiency of such people is high.
  • Weak. The nervous system is very sensitive, stable. Strength, low mobility.

According to Hans Eysenck

Typology of temperament according to Hans Eisenck

The British scientist created the most popular typology, which became the basis of psychological tests for temperament. Eisenk relied on the emotional stability of a person, the processes of arousal, inhibition of the nervous system. He revised the theory of C. Jung about intro and extraverts, supplemented the concept of neuroticism. This is excessive sensitivity, emotional instability, sharp mood swings, a quick change of interests.

Eysenck’s explanation of the 2 types of personality:

  • Extrovert. Impulsive, sociable, optimistic, poorly controlled feelings and emotions.
  • Introvert. Calm and shy, likes order, even in thoughts, clear plans.

Eisenck’s classification of temperament:

  • Emotionally resilient extrovert (sanguine).
  • Introvert with neuroticism (choleric).
  • Sustainable emotionally introvert (phlegmatic).
  • Extrovert with neuroticism (melancholic).

How does character

Temperament does not change throughout life, it is visible already in the first days after the birth of a child. Character (temper) is finally formed in adolescence, it can be adjusted. External factors influence it: education, upbringing, society, life experience. The character does not depend on temperament, but can manifest itself in different ways depending on its type. So, the hard work of a choleric and a melancholic will not look the same.

Important points in the relationship of 2 concepts:

  • Temperament affects how character traits manifest. For a choleric, hard work will result in a fanatical attitude to the cause. Due to an unbalanced nature, he will quit what he started in irritation several times and continue with inspiration.
  • Character traits can suppress temperament in certain situations. The hardworking choleric, who received a powerful motivation, will nevertheless finish the job, although it is difficult with his nervous system.

Types of human temperament

None of the 4 types are found in pure form. The temperament of each person is mixed with a predominance of 1-2 species. In addition to them, in modern psychology there are other theories of personality, but the types represented in them can be easily correlated with those called Hippocrates.


Type sanguine

People are very lively, with pronounced artistic, leadership qualities. They lead the crowd, adjust circumstances for themselves, change the environment. Sanguine people support any activity, are mobile, playful, love fun. These are optimistic extroverts full of enthusiasm. After meeting such a person it is easy to think that you are old friends. He is open to the world, quickly converges with others, trusts them.

Sanguine people are very talkative and in conversation can exaggerate events, forget the small details that look insignificant for them. For them, the main thing is emotions and the scale of the action, not dry numbers. They pay attention only to what they are interested in. Due to their emotionality and enthusiasm, sanguine people can be punctual, forget about business, scheduled meetings. It is very difficult for them to control thoughts, feelings.

Phlegmatic person

Type of phlegmatic

It is characterized by absolute calm, control over the mind. He easily copes with stressful situations, keeps his head sober in any conditions. Phlegmatic shows himself well in a team and with affairs that do not require urgent implementation. If possible, he will put them off for a long time. It is hard for him to make himself accelerate, adapt to new conditions. He will not be able to make a quick decision.

It is easy to get along with a phlegmatic person, if you do not try to change his way of acting and thinking. He is open to others, but does not become attached too much. The center of the world is a family and old friends. To the latter, the phlegmatic is very loyal, forgiving offenses for a long time. It’s hard for him to break off an old relationship. Patience, silence – one of the main features of such a nature.



These are bright people who work for the result and are quickly exhausted. They are ready to fight obstacles, go against others. Their independence and self-confidence is difficult to suppress. Even if they are wrong, they continue to fulfill their plan. Choleric people make decisions quickly and are ready to do it even for others. They easily take risks if the goal in their understanding justifies itself. Failures cause them irritation and even bouts of aggression that quickly subside.

People with such a temperament and explosive nature are difficult in a relationship. Choleric people rarely become attached, they almost do not empathize with others, do not show compassion. They have a strong business acumen and a practical approach to everything. Almost no compromises on choleric, they prefer to give a definite answer right away.



Easily injured, impressionable, refined natures. Such people experience painful and long failures. They often have increased anxiety, isolation. Their nervous system is very unstable and vulnerable, so stressful situations lead to depression. These people want to do everything right, strictly follow the plan, observe the smallest details. They are good analysts. In any case, it is important for them to get a lot of time to carefully think about the problem.

Such people are not inclined to risk. They collect facts and data for a long time, double-check everything new several times. Until a person or event is thoroughly examined, they will be negative towards him. Plus melancholy – this is their organization, ability to learn. They are good at managing processes, getting to the bottom of the matter. The ideal life for them is stable and traditional..

Comparative characteristic of temperaments

The connection between the properties of the nervous system and physique of many experts raises questions. The remaining comparison criteria (health, addictions, etc.) depend on it directly. For this reason, it is important to know the pros and cons of your type. This is also useful in building harmonious relationships. Maximum compatibility for couples, where partners are diametrically opposed to each other, and the strongest friendship is for people with the same temperament.

Body type

  • Choleric. The trunk and limbs are elongated, tall, chest flat. The forehead is wide, the chin is sharp, the cheekbones stand out brightly.
  • Sanguine. The figure is round, all limbs are short, growth is not above average. Soft features.
  • Phlegmatic person. Massive stocky with a wide chest and short neck. Face often square or rectangular, nose with tip down.
  • Melancholic. Thin, with poorly developed muscles, thin bones, a long neck. The features are graceful, the upper part is wide, the forehead is high.


  • Choleric. Due to strong excitability and imbalance, diseases of the gallbladder and liver appear. The pulse is in the range of 75–85 beats / min.
  • Sanguine. People with such a restless nature often have problems with their heart and blood vessels. Their pulse rate is 65–75 beats / min.
  • Phlegmatic person. Due to slow internal processes, inactivity, diseases of the stomach or intestines may appear. Heart rate below 65 bpm.
  • Melancholic. The nervous system is very sensitive, so it often suffers. From it, problems with any internal organs may appear. Heart rate greater than 85 bpm.


  • Choleric. Fast attached to people, does not tolerate separation.
  • Sanguine. Relationships are easy, but for practical reasons, so they’re not deep in them, they quickly break everything.
  • Phlegmatic person. It opens to everyone, but not to the maximum. There are few close people, he is ready to keep in touch with them until the last.
  • Melancholic. Slowly moving closer to others, hard begins to trust and open up. He is experiencing a breakup very painfully.

Career and job

Temperament and profession

  • Choleric. It easily makes its way to high positions in a large company. The best professions are those in which you can splash out excess energy. It is recommended to try to become a journalist, reporter, diplomat, artist, director. Priority is leadership, career growth.
  • Sanguine. A calculating person who does not tolerate monotonous actions feels good in the role of boss. He is ready to become a teacher, manager, department director, event organizer. The main value is money.
  • Phlegmatic person. His priority is stability. Ready to do monotonous work, without haste and fuss, analyze the situation, weigh decisions. These people make therapist, accountant, researcher.
  • Melancholic. This person will not fight for the position, professions with high responsibility for the life and health of others are not suitable for him. He will not be able to constantly communicate with people. Melancholy people choose creative professions: artist, musician, writer. Well they manage and communicate with animals, so they become vets.

Stress response

  • Choleric. In the first minutes anger, irritation appear, but they quickly subside. Expresses emotions openly, but after calming them down, begins to solve the problem..
  • Sanguine. Will ignore an unpleasant situation or try to find advantages in it. If it doesn’t work, it will turn on external assistance or change activities.
  • Phlegmatic person. At the first stage, a long analysis of the causes of the problem takes place, then a slow implementation of actions to solve it.
  • Melancholic. Panic, fear – the first reaction. A lot of energy is spent on experiences. The man himself is not able to solve the situation, asks for help.


  • Choleric. He wants recognition, popularity, power over people. On the way to the goal, the choleric will demolish everything.
  • Sanguine. Admiration and love are the priority, but such a person would rather go around obstacles than eliminate them.
  • Phlegmatic person. Actively, he does not get ahead, but if something interferes with a measured life, he.
  • Melancholic. Recognition and support are needed only to increase poor self-esteem. This type of personality rarely has enough emotional forces to achieve a goal..

Hobbies and hobbies

  • Choleric. Classes in which you can throw out energy: sports, skydiving, quests, competitions.
  • Sanguine. Hobbies associated with communication, new experiences: theater and cinema, traveling, singing, KVN.
  • Phlegmatic person. Cognitive tasks: puzzles, reading, science, architecture, botany.
  • Melancholic. Calm, thoughtful pursuits: mysticism, riddles, philosophy, meditation. Applied art: drawing, modeling, pottery.
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Comments: 1
  1. Alexander Clarke

    What are the different types of human temperament and how do they affect personality traits and behaviors?

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