
A great design project for an intimate, luxurious villa in minimalist style

This design project creates a luxurious villa that exudes a minimalist feeling while remaining highly intimate. The home itself is a full-blown experience, centered around a large, open-plan living area, which is furnished and accented with modern materials and bespoke furniture. The outdoor area provides an elegant and sleek atmosphere, complete with an infinity pool and terrace space that looks out onto magnificent views. Luxury is taken to the next level with the incorporation of a sauna,Club Room,private cinema,gym,wine-tasting room and a beautifully landscaped garden. With its attention to small details and crisp design, this villa promises to be an oasis where the homeowner can indulge in the beauty of nature combined with the best of modern living.

Large dining table for up to twelve people. The best family dinners are held here.

There are direct stairs to the second floor. There are several bedrooms here. Wooden shutters filter sunlight, keeping the room from overheating.

Spacious bathroom with rectangular bathroom fixtures impresses with its crystal clarity.

In the courtyard of the house there is a luxurious swimming pool, adjacent to the small cascades. In the evening, the house is full of electric lights. Bright and attractive design will pleasantly surprise everyone.

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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Gabriel Davis

    How can a minimalist style be effectively incorporated into the design of an intimate and luxurious villa?

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