
Heparin ointment for the face: application

Heparin ointment is a topical product that is often used for medical purposes to treat wounds, skin inflammations, and other ailments. It has a number of advantages compared to other topical products, including its ability to provide relief from inflammation, pain, and itchiness. Additionally, it helps to reduce scarring, improves the healing speed, and mitigates the risk of infection. When it comes to application, one should first clean and lightly dry the affected area, apply a thin layer of the ointment, and allow it to absorb for 10-15 minutes before washing it off. Heparin ointment is an effective topical solution that offers visible results and can be used to treat a wide range of skin ailments.

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A variety of products are available for home cosmetic procedures. One of the inexpensive medications that helps remove wrinkles, age spots and bags under the eyes is heparin ointment. The product has a wide spectrum of action, good composition, and is in great demand among women.

The composition of the heparin ointment

Several pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production and release of this drug at once, so the composition of the additional ingredients of the heparin ointment may vary slightly. As the main active substances are used:

  • Heparin. This is a sulfur-containing glycosaminoglycan, the main purpose of which is anticoagulation (reduction of blood coagulation). In addition, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels..
  • Benzocaine is a local analgesic. The component helps relieve pain with bruises or inflammation, soothes irritated skin..
  • Benzyl nicotinate is an alcohol derived from nicotinic acid. The substance is able to dilate blood vessels, but its main goal is to help heparin to absorb faster and begin to act..

Additional properties are possessed by additional ingredients. Their composition may vary depending on the manufacturer, but more often on the label with ointment you can find such substances as:

  • Glycerin or propylene glycol – substances that help the skin retain moisture, accelerate local metabolism in the deep and surface layers of the epidermis, smooth wrinkles.
  • Vaseline – used to thicken the ointment base. The substance only slightly affects the condition of the skin, enhancing the action of glycerin.
  • Stearic acid – protects the skin from the effects of external negative factors (wind, cold, severe frost).
  • Peach or almond oil – ingredients that act as nutritional supplements. The esters contain many vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normalization of intracellular processes.
  • Nipagin is a substance that inhibits the active growth of gram-positive bacteria and molds. The composition of the ointment is included as an antibacterial substance.

The composition of the heparin ointment

Useful properties of heparin ointment for the face

The main purpose of this drug is to treat hematomas, get rid of bruises, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, swelling and hemorrhoids. Along with drug therapy, heparin ointment is actively used in cosmetology. The drug has the following beneficial properties for facial skin:

  • accelerates cell regeneration processes;
  • promote resorption of hematomas, removes bruises under the eyes;
  • provides local anesthesia;
  • relieves inflammation, removes acne, comedones, expands pores;
  • dilutes blood;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • promotes the rapid healing of small wounds, scratches, cracks, abrasions;
  • eliminates facial wrinkles;
  • accelerates local metabolism in cells;
  • nourishes cells with useful macrocells and vitamins.


Like any other drug, not every woman can use heparin ointment. It is worth remembering the individual characteristics of the body, carefully monitor how your skin reacts to this drug. It is not recommended to use other vasodilator or wound healing agents at the same time, since their active components will increase the effect of heparin.

Direct contraindications for use, according to the instructions, are the following diseases or conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • idiosyncrasy of active components or excipients;
  • poor blood coagulation;
  • the presence of rosacea (vascular mesh on the face);
  • allergic rashes;
  • the presence on the skin of open wounds, necrotic ulcers;
  • hemophilia;
  • anemia;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • increased capillary permeability.

The use of heparin ointment for the face

Before you start using the drug, you must conduct an allergy test. To do this, a small amount of ointment should be applied to the inner bend of the elbow, wait 5-7 minutes. If there are no side effects in the form of burning, itching, redness, the drug can be safely used. Otherwise, it is better to choose a different cosmetic product according to your skin type..

It is worth remembering that the drug should be used with extreme caution, avoiding its contact with the mucous surfaces of the eyes, mouth or nose. Heparin ointment in cosmetology is used in courses of 2-5 weeks. The drug should be applied in a thin layer twice a day – in the morning after sleep and at night. After a cycle of cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 months.

When applying the ointment, you do not need to stretch or otherwise injure the skin, but with soft patting movements of the fingertips to achieve complete absorption of the cream. Before use, the face must be cleaned of cosmetics using soft tonics, lotions, micellar water, soap with a neutral pH level. Then pat the skin with a bath towel and proceed with the procedure. To enhance the effect, you can first apply an oily vitamin solution to the skin.

From acne and rashes

The appearance of a rash on the face, comedones, acne is preceded by clogging of pores, which disrupts the internal metabolism of cells, contributes to the accumulation of sebum and the appearance of inflammation. To eliminate the causes of acne, as well as to even out the color, heparin ointment for the face helps. In this case, it is recommended to apply it pointwise – only on the area of ​​the projection of the rash, gently rubbing the product with the fingertips until completely absorbed. Facial skin needs to be treated until the problem is completely eliminated..

Heparin ointment for acne and rashes

From wrinkles and excessive dryness of the skin

The effectiveness of heparin in the fight against age-related skin changes has no scientific evidence, but this does not prevent many women from using heparin to eliminate fine facial wrinkles and strengthen the nutrition of the dermis. Thanks to benzyl nicotinate, auxiliary and active ointments quickly penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, promote the elimination of decay products, adsorb moisture, and nourish each cell with vitamins.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles is used in courses of 10-20 days, with breaks for 2-3 weeks. To eliminate age-related problems, the product should be applied in the morning and before bedtime to the skin with a thin layer, using soft patting movements to achieve complete absorption of the cream. For the treatment of facial wrinkles in the eyes, it is recommended to use a mixture of heparin ointment and a special anti-aging eye cream.

From swelling under the eyes

Bags under the eyes have several causes. In some cases, this is a clear sign of metabolic disorders, malfunctioning of the kidneys and other medical problems. The use of ointment will give only a temporary effect. The remedy will be somewhat more effective if the cause of puffiness is a violation of blood flow in the eyelid zone and excess fluid in the interstitial space.

Due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, and heparin has a strong effect, it should only be used in combination with a soft nourishing cream. The mixture should be applied under the eyes no more than once a day, with a thin layer, distributing the composition from the inner corner of the eye to the outside with your fingertips. Heparin ointment under the eyes is used only as necessary, course application is unacceptable.

From bruises

When squeezing sensitive skin, bruises, bruises, and minor injuries appear on it. Heparin ointment for the face has the ability to quickly heal wounds, dissolve hematomas, anesthetize, block platelet synthesis, thereby preventing thrombosis. In such situations, the agent must be applied locally (only on the affected area) with a thin layer until completely absorbed. 2-3 procedures are needed per day, the course of treatment depends on the size of the bruises.

From age spots

Pronounced changes in the complexion of the skin of the face is a common problem for women 35+. Pigment spots have clear contours, sharply differ from the main tone and significantly affect the appearance. You can eliminate this cosmetic defect if you apply the ointment with a thin layer on the spot, slightly going beyond its contours, twice a day. The total rate of use of the funds should not exceed one month.

Side effects

When planning to use the ointment for cosmetic purposes, you should not forget that it is a drug and may not only not be suitable, but also provoke various side effects. Among the various negative reactions, women more often distinguish the appearance of:

  • itching, burning a few minutes after applying the cream;
  • redness of the skin;
  • subcutaneous bleeding;
  • comedones, allergic rashes;
  • exacerbations of rosacea;
  • puffiness.

Side effects of heparin ointment


The drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. The cost of the ointment depends on the region of sale, manufacturer, composition of the product. Price for heparin ointment in Moscow:

Manufacturer Volume Price for 25 grams, rubles
Nizhpharm, Russia 74–82
Biosynthesis, Russia 56–69
Green Dubrava, Russia 46-52
Belmedpreparaty, Belarus 56–69
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Comments: 3
  1. Charlotte Bennett

    Can Heparin ointment be safely used on the face? How is it applied and are there any specific instructions or precautions to follow?

    1. Addison Holmes

      Heparin ointment should not be used on the face unless specifically recommended by a healthcare professional. It is primarily used for topical application to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with superficial thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids. If advised for facial use, it is typically applied in a thin layer and gently massaged into the skin. It’s crucial to adhere to the doctor’s instructions, including the frequency and duration of application. Precautions should be taken not to get the ointment into the eyes, mouth, or nose. Moreover, individuals with known allergies to heparin or related substances should avoid using heparin ointment. As with any medication, it’s prudent to consult a healthcare professional before using it on the face, especially for extended periods.

      1. Zoey Chapman

        Heparin ointment is not recommended for use on the face without the guidance of a healthcare professional. It is primarily used for pain, swelling, and inflammation related to superficial thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids. If advised for facial use, it should be applied thinly and gently massaged into the skin following the doctor’s instructions. Care should be taken to avoid contact with the eyes, mouth, or nose. Those with known allergies to heparin or related substances should avoid using this ointment. It is always best to consult a healthcare professional before using any medication on the face, especially for long periods.

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