
Findlay modern urban residence for a young family โ€“ project by Splyce Design, Vancouver, Canada

Splyce Design from Vancouver, Canada, has designed the perfect modern urban residence for a young family. This unique house offers not only an efficient open-concept floor plan with plenty of built-in storage, but also a bright and beautiful indoor garden that provides a breath of fresh air in the modern living space. The exterior of the house features an accentuated slop-topped roof, crisp lines and an urban facade providing plenty of privacy. Furthermore, a green landscape surrounding the house creates a cozy and warm atmosphere perfect for family get-togethers.

The Findlay residence is a private home designed by Splyce Design. It is located in North Vancouver, Canada.

The Findlay Family Residence in Canada

The residence is located on an irregularly shaped plane. Designed for an active young family of 4, the main living areas are on two floors within the main body of the building.

Findlay Family Residence in Canada
Findlay Family Residence in Canada
Findlay Family Residence in Canada
Findlay family residence in Canada
The Findlay family residence in Canada
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Charlotte Bennett

    The Findlay modern urban residence designed by Splyce Design looks stunning! Iโ€™m curious to know how the architects incorporated elements specifically for the young family living there? Were there any special considerations or unique features to ensure the perfect combination of functionality and style for a family-friendly environment?

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