
What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

In the middle of summer, gardening can seem daunting, but there are still plenty of plants that can thrive in the heat. This post outlines the top 10 most common crops to plant in the height of summer, such as tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and eggplant. Extra precautions need to be taken when planting in the middle of summer, such as having proper soil drainage and protection from extreme heat and direct sunlight. For optimum health, it's also important to provide regular watering and fertilization. By following these tips, you'll be able to enjoy a healthy and successful garden during the hot summer months.

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

First of all, in the middle of summer, you should think about a new stage of planting greenery, because all the spring supplies have already been eaten or prepared for the winter, and I really want fresh, useful leaves. In July, it is quite possible and even necessary to sow:

  • Watercress. Fresh greens will appear in two weeks. A little longer โ€“ about a month โ€“ lettuce will grow, but it will still have time to please you with fresh foliage. Yes, it is hot in July, so donโ€™t forget to water the moisture-loving salads.
  • Lovers dill in the middle of summer they can sow a new batch of seeds. The problem is that they sprout slowly, so it is advisable to soak them before planting..
  • Cucumber herbor borage grows well in partial shade, direct sunlight can lead to the appearance of flower stems and coarse shoots. Borage leaves are rich in potassium and calcium, used in salads.
  • Re-harvest rich in iron spinach will also appear within two weeks after planting, so July is a good time.
  • On the fifth to sixth day after planting, the seeds will also sprout arugula. Choose Solitaire and Rococo varieties to pamper your family in August with especially tender, tasty and healthy young leaves.
  • And here leekand parsley, if they are planted in the middle of summer, they will not only have time to please you with fresh greens by the end of the summer season, but next year they will rise before all other crops.

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

The following types of vegetables can also be planted in mid-summer:

  • Radish. The second harvest of radish can be easily removed, if you start planting it in July, you can even at the end of the month. Provide enough nitrogen in the soil, fertilize and donโ€™t forget to water, as droughts in July are not uncommon. In this case, you can have time to enjoy juicy and tender root vegetables..
  • Turnip, daikon, radish. All these relatives of ordinary radish are planted in July. Turnips planted in mid-summer will have a particularly long shelf life. You can plant all these crops in a garden from which an early potato variety has already been removed.
  • Beet. If this root crop is sown in July, then in autumn it will be possible to use the harvest of young and juicy beets. If you are worried about whether it will have time to grow before autumn, it is advisable to use pre-germinated or purchased seedlings.
  • Experts argue whether it is necessary to additionally plant early seedlings in the middle of summer white cabbage. Yes, if you have enough winter varieties in your garden that are just ripening, then there is no particular sense in this. But if something went wrong with the late varieties of cabbage, you can plant seedlings in the middle of summer, which will grow in 50โ€“55 days. In addition, in July, such exotic types of cabbage as kohlrabi and Peking cabbage are often planted..

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

In July it is not too late to plant some types of legumes. Ripen quickly enough beans and peas, to speed up the growing process, be sure to soak the seeds for 12 hours before planting. For example, beans can be planted in a greenhouse where cucumbers or tomatoes are grown. You will have time to harvest these vegetables before the beans grow strongly..

By the way, if the weather fails and the legumes do not have time to ripen, there will still be benefits from replanting them, because these are excellent green manure plants that have a good effect on the soil.

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

In addition, in the middle of summer, you can start planting perennial plants such as sorrel, chives, sweet onions, slime onions, batun onions, rhubarb. These plants can be sown in beds from which potatoes, early cucumbers and peas have already been harvested. Before frost, perennials will have time to appear rosettes of leaves, and for the winter these beds should be mulched, covered with a layer of compost or peat.

What can you plant in your garden in the middle of summer

It is very important to provide them with moisture during the summer planting of plants, because at the first stage of growth it is especially necessary, and there may be little rain during this period. Therefore, before planting the plants, the beds should not only be freed from weeds and loosened, but also thoroughly watered. You should also choose early ripening varieties in order to definitely have time to get the harvest..

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Comments: 2
  1. Finley

    I was wondering, what are some good plants or vegetables that can be planted in the middle of summer? I want to make the most of my garden, but Iโ€™m not sure what will thrive in this season. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  2. Isabella Walsh

    Iโ€™m curious to know, what are some ideal plants that one can plant in their garden during the peak of summer? With the scorching heat, I wonder if there are any flowers, vegetables, or herbs that thrive in such conditions. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

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