Varieties of attics under different roofs

This post discusses the various kinds of attics that can be found under different types of roofs. While some attics feature an angled roof, others may have a flat roof with a skylight or dormer. Benefits of attics can include extra storage space, an additional room, or even a beautiful view, depending on the roof type and size. Additionally, attics can add value to a home and can be used for a variety of purposes. Thus, attics can be a great addition to any home and help give it a unique style.

Recommendation points

About how you can equip an attic, Our site of advice has already written. But these living quarters under the very roof of the house are very different! And first of all it depends on the type of the roof itself. Let’s find out together what can be attics, depending on the design features of the roof.

Attic room decoration

Option one – lean-to attic

Under the same roof, of course. The option, we admit, is not widespread. The height of the attic, in order for it to be considered as such and cease to be an ordinary attic, should be 2.5 meters. That is, one edge of the roof will have to be raised noticeably, which requires special attention to the basis of such a steep structure. In addition, in any case, it will not be possible to use the entire space under the pitched roof, the attic area will be limited. But it will be possible to install ordinary vertical windows, and not special attic windows, about the installation of which the portal wrote in detail.

House with a pitched roof

Shed attic

Option two – gable attic

One of the simplest and most comfortable types of attics. The windows are also ordinary, vertical, on both sides of the facade. And the space at the bottom of the roof, under the slopes, can be used as storage places. The rafter system is sometimes hidden, and sometimes made the highlight of the attic.

Gable attic

Option three – broken attic

A very popular option. Actually, the roof is also gable, but more complex, with a fracture on the sides of the ridge. The presence of such a fracture significantly expands the area of ​​the attic, practically relieves it of “dead zones”.

Sloping roof

Attic with a broken roof

Option four – attic on a remote console

Quite a complicated technique when the upper part of the building facade protrudes beyond the lower one. This solution allows you to significantly expand the area of ​​the attic, and under the protruding console you can equip a porch or even a small terrace..

Attic on the remote console

Option five – two-level attic

If the roof is two-level, then the attic turns out to be very interesting. Actually, this will no longer be an attic space, but a full-fledged living room that has become part of the whole house. It is only necessary to plan a two-level attic at the first stage of designing a future cottage.

House with a two-level attic

Option six – four-slope attic

A very attractive variety. The room is spacious, there are many options for arrangement. Sometimes hipped roofs are made with hip, with elongated slopes on both sides. But other options are also used – with the same slopes, the so-called tent.

Hip roof

Attic with a hip roof

Option seven – asymmetric attic

The roof is literally sloped to one side, one slope is noticeably larger. The attic looks, of course, non-standard, but the living space will occupy only part of the space under the roof. Often this choice is made to achieve an unusual exterior at home..

Asymmetrical attic

Option eight – multi-gable attic

This is a complex, intricate roof design, immediately recognizable by its angular ledges. Such a roof is worth a lot, it requires the involvement of specialists. But under a multi-gable roof, you can equip a very interesting attic. Or split the space into several rooms under different ledges.

Multi-gable roof

Interior of a multi-gable attic

Option nine – “L” -shaped attic

Although the roof has a non-standard look, it is actually quite simple. Two gable structures are docked at right angles. Under the roof, you can equip two separate attic rooms.

L-shaped roof of the house

Types of mansard roofsTypes of mansard roofs

There are many types of roof structures under which you can equip an attic. You can choose a simpler option, for example, a regular gable roof, or more complicated – hip or multi-gable. In any case, the attic will definitely become one of the most interesting areas of the house and will be able to perform different functions..

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Comments: 2
  1. Aiden Brooks

    What are the different types of attics that can be found under various roof styles? Are there any specific features or design elements that differentiate them?

    1. Nolan Bailey

      There are several types of attics that can be found under various roof styles. Some common types include framed attics, truss attics, and cut attic. Framed attics are traditional attics with ample storage space and headroom, typically found in homes with steep-sloped roofs. Truss attics have pre-built triangular supports that limit the usable space but are more cost-effective. Cut attics are characterized by sloped ceilings and limited headroom, often found in homes with dormer windows. Each type of attic has unique features and design elements that differentiate them, such as the amount of usable space, headroom, and ease of access.

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