
Master class: how to plant thuja correctly

This master class covers how to plant Thuja correctly in order to ensure that it grows optimally. The process requires proper soil preparation and selection of the right varieties for the area. The article also includes a number of tips and helpful information, such as the best time for planting, the depth of the hole, and the amount of water needed. Additionally, it explains how to provide the tree with enough nutrition in order to ensure healthy development. By using the tricks provided to ensure correct planting of Thuja, amateur gardeners are sure to have success with this low-maintenance evergreen tree.

Thuja’s unpretentiousness to growing conditions does not at all mean that you can just stick it where you have to and that’s it – to grow as you can. It is necessary to plant a coniferous plant correctly, which we will describe in our instructions with step-by-step photos of planting a western thuja grown in a container.

The location of the young ephedra is chosen, taking into account the fact that thuja loves partial shade and fertile loams of slightly acidic reaction. Heavy clay and calcareous soils are not suitable for it, and thuja also does not tolerate the introduction of ash or other deoxidizers.

Tools and materials

To plant the western thuja grown in a container, use the following tools:

  • bayonet shovel and rake;
  • manual ripper, knife and scoop (or trowel);
  • soil mixing container.

Master class: how to plant thuja

To fill the planting hole, you will need drainage material and nutrient soil, which can be purchased or made on site using the following components:

  • sour peat and sand;
  • sod land;
  • foliage or rotted compost;
  • mineral dressing for conifers.

Landing order

1. Choose a suitable place in the garden. There should not be tall trees around the future pyramidal thuja – otherwise its top may deviate and the tree will grow “oblique”. Several specimens are planted in a hedge, placing them every 70-90 cm.

Master class: how to plant thuja

2. Dig a hole with a diameter of about a meter and a depth of 40-50 cm.

Master class: how to plant thuja

3. At a high location of groundwater, drainage from stones is arranged.

Master class: how to plant thuja

4. Add some selected soil and trample underfoot.

Master class: how to plant thuja

5. Sprinkle the fallen leaves with a layer of several centimeters.

Master class: how to plant thuja

6. Sprinkle with earth again and tamp lightly.

Master class: how to plant thuja

7. Prepare a fertile mixture of compost (rotten leaves), sand and peat (2: 1: 3). Add mineral fertilizer and mix until smooth.

Master class: how to plant thuja

8. A mound is poured from the resulting soil in the center of the pit. They crush the ground and try on the container, trying on the location of the root collar just above the surface of the surrounding soil.

Master class: how to plant thuja

9. In advance, the watered thuja seedling is taken out of the pot. If the roots are strongly twisted, shallow cuts are made with a knife. Foliage can be added along the outer circle – rotting in a year, it further loosens the soil.

Master class: how to plant thuja

10. Place the thuja in the middle of the pit and fill in the nutrient soil next to it, and further along the radius, the dug soil is used to fill it. Filling is carried out in small layers, not forgetting to apply the soil.

Master class: how to plant thuja

11. The surface is leveled with a rake. It is recommended to mulch a young coniferous plant immediately with available material, for example, the same leaves. After planting, the thuja is watered from a watering can.

Master class: how to plant thuja

12. To prevent dried foliage from scattering, sprinkle it with chopped branches or earth.

Master class: how to plant thuja

13. In the first year, a young thuja, planted in a sunny place, should be shaded. Why construct a frame with stretched fabric or simply install a small piece of plywood on the south side.

Master class: how to plant thuja

Care for a young thuja consists in timely watering at the root, irrigating the crown in hot weather and applying fertilizers. It will not be superfluous to cover the thuja for the winter. The spring sun can strongly burn out the greens of a young plant..

Table. Popular varieties of thuja

Name Description Sapling height, cm Size of an adult thuja, m Price, rub.
“Amber” Golden yellow, tapered 25 3.5-4 540
“Brabant” Light green, columnar 80 4-6 1600
“Variegata” Green, narrow pyramidal 90 until 3 1700
“Emerald” Dark green, tapered 110 4×1.5 2900
“Teeny Tim” Dark green, globular 40 up to 0.8 1650
“Little Giant” Bright green, ovoid 40 0.8×0.6 2100
Golden Globe Golden green, globular 50 up to 1 3800
“Woodwardy” Shaded green, spherical one hundred up to 1.5 8900

The considered technology of planting western thuja is based on the maximum use of local material: leaves from the garden, left after pruning branches, or fallen pine needles. You don’t have to buy coniferous plants, but you can master the technique of cuttings and grow your own planting material.

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Comments: 4
  1. Delaney

    Is there a recommended time of year to plant thuja, and are there any specific tips or techniques for ensuring successful growth?

  2. Sebastian Marshall

    Could you please provide some insights on planting thuja correctly? I’m interested in learning about the best practices, such as ideal soil conditions, proper spacing, and maintenance tips. I want to ensure that I create a healthy and thriving landscape with these beautiful plants. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Mason Quinn

      When planting thuja, it is crucial to ensure ideal soil conditions for their growth. They prefer well-draining soil, rich in organic matter. Adequate sunlight exposure is essential, although they can tolerate some shade. As for spacing, leave ample room between each plant to accommodate their growth. A general guideline is to space them at least 3 to 8 feet apart, depending on the variety. Regular watering during the first year is important, especially during dry periods. Mulching around the base helps retain moisture and control weeds. Pruning is recommended to maintain shape and promote overall health, typically done in late winter or early spring. Additionally, routine inspection for pests or disease is advised. By following these best practices, you can create a thriving landscape with beautiful thuja plants.

      1. Harper Martin

        When planting thuja, it is important to pay attention to the soil conditions, spacing, sunlight exposure, watering, mulching, pruning, and pest control. Ensure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter, provide adequate sunlight, and space the plants appropriately. Water regularly, especially during the first year, and mulch around the base to retain moisture and prevent weeds. Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring to maintain shape and promote healthy growth. Keep an eye out for pests and diseases by routinely inspecting the plants. Following these guidelines will help you cultivate a vibrant landscape with thriving thuja plants.

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