
Growing asparagus: features of planting, care and use

Growing asparagus is a rewarding endeavor, providing a delicious vegetable with numerous benefits. Planting asparagus requires some special care, however, with organic material and good drainage being crucial for success. Asparagus beds benefit from using mulch, fertilizers, and a consistent irrigation schedule. They also require regular weeding and harvesting. The plant is unique in its ability to be successful for many years if given proper care. In addition, asparagus offers numerous culinary advantages. Its distinctive flavor and texture can greatly enhance a variety of dishes. Beyond its delectable freshness, asparagus has many nutritional aspects, such as being an excellent source of Vitamin K and a rich source of dietary fiber.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Letโ€™s clarify that this type of asparagus is usually grown as Asparagus officinalis. This is asparagus medicinal, asparagus, or rather, its cultivated varieties, because this plant can be wild. Experts advise choosing asparagus varieties for cultivation as a food product such as Dutch Green, Snow Head, Slava Braunschweig and Arzhantelskaya.

You should be especially careful when choosing a place for planting asparagus, because it is a perennial plant and it will remain on this site for 10โ€“20 years, all this time delighting you with the harvest. A well-lit place is needed, preferably in the southern part of the site, sheltered from the wind.

Asparagus loves fertile soil, but grows well on sandy loam soils. Before planting asparagus, it is advised to fertilize the soil with humus, superphosphate, peat compost, wood ash. It is better to dig up a plot for asparagus in the fall, deep enough, and in the spring, just before planting, burrow.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Experts do not recommend growing asparagus from seeds. Seeds retain their germination capacity for only a year, so such an attempt will most likely be unsuccessful. But if you nevertheless decide on such an experiment, germinate asparagus seeds in room conditions, after soaking the seeds for four days and changing the water twice a day. They germinate for a very long time, they can be planted even in winter. At the first stage, the sprouts are very small, they will have to be weeded regularly.

The depth of planting seeds is two centimeters, no more. The distance between plants should be about six centimeters. It will be possible to transplant seedlings to their permanent place on the site only in June, because young asparagus is afraid of spring frosts.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

It is more convenient to propagate asparagus by rhizomes, choosing the most fleshy, strong ones and dividing them into several parts. For rhizomes, a trench is dug up to 30 cm deep, into which sprouts are planted at a distance of about 30 cm.It is better to leave a gap of at least half a meter between the trenches, because asparagus will grow. Planting of rhizomes occurs either earlier in spring, or in autumn, in winter. If you chose the latter option, then a mound should be formed over the rhizome of the asparagus to protect it from the winter cold. It is even safer to cover the plant with humus or a layer of peat.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Throughout the summer, the asparagus bed will have to be regularly watered and loosened. We emphasize โ€“ you will try your first own harvest of asparagus only in the third year! Be patient, the second year shoots do not yet have the required size, have not accumulated their inherent vitamins.

In the third year, the harvest can begin in early May or even mid-April, if the winter was warm. In Europe, it is believed that asparagus is ripe if its shoots have reached a height of 20 cm, and in diameter โ€“ 1.6-2 cm. Cut asparagus at a height of two centimeters from the root, and it is better to do this either in the evening or in the early morning.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Some experts believe that all seedlings should be cut, this will stimulate the growth of new shoots. However, others disagree with them and advise leaving a few young shoots so that the plant does not die and continues to develop actively. Depending on the selected variety, asparagus can be green, white, lilac. All these species have their own taste, but are equally useful..

After the crop has been cut, the bed should be leveled, filling the formed holes, sprinkle with humus and compact a little. It is advisable to apply fertilizers so that the new harvest is higher and the plant shows active growth.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Asparagus is a dioecious plant. Such red berries appear on female shoots that cannot be eaten. But they look very beautiful in bouquets and retain an attractive appearance for a long time, therefore they serve as a decoration of the site and are appreciated by florists.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

The soil above the plant will help to understand that the asparagus crop is ripe. If it lifted up and began to crack, itโ€™s time to start cleaning. It is very important to harvest on time, because overgrown plants lose their taste, darken, and their heads just crumble.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

It is best to eat fresh asparagus. It is perfect as a side dish for both meat and fish. Asparagus shoots can be baked, blanched, marinated, fried. The shoots are usually distinguished by the delicate taste of young green peas. Asparagus contains a huge number of beneficial vitamins, including B1 and B2, PP, C, provitamin A. Asparagus tops are considered more suitable for those on a diet.

Growing asparagus: features of planting, care

Fresh asparagus can be stored in a dark place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for up to three months. Also, the harvested crop can be stored in the basement, in a box, having previously sprinkled it with sand. Asparagus can be stored well frozen, and rolled up in jars will perfectly retain its taste throughout the winter..

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Comments: 3
  1. Logan Brooks

    Can anyone provide some tips on growing asparagus? Iโ€™m curious to know about the specific features of planting, care, and proper use of this vegetable. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Leo Hughes

      Growing asparagus is a rewarding experience but requires patience as it can take a few years to establish a healthy crop. When planting, choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil and prepare the bed by adding organic matter. Asparagus is typically planted as crowns in trenches and covered with soil gradually as they grow. Water regularly, especially during the first year, and mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds.

      As the plants grow, keep them well-fed with a balanced fertilizer and protect them from pests and diseases. Avoid harvesting the spears during the first year to allow the plants to develop a strong root system. In the second year, start harvesting sparingly, and by the third year, you can harvest for a longer period.

      Proper care and maintenance, such as cutting down old foliage in the fall and providing winter protection, will help ensure a successful asparagus crop year after year. Enjoy the delicious spears fresh or preserved and savor the fruits of your labor!

      1. Brooklyn Griffin

        Growing asparagus can be a fulfilling experience, but it requires time and effort to establish a healthy crop. Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil, plant crowns in trenches, and water regularly. Mulch to retain moisture and keep weeds at bay. Fertilize, protect from pests, and avoid harvesting in the first year. Gradually increase harvesting in the following years. Proper care, like cutting old foliage and winter protection, will ensure a bountiful harvest annually. Enjoy the delicious spears fresh or preserved and reap the rewards of your hard work!

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