Rustic comfort in the traditional interior of a private house

Rustic Home Design

For the location of this striking example of private residence design, the project compilers chose the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, which is good on its own. Architect Serena Crawford, who was born in South Africa, worked on the design of the mansion and its interior decoration.

All of her works have been published many times in famous magazines of international renown, mentioned in books and even have numerous awards of various kinds.

Interior design in a rustic style

Equally attractive are pieces of furniture made of natural wood, as well as natural bamboo panels on the ceilings of many rooms. The mirrors in the residence are framed with gilt frames and candelabras with ornate ornaments.

The ceilings are decorated with massive chandeliers of expensive crystal and wrought iron fixtures, and the wall and table lamps are also wrought iron. Classic style open fireplace attracts with its portal decorated with moldings. They perfectly match the softly colored cushions with Indian and African designs.

Rustic home design

In the kitchen, there is a lot of Chinese porcelain, decorated with exquisite paintings.

The design of the house in rustic style
Rustic home design

Each of the rooms of the residence has several decorative figurines decorating the room. They are made carved with uncomplicated patterns and curves.

Rustic home design
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Piper Murphy

    What elements of the traditional interior design make it comfortable and rustic in this private house?

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