
Biorevitalization – what is it, the cost of the procedure. Reviews about biorevitalization, photos before and after

Biorevitalization is a minimally invasive procedure designed to rejuvenate the skin, leaving it more refreshing and youthful with lasting results. It's a procedure that involves injecting biorevitalization substances, such as hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found below the skin, to help stimulate collagen production, improve overall skin tone and texture, and eliminate wrinkles. The cost of the procedure depends on the area to be treated, and reviews from patients who've had it done have been overwhelmingly positive, praising the drastic improvements in skin tone and tightness. Photos before and after the treatment can be seen to show the amazing transforming effects of biorevitalization.

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Today, the natural desire of women to keep their beauty unfading for as long as possible is successfully supported by the achievements of modern cosmetology. Learn more about one of the most effective rejuvenation procedures – biorevitalization. Information about the types of this effect, indications for such beauty sessions and their price will help you make a choice.

What is biorevitalization?

To understand the benefits of this cosmetic procedure, you need to know what its mechanism is. Biorevitalization is a non-surgical method of intensive exposure to the skin with special preparations, thanks to which the vital forces return to the skin of the face, and it is updated. After the sessions, the oval of the face is tightened, the net of small wrinkles disappears and the problematic deep folds near the eyes and lips are smooth out, which always manifest with age.

Hyaluronic acid is biorevitalized. This substance is a natural constituent component of human skin, but with age its production in the body decreases significantly. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin with the help of injections or other intense exposure – laser, current, ultrasound, etc. A course of biorevitalization, conducted by an experienced cosmetologist, activates the natural production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and hydration of the skin, which positively affects the appearance of a woman.

Laser biorevitalization

This technique of introducing the active substance into the skin is preferred by those women who want to get a rejuvenating effect, but they are afraid of injections of hyaluronic acid. Laser biorevitalization of the face involves the delivery of the active substance into the deeper layers of the skin using an infrared laser. A non-injection system effectively saturates the deeper layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid in this way: under the influence of a laser, special transport channels open in the epidermis, through which the active composition penetrates without punctures.

Laser biorevitalization

Injection Biorevitalization

According to the reviews of women who have tried this radical method of intensive care, injections of hyaluronic acid give a wonderful result, for which it is worth suffering a few unpleasant moments. The injection biorevitalization procedure consists in introducing the active substance under the skin by multiple micro-punctures with a special syringe with a very thin needle. You need to know that such injections can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Manual technique. In this case, the cosmetologist himself introduces the drug. With this method, there may be small errors in the accuracy of injections (the distance between the punctures, the amount of substance injected), but the procedure itself for the client feels more delicate than using special equipment.
  2. Hardware Method Thanks to the use of appropriate nozzles on the device, which is controlled by the cosmetologist, the injections are more accurate, but most clients speak of this method of administering the active substance as more aggressive.

Biorevitalization – indications

When should a woman think about using such intensive care? In this matter, more need to focus on their own feelings. The procedure for introducing hyaluronic acid is recommended for all women who want their face to look more well-groomed, its color improves, the oval is tightened, and the fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

What else is worth knowing about biorevitalization – indications for its use are also such visible changes and conditions of the skin:

Acne on the face

  • puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • rosacea (spider veins);
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars after any skin injuries;
  • damage after plastic surgery or other intensive cosmetic procedures.

Biorevitalization – contraindications

Not every woman dares to make injections in her face, here it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. In addition to the indisputable advantages of this procedure, there are contraindications for biorevitalization of the face. The cosmetologist must familiarize the client with a list of restrictions on the procedure during the preliminary consultation, so that the woman is sure that there are no risks.

According to the list of contraindications, skin biorevitalization is prohibited with:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • skin lesions – unhealed scars, ulcers, other wounds;
  • large age spots, moles on the face;
  • gallstone disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • during menstruation.

Biorevitalization – complications

According to customer reviews of cosmetologists who have undergone such skin rejuvenation sessions, after the procedure you still have to expect unpleasant moments. Even if the beautician did everything in the best way, within 2-4 days, tubercles from injections will be visible on the skin surface until the hyaluronate resolves. The face will be slightly swollen, bruises will appear in some places. In the body, inflammatory processes can aggravate. If side effects last longer than the specified period or manifest in a more severe form, you should immediately seek medical help!

Women who have received hyaluronic injections need to adhere to the rules of the rehabilitation period for several days. If you neglect the recommendations that the beautician necessarily reports after the biorevitalization of the face is done, the consequences can be very unpleasant: side effects on the skin will last much longer, and the effect of the procedure will be significantly reduced. For example, if after sessions you abuse alcohol, then hyaluronic acid will not produce a directed action, but simply excreted.

Complications after biorevitalization

Preparations for biorevitalization

A common question asked by women planning a course of beauty injections is which remedy is best to achieve the maximum effect from injections. It must be remembered that the client alone cannot take into account all the indications that biorevitalization will help her cope with – drugs for this procedure are produced with different formulas and can solve different problems. The optimal composition for each woman should be selected by a qualified cosmetologist-dermatologist. Popular drugs from this group are Aquashine, Hyalripyer, Hyaloform, Viscoderm, etc..

The price of biorevitalization

An important issue is the cost of anti-aging sessions. The main factor that will directly affect how much biorevitalization will cost is the price of the drug used. You also need to consider that the biorevitalization procedure is always a course of sessions. Depending on the condition of the skin, it may take from 2-3 to 10 visits to the cosmetologist to get the expected result. According to the proposals of various cosmetology clinics, the price of such a rejuvenation course starts at 6,000 rubles and can reach 25,000 rubles or more.

Biorevitalization – before and after photos

When deciding to take such a step in intensive care of her face, every woman wants to know exactly what to expect from the procedure. More precisely imagine: biorevitalization – what it is, and what result you can count on after the course, a selection of photos will help you. The first-hand difference in the condition of the skin will help you make an informed decision about whether you want to go through these sessions. Although many women who use this procedure say that before and after biorevitalization is always a wow effect for the skin, it is up to you to decide whether injections are worth the declared price.

Photo of a woman before and after biorevitalization

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Comments: 2
  1. Marigold

    Can someone please explain what biorevitalization is and what the procedure entails? I’m also curious about the cost of the treatment and if it is worth it. Additionally, if anyone has undergone biorevitalization, could you please share your experiences and maybe even provide before and after photos? Thank you!

  2. Aurora Kelly

    Can anyone provide more information about biorevitalization? I’m really curious to know what it involves, how effective it is, and whether it’s worth the cost. If anyone has personal experiences or before and after photos, I would greatly appreciate it!

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