What foods contain zinc

This WordPress post provides an overview of foods which contain zinc, an essential mineral which is beneficial for health. It outlines the benefits of zinc consumption, including promoting a healthy immune system and providing key elements for growth and development. The post provides a comprehensive list of zinc-rich foods, categorized into meats and seafood, legumes and beans, nuts and seeds, dairy, and grains. Additionally, it includes tips for maximizing dietary zinc absorption and food preparation methods to ensure the mineral is retained.

The content of the article

Modern people are stressed due to the fast pace of life, so it’s good to eat foods high in zinc. This mineral affects the metabolism, improves well-being. Without a trace element, cellular metabolism will be disrupted, which will lead to fatigue, increased fatigue and nervous breakdowns.

Why zinc is useful in food

Doctors say that zinc in food and diet performs the following functions for the health of the human body:

  • improves metabolism – takes part in the creation, breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • supports the work of immunity – affects leukocytes, antibodies to diseases, hormones;
  • improves the body’s resistance to infections;
  • affects the growth of the child, participates in the process of cell division;
  • in adolescence, it is necessary in the formation of the reproductive system, the production of sperm and eggs;
  • cleanses of toxins, removes heavy metals;
  • slows down the aging of cells;
  • normalizes hair and skin.


Due to a lack of zinc, the following list of adverse factors may occur:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia);
  • allergies, dermatitis;
  • malfunctions in immunity;
  • decreased blood circulation, anemia;
  • pregnant women experience difficult delivery, fetal growth retardation, up to a miscarriage;
  • difficulty healing wounds;
  • decreased growth, delayed puberty;
  • hair loss – the result is immediately visible in the photo and in life;
  • frequent colds;
  • distraction, decreased concentration;
  • in adolescents, a lack of element causes a craving for alcohol;
  • in men after 50 years – an increased risk of prostate adenoma.

The maximum number of trace elements is located inside the genitals of men, blood cells and the retina. Mineral deficiency is caused by a lack of substance in the incoming food, due to active physical exertion, due to which there is a copious perspiration. If you consume a large amount of carbohydrates and diuretics, then the trace element will not be enough, so it is useful to remember which foods contain zinc.

Products containing zinc

It is important to know that the mineral is better absorbed with a large amount of protein and vitamin A. Phytates – derivatives of phytic acid – slow down absorption. Foods rich in iron, calcium, and lead should be avoided. It is better to use these micronutrients separately in order to improve the metabolism inside important tissues and organs of the whole body. For children and adults, regular intake of the item with meals is recommended. Daily Value in mg:

  • the first six months for girls – 2;
  • six months for boys – 3;
  • 0.5-3 years – 3;
  • 4-8 years – 5;
  • 9-13 years old – 8;
  • 14-18 years for girls – 9;
  • 14-18 years for boys – 11;
  • 19-59 years for women – 12;
  • 19-50 years for men – 15;
  • after 50 years for women – 10;
  • after 50 years for men – 13;
  • the daily requirement for pregnancy under the age of 18 is 15;
  • during pregnancy older than 19 years – 14;
  • nursing mothers under the age of 18 – 15;
  • lactating after 18 years – 17.

Useful facts about the mineral:

  1. The use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the concentration of the element.
  2. Zinc toxicity starts at 150 mg per day.
  3. If there are intestinal diseases or diuretics are taken, then you need to get more zinc with products where it is contained.
  4. Dairy products, caffeine, alcohol wash out the element, preventing it from digesting.
  5. The element with legumes, peanuts, baking powder, soy products that have undergone fermentation (for example, miso – Japanese soup) is better absorbed..
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Products containing zinc

What is zinc in?

When searching for information on which foods contain zinc, one can find facts confirming leadership in the content of this element in grains, beans, and nuts. The leaders are oysters, boiled fish, bran from wheat. Meat products and meat will answer the question of which foods contain zinc. Dry and pressed yeast abound in minerals. Rich in zinc:

  • bird;
  • cheese;
  • onions, garlic, green vegetables;
  • potatoes;
  • buckwheat, lentils, soy;
  • barley flour, bread;
  • dry cream;
  • radish;
  • citrus;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashews);
  • apples, figs, dates;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • green tea.

Which foods contain a lot of zinc

You will find the highest zinc content in the products in the table below:

Name Content in mg per 100 g
Oysters 60
Fried calf liver sixteen
Wheat bran sixteen
Boiled eel (fish) 12
Beef stew 9.5
Poppy 8
Pine nut 6.5

Zinc-containing animal products

To the question, in which products is zinc present, nutritionists give the answer – the largest amount of mineral is in food of animal origin. The table shows the products enriched with an element:

Name Content in mg per 100 g
Boiled chicken hearts 7
Fried lamb liver 6
Boiled beef tongue 5
Fried lamb kidney 3,5
Anchovies 3,5
Salmon 1
Yolk 4
Milk 0.5
Dry yeast 8

Plant Products with Zinc

When figuring out which foods include zinc, do not forget about plant-based foods. The table contains information about them:

Name Content in mg per 100 g
Pecan 5.5
Brazilian nut 4
Peanut 3
Walnut 3
Almond 2,5
Cashew 2
Coconut Pulp 2
Hazelnut 2
Pistachios 1,5
Dried apricot 0.75
Dried plum 0.5
Kohlrabi 3,5
Sesame 8
Pumpkin (seeds) 7.5
Sunflower seed 5.5
Soya beans 4
Lentils 4
Popcorn 3,5
Peas 3.3
Coarse wheat flour 3
White beans 2,5
Boiled beans 1,5
Pasta 0.5
Hercules 0.5
Corn 0.5
Cooked polished rice 0.5
Porcini 1,5
Horseradish 1.4
Nettle 1
Common dream 1
Chives 0.5

Zinc Products Video

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Comments: 1
  1. Avery Hayes

    Can you provide a list of foods that are rich in zinc?

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