
Who owns the landline number

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Annoying sellers, bank employees, collectors are sometimes annoyed by calls to a personal number. In such cases, there is a desire to protect yourself or write a complaint, but for this you need to find out information about the caller. There are several options to get this data..

Ways to find out who owns a landline phone number

Since the data of Russian citizens is confidential, administrative responsibility is imposed for the disclosure of personal information. You can try to determine the owner by phone, but not one option does not give a one hundred percent guarantee.

Call back

To understand who just spoke to you, call back. Do not forget to turn on the recording so that you can later listen to the conversation and try to identify your opponent by voice. You can dial him from another number, introduce yourself as a call center operator conducting a survey, and ask a few questions: it will turn out to know the name of the interlocutor.


Information about the caller can be found in city services or paper directories, but in this case there is no guarantee that the information will be reliable: the apartments are sold, the owners of stationary devices change, and the data is not updated for years. Regional reference numbers are available on the network, you will have to manually search for the recipient in the phone book: the data is sorted by last name, which makes it difficult to select, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Internet database

There are resources that provide access to information about landline owners. Material for databases is obtained by fraudulent means or from open sources. Users are hacked, collected information on Avito, Facebook and posted on sites. For breaking the law, such web services often block.

These systems may be incomplete or old, some sites require a fee for access to information. It is possible to break a city number on such resources, but information is often false.

Social networks

Facebook Phone Number Search

You can find out the name by the number of your home phone via VKontakte, Facebook. To do this, enter the numbers in the appropriate search bar: if the user has specified data on the page, his account will open.

Search algorithm in VK:

  1. Save number in smartphone address book.
  2. Open VK mobile application.
  3. Import contacts.
  4. Press the + key in the “Friends” tab.
  5. Start user search from phone book.

If a person is not registered in social networks, it will not be possible to find him. Privacy settings also allow you to close your account for strangers.

Search engines

Search number in Yandex

You can verify the ownership of the number using the Google and Yandex services, if the information about the caller is publicly available. The search line will help you find it: type numbers on the keyboard and press “Enter”.

The method will work in three cases:

  • if the contact belongs to the organization and is on the official page;
  • if the fraudster called and information about him was posted by users or the police;
  • if the subscriber has left information about himself in the discussions on the web forum.

It is better to use both services, as they provide information in different ways. If the contact has never been indicated on the network, it will not be possible to find the owner using this method.

Contact the police

You can find out the identity of the caller through law enforcement by writing a statement about fraud, hooliganism. Employees will open a criminal or administrative case, conduct an audit. The police will not provide personal information about the violator, but will protect against the threat.

Free apps online

You can determine the organization by phone number through special programs: they often do not require payment, they are easily installed on a smartphone. The most popular services are 2GIS and Trukoller. Applications show the full data of incoming calls and automatically look for information when dialing numbers from a mobile.

2GIS for enterprises and organizations


This program can be used if the caller is in Russia – the first digits and area code will help determine this. The application is free, available for download, combines the data of 2GIS maps in major cities of the Russian Federation. The program contains information about organizations; it cannot detect a person.

2GIS functions:

  • Caller of incoming calls;
  • finding phones of companies and firms;
  • contact hints.

Truecaller Website


The application contains information from the international telephone directory: data on all subscribers entered in the global database. Information is updated every month. Users synchronize the contacts on the smartphone with the program server: the numbers are stored as recorded in the phone books of the system participants. To search for information about the caller, you need:

  1. Install app.
  2. Sign in with your Google, Microsoft, Facebook account.
  3. Enter the landline number in the search bar.
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Comments: 1
  1. Lily Simmons

    ? Can anyone find out who owns a specific landline number or is that information private?

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