
Worms during pregnancy – what to do, treatment with pills and folk remedies

Pregnancy is a delicate time for any woman, and certain health conditions, such as worms, can worsen the situation. This post explains the importance of diagnosing and treating this problem with both pills, prescribed by a doctor, and natural remedies, such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, and radish. Women who experience any related symptoms, like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, lethargy, and anemia, must seek medical help right away. This post summarizes the potential treatments and advises pregnant women to be proactive in managing their health overall.

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Helminthiasis or helminthic invasion is a common problem that is dangerous for the health of a woman in the position and future baby. A woman expecting a baby needs to avoid infection of the body with worms during pregnancy. Often infection with helminthiasis occurs when pinworms, roundworms, dwarf tapeworms, whipworms get inside. Helminthic prophylaxis should be carried out even when planning pregnancy. Parasitic invasion is treated by various means: medicines or alternative recipes..

Symptoms of worms in pregnant women

Helminthiasis is a parasitic disease that occurs when worms (helminths, worms) enter the body. Often a person is “attacked” by a mass of different parasitic organisms: roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, nematodes, and others. Worms in pregnant women are a common occurrence, many women suffer from a similar serious problem. The main sources of the ingestion of worm eggs in the human body:

  • close contact with a sick person (kiss, hug);
  • the use of infected fruits, berries, vegetables;
  • Houseware;
  • contact with pet carriers of worms;
  • playgrounds;
  • improperly prepared meat and fish (insufficient heat treatment).

Pregnancy and worms are closely related concepts. Women in position often become carriers of helminths. Worm larvae enter the female body in the following ways:

  1. Contact household (from a sick person and household items).
  2. Alimentary (through contaminated products, water, dirty hands, breathing sick animals).
  3. Active way (the worm larva enters the body of a pregnant woman through the skin or mucous membrane).
  4. In a transmissible way (through the bites of bloodsucking insects).

Pregnant girl with cat

In most cases, parasites during pregnancy do not immediately trigger the onset of symptoms. Helminthic invasion can occur without obvious signs, sometimes they make themselves felt in the later stages. If symptoms occur, then it can easily be confused with the “standard” signs of pregnancy: weakness, drowsiness, nausea, upset stomach. For this reason, you should definitely check with your doctor to clarify or refute the diagnosis. The main symptoms of the presence of worms in pregnant women:

  • severe itching near the anus (especially in the morning);
  • gnashing of teeth in a dream is also a sign of worms in a pregnant woman;
  • peeling of the skin on the eyelids, fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
  • the skin itches, begins to itch, reddening of tissues is observed;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • worms during pregnancy can cause stool disorders, gas formation and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • decrease in hemoglobin level;
  • sucking hunger until nausea;
  • deterioration of the skin, hair, nail plates during pregnancy;
  • the development of joint diseases, chronic lung diseases;
  • constant weakness, drowsiness;
  • with helminthiasis in a woman during the period of bearing the baby, a feeling of nausea may appear during brushing, an unpleasant odor arises in the oral cavity;
  • fever, pain in muscles and joints.

How to get rid of worms during pregnancy

Before starting treatment of worms in pregnant women, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis in the laboratory. After all the necessary studies, the doctor prescribes drugs in accordance with the type of helminthic invasion and the duration of pregnancy. Medicines or traditional medicine are prescribed that are safe for the fetus and the expectant mother. Worms during pregnancy deprive the body of many useful nutrients, cause severe discomfort, and often cause serious complications. For this reason, helminthiasis needs to be treated..

Worm Pills

Worm tablets for pregnant women

Today there is a wide range of medications that are used to treat helminthic invasion. For example, pills that eliminate worms during pregnancy do an excellent job with parasites and destroy them. In order to avoid complications during the treatment, it is worth avoiding the use of potent anthelmintic tablets at the initial stage of pregnancy (in the 1st trimester).

Some medications can cause miscarriage and other negative consequences in the first weeks of pregnancy. Drinking tablets against helminths in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is safe for mothers and babies (the exception is specific patients with individual problems). Before using any medications to combat worms, it is necessary to undergo an examination and conduct therapy exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication is prohibited. The most popular and effective drugs for worms during pregnancy:

  1. To destroy flat helminths, Azinox, Praziquantel are prescribed.
  2. What can pregnant women from tapeworms? Niclozamide, Albendazole tablets are often prescribed.
  3. To save a woman in a position from worms – nematodes (round worms) use piperazine, Dekaris. Reviews on these drugs are mostly positive..

Pyrantel during pregnancy

Pyrantel tablets are an effective anthelmintic drug. It is prescribed for ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm infection, necatorosis. This tool is absolutely harmless at any stage of pregnancy, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Take Pirantel pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet per day once. The medication has an active therapeutic effect on the pregnant woman, so in most cases one tablet is enough for recovery. In severe cases of helminthic invasion, the duration of treatment increases to 3-4 days.

Piperazine during pregnancy

A medical drug that gives a chance to quickly, effectively get rid of worms – piperazine during pregnancy. Tablets are prescribed in any trimester, they are prescribed for the treatment of ascariasis, enterobiasis. The drug is not dangerous to the future mother and baby in the womb. With a diagnosis of enterobiasis, therapy is prescribed for a duration of 1-3 courses of 5 days (between them there is a 7 day break). If worms of roundworms settled in the body of a pregnant woman, then piperazine tablets are drunk two days an hour before eating food. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 3-4 grams.

Piperazine tablet

Folk remedies for worms

When taking medications for the treatment of helminthic invasion is contraindicated, it is recommended to use any folk remedy for worms for pregnant women. Before embarking on a “natural” therapy, you must always consult a doctor (a pregnant woman may be allergic to components of alternative recipes). The most popular ways to deal with various types of worms:

  1. You need to eat a small piece of garlic daily (before and after meals). Wash down with warm boiled milk. Helminths do not tolerate this plant, so recovery is guaranteed.
  2. Another method proven over the years is pumpkin seeds. You need to eat two tablespoons of seeds for 14 days.
  3. Carrots also drive parasites out of the body of a pregnant woman well. You should drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day (until complete recovery). You should be careful with this medicine, as it can cause an allergic reaction..
  4. From worms and walnuts will help. Of these, you need to make an infusion. The crushed kernels (4 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water, a little salt. Insist 30 minutes and drink the medicine all day.
  5. Such a vegetable as beets, perfectly fights with worms in pregnant women. Juice consumed weekly at 1 tablespoon per day.
  6. Treatment of worms with watermelon is also relevant, but do not abuse this tasty, healthy berry. If too often to enjoy watermelon, then there will be a strong load on the kidneys.
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Comments: 2
  1. Liam Richardson

    I’m really concerned about this topic. As a reader, I would like to know if it’s safe to use pills for worm treatment during pregnancy. Are there any specific medications that are considered safe for pregnant women? Additionally, I’m curious if there are any effective and safe folk remedies or natural treatments that can be used to get rid of worms during pregnancy. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Addison Harris

      It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication, including worm treatment, during pregnancy. Some medications may be considered safe for pregnant women, but it ultimately depends on the specific worm infection and the stage of pregnancy. The safety of folk remedies or natural treatments is also uncertain, as their efficacy and potential risks vary widely. To ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby, it is crucial to discuss these concerns with a qualified healthcare provider who can provide personalized advice and recommend the best course of action.

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