
Professions of the Future – What specialties will be relevant tomorrow?

The professions of tomorrow will be vastly different from those of today. Specialties such as data analytics, computer programming, and artificial intelligence are likely to be the most in-demand jobs of the future. By leveraging the power of these cutting-edge technologies, organizations will be able to optimize operational efficiency, increase competitive advantage, and drive user growth. Additionally, growing demand for online services and digital products means that a broader range of professionals, from designers to marketers, will be needed to support those offerings. This shift in focus suggests that those interested in a successful career must equip themselves with the technical and creative skill sets necessary to succeed in these demanding roles.

The rapid development of technological progress creates the prerequisites for the disappearance of professions and at the same time raises the need for new specialists who meet the requirements of the present.

According to Olesya Gorkova, the general director of the HackerU school in Russia: “After 12 years, due to the growth of automation and robotics, up to 800 million people (20% of the current workforce) may lose their jobs, McKinsey consulting company predicts. Robots and algorithms crowd out not only factory workers, but also managers, administrators, because the computer copes with the analysis of the necessary information better than a person. ” Behind the machine will be machines. A person will be engaged exclusively in the field of intellectual labor..

Space explorers

professions of the future

Space exploration is proceeding rapidly. Thanks to the improvement of technology in the near future there will be many vacancies associated with its research. Demand will increase not only for scientific workers, but also for specialists who are versed in the structure of space technology and are able to control it.

Artificial Organs Specialist

professions of the future

Genetic engineering is developing rapidly, so soon patients who need an organ transplant will not have to spend a long time waiting for a suitable donor. The necessary “screw” of the human body will be grown in the laboratory under the tireless supervision of a special category of medical engineers.

Business Consulting Worker

professions of the future

While robotic technology is capable of replacing a person in production today, in the field of doing business, economic forecasting and developing effective methods, artificial intelligence is not yet comparable to human capabilities. The computer is able to collect statistics, and the definition of development strategies and its implementation will fall on the shoulders of special consultants in the field of business consulting.
This is also confirmed by Roman Bezruchenok, IT Manager at ALP Group: “What professions of the future will be in demand? Highly qualified IT manager who deals daily not only with technology, but also with people. And he will be able to simply, accurately, with emphasis on resource / financial costs and future benefits, explain to the business customer the benefits of blockchain technology and the specific ways of its application in his industry and company (financial sector, the development of heavy systems – for example, workflow, later – large production enterprises and, possibly, state organizations). Now more in demand are developers who thoroughly know the technology. And in 5-7 years, people will be required who can understand it clearly, sell it correctly and professionally support it (in the form of blockchain platforms and complex monitoring systems) ”.

Genetically Modified Manufacturer

professions of the future

Environmental pollution leads to the gradual disappearance of places favorable for agriculture. Which against the backdrop of an ever-increasing population of the Earth, can lead to disaster. However, genetic engineering, which makes it possible to obtain food in laboratories, can save mankind from hunger. Of course, if there is a sufficient number of specialists with the necessary knowledge. That’s why you need to look at this profession right now..

Environmental Specialist

professions of the future

Human activities gradually lead to adverse environmental changes. Therefore, ecologists become overly demanded specialists.

Preserving a unique environment suitable for people is a priority today, according to Oleg Ivanov, a conflict expert, head of the Center for the Settlement of Social Conflicts: “It is worth noting that due to the aggravation of the environmental situation in the world, the acute issue of the exhaustibility of natural resources, environmental pollution , in the future, the profession of ecologists and ecologists-urbanists will be relevant ”.

Virtual environment designer

professions of the future

Already, the graphic component of films and computer games is a determining factor in the choice of a product. And if in the near future a system is created that allows a person to exist in the world of virtual reality, it will create an urgent need for versatile IT specialists who are able not only to monitor normal functioning, but also to create an attractive external shell.

Natalia Storozheva, an employee of the Center for Business and Career Development “Perspective”, said: “One of the most sought-after profession in the next 10 years is a programmer. Everywhere they are not enough to create high-quality software. All over the world, Russian programmers are very much appreciated: they work well, and far fewer Western colleagues agree to receive it. ”.


professions of the future

Microscopic robots that allow you to study the human body from the inside and cure the most serious diseases, a few years ago were considered just a fairy tale. But the rapid development of nanotechnology will soon reveal new professions of the future in the field of healthcare and specialists who are able to work with high-tech equipment – nanomedics.

Vitaly Yurievich Survillo, chairman of the board of directors of the children’s city of professions Masterslavl, predicts their appearance: “Surely new specialties with the prefixes“ nano ”,“ neuro ”,“ bio ”will appear, research activities will be actively developed, including in medicine “.

Transport designer

professions of the future

New environmentally friendly vehicles are already available for purchase. However, the development does not stand still. The research potential of this area is great, the development of the latest vehicles is one of the most promising sectors. Traveling underwater or flying in a car could soon become a reality

Doctor for the elderly

professions of the future

In connection with the increase in the life expectancy of the population and, accordingly, the increase in the number of elderly people, it will soon be necessary to single out specialists who work specifically with people of this category from the total number of doctors. This is primarily due to the need to increase the efficiency and speed of medical care.

According to Natalya Storozheva, the Russian population is aging and needs qualified help, there are more paid clinics and centers and they constantly need staff.

Robot Engineer

professions of the future

Humanity, having gotten rid of the need to independently produce goods, nevertheless, must exercise full control over the process of their production. Design and maintenance of machines that replaced manual labor is now a popular specialty.

The demand for specialists in this field is confirmed by Denis Beglyarov, General Director of People Promotion: “Workers and engineering professions, as a rule, can be united by the common name of technical specialties; technical specialties will retain their relevance; only machines, equipment and tools will change ”.

Of course, one should not expect a sharp jump in the demand for specialists of a certain profession and a shortage of jobs. However, the labor market is already rapidly changing.

Mikhail Pavlenko, Kemppi Russia Welding Engineer, WorldSkills Russia International Expert, says: “I believe that existing professions cannot be abruptly replaced by new ones or disappear, but the process itself will be significantly changed”.

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Comments: 2
  1. Josiah Mitchell

    As the world rapidly evolves, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to career choices. With that in mind, I’m curious to know, what professions do you foresee being in high demand and relevance in the future? With emerging technologies and changing industries, what specialties should we focus on to ensure a successful tomorrow? Share your insights and predictions on the professions of the future!

    1. Eli Wilson

      In the future, professions related to technology and innovation are expected to be in high demand. With advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation, roles such as data scientists, AI specialists, and robotics engineers will become increasingly important. Other fields that are likely to remain relevant include cybersecurity experts to protect against digital threats, sustainability experts to address environmental challenges, and healthcare professionals to cater to the growing aging population. Additionally, there will be a need for professionals in emerging industries such as renewable energy, virtual reality, and e-commerce. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on developing skills in these areas to ensure a successful and fulfilling career in the future.

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