
What is alternative energy?

Alternative energy is the use of renewable, clean energy sources, such as solar, wind, water, geothermal and biofuels, to generate electricity. These sources of energy provide a number of advantages including lower environmental impact, reduced dependence on fossil fuels and improved energy security. Alternative energy sources have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions, create jobs and stimulate economic growth. Additionally, they pose fewer health risks and can increase access to electricity in remote areas. Alternative energy resources are becoming increasingly popular and are playing an increasingly important role in helping to meet our growing energy needs.

Environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources makes us think about how to get electricity and heat from renewable sources..

This article talks about how alternative energy works and why many countries opt for it..

What is alternative energy??

alternative energy sources

Energy is renewable (alternative) and non-renewable (traditional).

Alternative sources of energy are ordinary natural phenomena, inexhaustible resources that are produced naturally. This energy is also called regenerative or “green”.

Non-renewable sources are oil, natural gas and coal. They are looking for a replacement because they can end. Their use is also associated with carbon dioxide emissions, the greenhouse effect and global warming..
Humanity receives energy, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels and the operation of nuclear power plants. Alternative energy – these are methods that give energy in a more environmentally friendly way and do less harm. It is needed not only for industrial purposes, but also in simple houses for heating, hot water, lighting, electronics.

Renewable energy resources

  • sunlight
  • Water currents
  • Wind
  • The tides
  • Biofuel (fuel from plant or animal raw materials)
  • Geothermal heat (bowels of the Earth)

Alternative types of energy

1. Solar energy

alternative source of solar energy

One of the most powerful types of alternative energy sources. Most often, it is converted into electricity by solar panels. The whole planet has enough energy for the whole year that the sun sends to Earth in a day. However, of the total annual output of electricity at solar power plants does not exceed 2%.

The main disadvantages are the dependence on weather and time of day. For northern countries, extracting solar energy is not profitable. The structures are expensive, they must be “looked after” and disposed of in time the photocells themselves, which contain toxic substances (lead, gallium, arsenic). Huge areas required for high yields.

Solar electricity is distributed where it is cheaper than usual: remote inhabited islands and farms, space and sea stations. In warm countries with high electricity tariffs, it can cover the need of an ordinary home. For example, in Israel, 80% of the water is heated by solar energy..

Batteries are also installed on unmanned vehicles, airplanes, airships, Hyperloop trains.

2. Wind power


Wind energy reserves are 100 times greater than the energy reserves of all rivers on the planet. Wind stations help convert wind into electrical, thermal, and mechanical energy. The main equipment is wind generators (for generating electricity) and windmills (for mechanical energy).

This type of renewable energy is well developed – especially in Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Germany. By the beginning of 2016, the power of all wind generators surpassed the total installed capacity of nuclear energy.

The disadvantage is that it cannot be controlled (wind power is unstable). Even wind turbines can cause radio interference and affect the climate, because they take part of the kinetic energy of the wind – however, scientists do not yet know whether this is good or bad.

3. Hydropower

hydroelectric power station

To convert the movement of water into electricity, hydropower plants (hydropower plants) with dams and reservoirs are needed. They are placed on rivers with a strong stream that do not dry out. Dams are built in order to achieve a certain pressure of water – it makes the blades of a hydraulic turbine move, and it drives electric generators.

It is more expensive and more difficult to build hydroelectric power plants relative to conventional power plants, but the price of electricity (at Russian hydroelectric power plants) is two times lower. Turbines can operate in different power modes and control electricity generation..

4. Wave energy

wave power station wave star energy

There are many ways to generate electricity from waves, but only three work effectively. They differ in the type of installations on the water. These are chambers, the lower part of which is immersed in water, floats or installations with an artificial atoll.

Such wave power plants transmit the kinetic energy of sea or ocean waves via cable to land, where it is converted to electricity at special stations.

This type is used a little – 1% of all electricity production in the world. Systems are also expensive and they need convenient access to water, which not every country has..

5. The energy of the tides

tidal power station

This energy is taken from the natural rise and fall of the water level. Power plants are installed only along the coast, and the water drop should be at least 5 meters. Tidal stations, dams and turbines are built to generate electricity.

The ebbs and flows are well understood, therefore this source is more predictable relative to others. But technology adoption was slow and their share in global production is small. In addition, tidal cycles do not always meet the norm of electricity consumption..

6. The energy of the temperature gradient (hydrothermal energy)

hydrothermal station

Sea water has a different temperature on the surface and in the depths of the ocean. Using this difference, they get electricity.

The first installation, which gives electricity due to ocean temperature, was made back in 1930. Now there are ocean power plants of closed, open and combined type in the USA and Japan.

7. The energy of liquid diffusion

osmotic station

This is a new type of alternative energy source. An osmotic power plant installed at the mouth of the river controls the mixing of salt and fresh water and extracts energy from the entropy of liquids..

Equalizing the salt concentration produces an overpressure that triggers the rotation of the turbine. While there is only one such power plant in Norway.

8. Geothermal energy

geothermal station in iceland

Geothermal stations take the Earth’s internal energy – hot water and steam. They are placed in volcanic areas where water is at the surface or you can get to it by drilling a well (from 3 to 10 km.).

The recovered water heats buildings directly or through a heat exchange unit. It is also converted into electricity when hot steam rotates a turbine connected to an electric generator.

Disadvantages: price, threat to Earth temperature, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide emissions.

Most geothermal stations in the USA, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico and Iceland.

9. Biofuel

firewood biofuel

Bioenergy receives electricity and heat from fuels of the first, second and third generations.

  • The first generation is solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels (gas from waste processing). For example, firewood, biodiesel and methane.
  • The second generation – fuel derived from biomass (residues of plant or animal material, or specially grown crops).
  • Third Generation – Algae Biofuel.

First-generation biofuels are easy to obtain. Rural residents set up biogas plants where biomass roams at the right temperature.

The most traditional way and the oldest fuel is firewood. Now for their production, energy forests are planted from fast-growing trees, poplar or eucalyptus..

Pros and Cons of Alternative Energy

worker studies solar panels

The main prospect of alternative sources is the existence of mankind, even in conditions of severe shortages of oil, gas and coal.


  • Accessibility – no need to possess oil or gas fields. True, this does not apply to all species. Landlocked countries cannot receive wave energy, and geothermal can only be converted in volcanic areas.
  • Environmental friendliness – when heat and electricity are generated, there are no harmful emissions into the environment.
  • Saving – the energy received has a low cost.

Disadvantages and problems:

  • Spending at the construction stage and maintenance – equipment and supplies are expensive. Because of this, the final price of electricity rises, so it is not always economically justified. Now the main task of developers to reduce the cost of installations.
  • Dependence on external factors: it is impossible to control the strength of the wind, the level of tides, the result of processing solar energy depends on the geography of the country.
  • Low efficiency and low power of installations (except hydroelectric power station). Generated capacity does not always match consumption.
  • Impact on the climate. For example, the demand for biofuels has reduced the sown area for food crops, and dams for hydropower plants have changed the nature of fisheries.

Renewable Energy in the World

solar panels in china

The main consumer of renewable energy sources is the European Union. In some countries, alternative energy generates nearly 40% of all electricity. Various support measures have already taken root there: discount tariffs for connecting and refunding money for the purchase of equipment. The countries of the East and the USA are not far behind.


40% of electricity in Germany comes from renewable sources. She is the leader in the number of wind turbines that generate 20.4% of electricity. The remaining share falls on hydropower, bioenergy and solar energy. The German government has set a plan: to generate 80% of energy from alternative sources by 2050, but does not want to close nuclear power plants yet.


Iceland has a lot of hot water, because it is located in a zone of volcanic activity. The country provides 85% of houses with heating from geothermal sources and covers 65% of the population’s electricity needs. The power of the sources is so great that they want to establish energy exports to the UK.


After the oil crisis of 1973, the country began to look for other sources of energy. It all started with hydroelectric power stations and nuclear power plants. Swedes often criticized Greenpeace due to nuclear power plants, but the share of energy from nuclear power plants has not increased since the late 80s.

Since the 90s, Sweden has been building offshore wind farms at sea. An additional tax has been introduced for carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and there are incentives for manufacturers of wind, solar and bioenergy.

Sweden is also actively using energy from waste processing and even plans to purchase it from neighboring countries in order to abandon oil. Some cities receive heat from incinerators.


In China, the most powerful hydroelectric power station in the world is Three Gorges. As of 2018, it is the largest building in terms of mass. Its continuous concrete dam weighs 65.5 million tons. In 2014, the station produced a record for the world 98.8 billion kWh.

The largest wind resources are also here (three quarters of them are delivered to the sea). By 2020, the country plans to generate 210 GW with their help..

Still there are 2,700 geothermal sources and make 63% of devices for converting solar energy. China ranks third in ethanol-based biofuels.

Alternative energy in RussiaSayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station

The different geographical location of the regions and the specifics of climatic zones in Russia do not allow developing this industry evenly. There is no investment and there are gaps in the law.

Types of renewable energy in Russia

Solar power

It is used both on an industrial scale and among the local population as a backup or main source of heat and electricity. The capacity of all solar installations is 400 MW, of which the largest in the Samara, Astrakhan, Orenburg regions and Crimea. The most powerful SES is Vladislavovka (Crimea). Still developing projects for Siberia and the Far East.

Wind power

Wind renewable energy in Russia is presented a little worse than solar, although there are industrial plants. The total capacity of wind generators in our country is 183.9 MW (0.08% of the entire energy system). Most of the installations are in Crimea, and the most powerful is in Adygea – “Adygea Wind Farm”.


This is the most popular alternative energy source in Russia. About 200 river hydroelectric power plants generate up to 20% of all energy in the country. Since 1968, there has been a tidal power station in the Kislaya Bay in the Murmansk Region – Kislogubskaya PES. The largest hydroelectric power station stands on the Yenisei River – “Sayano-Shushenskaya”.

Geothermal Energy

Due to the abundance of volcanoes, this type of energy is common in Kamchatka. There, 40% of the energy consumed is generated at geothermal sources. According to scientists, the potential of Kamchatka is estimated at 5,000 MW, and only 80 MW of energy is generated per year. There are also geothermal stations in the Kuril Islands, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories.


Our country is one of the three pellet exporters in the European market. In Russia there are plants that create pellets and briquettes from the remains of wood, which are used to heat boilers and stoves.

Agricultural waste is converted to liquid fuel and biogas for diesel engines. But landfill gas is not used at all, it is simply thrown into the atmosphere, causing damage to the environment.

Renewable Energy Companies

solar installation

Increased investment in renewable energy and government support helps many companies do business successfully.

First solar inc.

This American company was founded in 1990 and became famous for the production of solar panels. Now it is the largest company that sells solar modules, supplies equipment and is responsible for technical service..

Vestas Wind Systems A / S

The oldest manufacturer of wind generators from Denmark. The company was founded in 1898 and today it has managed to install more than 60 thousand wind turbines in 63 countries. Vestas sells individual generators, integrated stations and services devices.

Atlantica Yield PLC

Based in London, this company owns classic power lines, solar and wind stations in North America, Spain, Algeria, South America and South Africa..

ABB Ltd. Asea brown boveri

A Swedish-Swiss company known for automotive engines, generators and robotics. Since 1999, the brand has been engaged in the conversion of solar and wind energy. In 2013, the company became the world leader in photovoltaic energy equipment..

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Comments: 5
  1. Waverly

    Alternative energy refers to any sources of power that are not derived from traditional fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These include renewable sources like solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass. Alternative energy is gaining popularity due to its lower environmental impact and potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, its implementation and adoption still face challenges. Are there any specific alternative energy sources that you would like to know more about or have concerns regarding their efficiency or feasibility?

    1. Madison Ross

      As an AI, I don’t have personal concerns or preferences. However, some alternative energy sources face concerns regarding their efficiency and feasibility. For instance, solar energy relies on sunlight availability, and its efficiency can be affected by weather conditions. Similarly, wind energy’s efficiency depends on wind speeds. Both sources require significant land area for installation. Additionally, hydropower can impact aquatic ecosystems and has limitations due to geographical constraints. Geothermal energy is limited to specific locations with suitable geothermal reservoirs. Finally, biomass energy’s efficiency relies on the availability and sustainability of organic matter. These concerns highlight the need for continuous research and advancements in alternative energy technologies.

    2. Ava Shaw

      One alternative energy source that I would like to know more about is geothermal power. Geothermal energy harnesses the heat from the Earth’s interior to generate electricity or heat buildings directly. I find it fascinating because it is a constant and reliable source of energy that is not dependent on weather conditions like solar or wind power. However, I am curious about its efficiency and feasibility in different regions, as geothermal resources are not evenly distributed around the world. I wonder if advancements in technology could make geothermal energy more accessible and cost-effective in areas that are currently not suitable for its use.

  2. Skylar Kelly

    What exactly is alternative energy? Is it just renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, or does it include other forms as well? How does alternative energy differ from traditional energy sources? And most importantly, what are the potential benefits and drawbacks of relying on alternative energy sources in today’s world?

    1. Caleb Davis

      Alternative energy refers to any source of energy that is not derived from fossil fuels or nuclear power. This includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, as well as other non-traditional sources like tidal and wave energy.

      One of the main differences between alternative energy and traditional energy sources lies in their environmental impact. Alternative energy sources produce significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce air pollution, and have a smaller overall environmental footprint compared to traditional fossil fuels.

      The potential benefits of relying on alternative energy sources in today’s world are numerous. These include increased energy security, reduced dependence on foreign oil, job creation in the clean energy sector, and the mitigation of climate change. Furthermore, alternative energy sources are often more sustainable and have the potential to provide energy access to underserved communities.

      However, there are also drawbacks associated with alternative energy sources. These include intermittent energy production (e.g., solar and wind are dependent on weather conditions), high upfront costs of installation, land use conflicts, and the need for energy storage solutions to address variability in supply.

      Despite these challenges, the transition to alternative energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future. By investing in and promoting the use of renewable energy technologies, we can reduce our dependence on finite fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, and create a cleaner, more sustainable world for future generations.

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