What you can’t say to an alcoholic

This WordPress post focuses on the topic of being an alcoholic and the difficulties that come with it. It also shares the insights of people close to the person afflicted with alcoholism, who are in a better position to provide support and help the sufferer in times of need. The article suggests tips on how to be a supportive friend or family member when an alcoholic has opened up and talked about their situation. One of the key tips is to avoid judgmental language and instead focus on understanding, compassion and love. The article also stresses the importance of seeking professional help and providing a safe environment where the alcoholic can talk openly about their struggles before providing any solutions. It further advises against suggesting ‘quick-fix solutions’ and ‘miracle cures’ as it implies a lack of understanding of the complexities of the situation. The article is a great resource for those looking for advice on how to compassionately support an alcoholic.

The content of the article

A pathological craving for alcohol is a severe psychological dependence that affects a person’s consciousness. If relatives want the patient to be cured, they should carefully monitor not only their actions, but also their speech. There are phrases that break with the tongue for good purposes, but can greatly harm the alcoholic.

The difficulty of communicating with a drinking person

Conversation with an alcoholic

Large amounts of alcohol negatively affect the internal organs, psyche, starting the process of personality degradation. If a person drinks for a long time and a lot, he becomes unrestrained, has poor control over speech and resembles a small capricious child.

Relatives encounter communication difficulties and feel helpless. Psychologists in this situation recommend avoiding excessive custody, gentleness in conversations with an alcoholic, because it relaxes. Threats, ultimatums are also unacceptable. It is important to show that you understand the situation, are ready to lend a helping hand, but avoid violent admiration for moments when a person does not drink.

Phrases that should not sound

The main advice of doctors on how to talk with an alcoholic: never point out to him addiction, especially in a negative way, neither during drinking bout nor at the treatment stage. A person should not constantly receive reminders of weakness, feel deeply sick. Feeling guilty rarely works correctly, often gives the opposite effect. It’s not worth risking, especially to relatives from whom support, understanding are expected.

“Why don’t you stop drinking?”

Consequences of alcoholism

The worst thing you can do when trying to help a loved one is to put pressure on weaknesses, poke your nose at mistakes. With regard to psychological addictions, this does not work like it does with other things: poor school, poor nutrition. Even if a sober alcoholic realizes that a bad habit can cost him his life, he will not be able to abandon it instantly. Question-pressure will only aggravate the situation.

Doctors, explaining how to talk with an alcoholic, are advised to exercise more understanding, caution, remembering that this is a disease. At home, it’s worth bringing a person to the idea of ​​treatment and struggle by finding out the causes of addiction.

“Why aren’t you drinking?”

This question is often asked by those who are partially dedicated to the situation – friends, colleagues, sometimes relatives. The sudden attempt of an alcoholic to quit, having kept it a secret, can cause surprise. It’s not worth asking why he refused the offered glass: this will only provoke embarrassment and discomfort.

Talking about how you can’t talk with an alcoholic, doctors advise avoiding the topic of addiction, avoiding the emphasis on new behavioral features. The less attention will be paid to the problem and the beginning (the most difficult stage) of its solution, the higher the person’s chances to go all the way.

“You are recovering incorrectly”

Forced treatment

The way a person overcomes difficult situations, especially those that break the psyche, is always individual. Do not try to impose your vision of therapy, distraction from the problem – this will only aggravate the situation. Show understanding, give moral support, provide a positive attitude. Remember that you will not experience the same sensations and will not know how to get out of alcoholism if you yourself do not go through it. Leave the decision to the patient.

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“I hid the alcohol”

The phrase implying an attempt to help is, in reality, a rash step that indicates the addict is powerless. He interprets these words in his own way: “I hid the alcohol, because otherwise you would pounce on it.” It causes awkwardness, discomfort, undermines the resolve to fight the disease. If you want to help someone close, ask about how you can ease the period of breaking and adaptation..

Getting rid of all the alcohol in the house often does not produce any result: alcohol is available from friends, colleagues, and in stores. Isolate the patient from strong drinks can only be in a special institution. To support a loved one, you need to pay attention and provide psychological assistance.

“Today is a holiday, you can have a drink”

You can not drink

A person who is trying to get rid of addiction should avoid any mention of it. At the stage when the memory of the disease is fresh, even hints of “relaxation” cannot be allowed. If loved ones think that a glass of alcohol can be a reward, this is a misconception. Even a sip of what a person is trying to give up is capable of shaking the decision to heal and nullify all efforts, provoke a new binge.

If there is an alcoholic in the family, holidays are best spent soberly. Close ones should also give up alcohol to support the addict. The presence of alcohol at a celebration is a great risk and test of willpower, which not everyone can stand..

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Comments: 4
  1. Wyatt Kelly

    Can you provide some guidance on what not to say to someone struggling with alcohol addiction? I want to ensure that I don’t unintentionally hurt or offend them.

    1. Benjamin Newman

      When speaking to someone struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s essential to be sensitive and supportive. Avoid making judgmental comments or shaming them for their addiction. Refrain from blaming or criticizing their past actions and choices. Avoid offering unsolicited advice or simplistic solutions. It is important not to enable their addictive behavior, so avoid making excuses for their actions or participating in activities that may trigger them. Instead, express empathy, offer encouragement, and let them know you are there to support them. Finally, be cautious with your language choice, as certain phrases like “just stop drinking” may oversimplify their struggle and underestimate the complexity of addiction.

      1. Mason Carter

        When speaking to someone struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s crucial to show sensitivity and support. Avoid being judgmental or shaming them. Don’t blame or criticize their past actions and choices. Refrain from offering unsolicited advice or simplistic solutions. Avoid enabling their addictive behavior and steer clear of triggering activities. Instead, show empathy, offer encouragement, and let them know you’re there to support them. Be cautious with your language choices, as oversimplifying their struggle underestimates the complexity of addiction.

        1. Ethan Walker

          When speaking to someone struggling with alcohol addiction, it’s important to be compassionate, supportive, and non-judgmental. Avoid criticizing their past choices and actions, and refrain from offering unsolicited advice or quick fixes. Instead, listen to them, offer empathy, and encourage them to seek professional help. Let them know you’re there to support them on their journey to recovery. Avoid enabling their addictive behavior and be mindful of your language, as addiction is a complex and challenging issue that requires understanding and patience. Ultimately, showing kindness and understanding can make a world of difference to someone battling alcohol addiction.

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