
What is dangerous “European winter” for the Russians

This post discusses the potential dangers of the changing climate and its effects on the people of Russia. It illustrates how extreme cold weather known as the "European winter" can cause problems such as frozen pipes, decreased crop harvests, and the serious danger of hypothermia. It highlights how this season puts an enormous strain on the elderly and urban populations, and how these populations need to be provided with extra protection from the cold in order to ensure their safety. To conclude, the post highlights how the consequences of the extreme cold are not only uncomfortable, but potentially life-threatening.

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Weather anomalies of recent years are noted by weather forecasters and ordinary people. Many are happy that the summer in some regions has become hotter, the number of sunny days has increased, and winter pleases with a mild climate. Even Siberians rarely see protracted frosts with a thermometer column falling to -40 ° C. December 2019 became 4 ° warmer compared to the previous thirty years, more like November. It’s nice to walk in such weather, but these anomalies have many disadvantages for nature and human health..

What is the “European winter”

Rome in winter

The climate of Russia from December to February depends on the region, but the common features are the same everywhere. The average air temperature is minus 15–20 degrees; severe frosts occur in the second half of winter. In Siberia, numbers can drop to 40-50. There is a lot of snow, but not once, but regularly, in small portions. A person tolerates cold well, because the air from dry frosts becomes dry.

The weather in winter in Europe is much milder. Most countries do not see snow or it falls 2-3 times in all 3 months, it melts quickly. Humidity is closer to high, so even 0 ° is felt like Russian – 15 °. The average temperature in Europe rarely drops below -5 ° in winter, and returns to positive values ​​during the day. Residents of the Czech Republic or Germany in January can wear a thin down jacket, walk without a hat, but there are chances to get your feet wet. Recent years for Russia is also a reality.

Risks of weather anomalies

The trend for warming in the winter carries more negative than positive. Over time, the situation normalizes, but now there are too many fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric pressure. Neither nature, nor the human body, nor economic services have time to adapt to this. The life cycle of plants that need frosts, heavy snow is broken. In humans, vessels, the nervous system are under attack.


Flu danger

Severe frosts kill viruses, bacteria flying in the air, so the flu epidemic often occurs in November or March. Abnormal heat in winter creates good conditions for pathogenic microorganisms, allows them to multiply actively.

In such weather, there is a much greater chance of contracting SARS, ARI, or a more severe infection..

The situation is aggravated by the fact that people are more likely to go outside when it is 5 ° outside the window. They often visit public places where rotavirus and other pathogens spread quickly. Doctors advise not to forget to take vitamins and use Oxolinic ointment before leaving home. It is necessary to insulate well: with high humidity, characteristic of the “European winter”, you need to protect your head, legs.

Bad harvest

The deceptive warmth of November and December disrupts the natural life cycle of plants. Many of them begin to wake up before falling asleep. In the Botanical Garden at Moscow State University, flowering of some plants began. Kidneys are swollen in the parks, green grass can be seen in the streets.

If frost hits, many plants will die, this could negatively affect the harvest of next year.

The earth is cold in the European climate, but it does not freeze completely, it is not covered by snow. If it does not fall out in large quantities, winter crops (wheat, rye) in the spring will be deprived of moisture reserves. There is a risk of a poor harvest, you may need to sow cereals.


Symptoms of Depression

In winter, there are almost no sudden changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure in Europe. For Russia, December warming is an anomaly that accompanies these unpleasant moments. Such instability is difficult for meteorological people to endure. During rare sunny days, their blood pressure rises and headaches occur. The body is not ready for this, because it has always lived in a different climate. It is very difficult for the elderly and those who have heart and vascular diseases.

Weather changes cause alarming conditions, and the absence of the usual snow before the New Year – disappointment and negativity to sudden heat.

All this can provoke severe depression. The situation is worsening due to a lack of sun, which does not add “European warmth”. Doctors advise looking for reasons to rejoice in hobbies, books, films or socializing, not to sit down on drugs.

Bad roads

Cars in the water on the roadway

Heavy precipitation, fluctuations from a large minus to plus temperatures worsen the condition of asphalt, quickly destroy it. Heat during the day turns snow, mud into porridge, increases gliding on the road, which increases the number of accidents. When the temperature drops below zero at night, this mass freezes, and no less dangerous ice with potholes arises. Road services have not yet had time to adapt to these weather conditions, so they urge drivers to be careful.

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Comments: 3
  1. Rhiannon

    The concept of a dangerous “European winter” for Russians has been widely discussed, but what specific risks or challenges does it pose? Is it solely due to extreme weather conditions or are there other factors at play? Are there any precautionary measures that Russians take to ensure their safety during this period?

  2. Aspen

    As a reader, I would like to know why the European winter is considered dangerous for Russians. Is it due to extreme temperature drops? Or are there specific weather conditions or hazards that pose a threat?

  3. Wyatt Davis

    What are the specific dangers that Russians face during the “European winter”? Are they primarily related to extreme cold temperatures, lack of proper winter infrastructure, or do other factors come into play as well? Additionally, how do Russians typically cope with these dangers and what measures are taken by the government to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens during this season?

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