Here only beauty – bushes, flowers and herbs: decorating the fence with flowering plants
Original flowerbeds
Plants used Cultured Delphinium (varieties) – Delphinium x cultorum; Hydrangea cinerea;
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Mind and body fun – A water park in the backyard of your house from Centric Design Group
Ponds on the plot
The only thing that wouldn’t hurt to fix (and surely you, dear readers of the popular forum, will
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The richest collection of plants in the world and inimitable flower carpets of Villa Taranto
Unusual gardens and parks
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The openwork geometry of the original lath flowerpot: incredibly airy and stylish
The original decor for the garden
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The sunny shrub of the spring garden: a ringing solo forsythia in flower beds
Original flowerbeds
Plants used Forsythia ovata; Crested bracteate – Corydalis bgasteata; Narcissus x hybrid us &
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Creating a decorative pond in our garden – initiation into the mysteries of the water element
Ponds on the plot
This article discusses how to create a decorative pond in the garden to bring the water element into
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Unexpected use of distant from nature material: stylish flower bed from a piece of pipe
The original decor for the garden
Let’s think about what other flower beds can be made from pieces of pipe!
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Garden storage systems: 8 stylish options
Plot design
Garden storage systems are an excellent way to improve the practicality and aesthetics of a yard.
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A rock garden and how to incorporate conifers into the design
Green plantings
This WordPress post introduces readers to the classic look of a rock garden and the advantages of incorporating
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Designer birdhouse from the Curtis Popp Art Studio: An unusual addition to the modern garden
The original decor for the garden
Accessories play an important role in the house interior, but they can also be used beneficially in the yard.
Tips on any topic from experts
A beautiful, fresh lawn without puddles and gaps: Rules for irrigation and care
Unusual lawns
This WordPress post provides thorough guidance on how to maintain a beautiful, lush lawn without puddles and gaps.
Tips on any topic from experts
A neat and beautiful garden at home, Berkeley, USA
Unusual gardens and parks
This kind of style is always accompanied by elevations in the landscape, because this makes the visual
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