
Architectural workshop โ€“ amazing art of joining materials in construction

This Architectural Workshop provides an incredible opportunity to explore and learn the art of joining materials in construction. Participants will learn how to create and assemble structures including walls, roofs, and floors with a variety of materials such as wood, steel, concrete, and stone. Additionally, the attendees will learn valuable techniques on how to make construction process more efficient and cost-effective. This workshop is suitable for anyone interested in getting hands-on experience in this field and gaining knowledge about the building process.
The exterior of a Passive home in Portland


Stucco coatings can deteriorate quickly if not cared for properly. Instead of an imposed strict grid, the contractor chose alignment and proportion. Edges and corners are made with good functional sense, controlling the appearance of cracks.


Vertical wood strips add a subtle layer of detail, while the floor and roof are horizontal. These small structural differences are very striking.

Passive house facade in Portland

Breathable โ€œjoints.โ€

The exterior siding is designed to maintain air circulation. Itโ€™s called a โ€œrain screen.โ€. It is mounted on special fasteners that keep the โ€œbackโ€ of this covering away from the exterior shell of the house. Unnecessary moisture is prevented in the resulting space.

The exterior of Passive House in Portland

Defining the location

We see the same attention to detail on the interior as we do on the exterior. Very similar palette: mostly white and natural wood tones are used. Each of the objects has been carefully considered. There is a sense of unity and openness.

The interior of the Passive house in Portland

Charisma in Charlotte

In the Charlotte, North Carolina, mansion, small objects and joints play an important role in unifying the various components of the building. The specialist developed an original solution: he oriented the discreet gabled volume directly toward the street, grounding it on a heavy stone base, and designed a semi-open pavilion.


At the entrance, the middle and higher structure have been formulated to diminish the scale of the structure. This visual deception is also accomplished with a simple blackout, which is especially effective on high walls.

The facade of a private home in Charlotte

The joinery breaks up the mass of the house. The dark siding and powerful gesture create a striking contrast. The seams in the horizontal trim mark the transition to the open pavilion.

The facade of a private home in Charlotte

Inside the pavilion, the wood also looks expressive. Double rafters support the deep-pitched roof. Supporting wooden beams are used to connect small structural elements.

Interior of a private home in Charlotte

The seams add to the floating effect of the staircase.

Interior of a detached house in Charlotte
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Luna Turner

    Wow, the architectural workshop sounds fascinating! As a reader, Iโ€™m really interested in learning more about the art of joining materials in construction. Could you please share some insights about the different techniques used and how they impact the final design and functionality of the structures?

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