
How to calculate KBJU for weight loss – formulas, programs and calculators online

Losing weight is a goal for many people and knowing how to calculate KBJU for weight loss is an important part of that process. This post provides a comprehensive guide on how to accurately calculate KBJU, including detailed descriptions of various formulas and programs. It also introduces calculators that come with advantages such as tailored meal plans and daily calorie and macronutrient intake targets. Finally, it highlights the core benefits of using KBJU for successful weight loss and giving tips on how to best use the calculation tools. It is an necessarily comprehensive resource for anyone looking to track their weight loss with this vital tool.

The content of the article

Those who want to say goodbye to extra pounds should learn how to properly organize their food, taking into account calories. How to calculate fat loss cfu to control fats, proteins, carbohydrates in your daily diet? What is this designation, what formulas for determining the magnitude of these parameters exist – these are questions that it is desirable to have an answer in order to have a healthy body.

What is KBZhU

Although the concept of KBJU has been known since the 19th century, it is gaining special popularity now when the desire to have a beautiful figure arises in a huge number of people. Women and men strive for weight loss, but not always diets, physical activity leads to the desired results. The reason lies in the lack of nutrition, where not only the calorie content of food is observed, but the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is taken into account.

There are standards that are taken into account in the preparation of a diet for weight loss. You can approach the issue individually and calculate the parameters for a specific person. For convenience, the designation of the KBZhU is adopted, which has the decoding:

  • K – calories – energy obtained from products is spent on the implementation of body functions;
  • B – proteins – materials for the construction of cells, systems and organs;
  • G – fats – substances that coordinate metabolic processes that create energy reserves;
  • U – carbohydrates – supporting life, helping mental, physical activity.


The optimal content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in food

Using KBJU formulas, it is possible to calculate calorie content when losing weight, to determine the optimal values ​​of nutrients – fats, proteins, carbohydrates. There are basic parameters adopted by nutritionists in order to maintain optimal body weight. The indicators in grams per kilogram of mass are established:

Optimally When losing weight
Squirrels men 1.4-1.49 1.6-1.78
women 1.31-1.41 1.5-1.62
Fats men 1.21 0.52
Carbohydrates men 4.51-5.6 6.5-9.1

Losing weight using calorie restriction is often difficult. Nutritionists are advised to first adjust the ratio between the main substances. The optimal content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in food with a balance has a proportion of 1: 1: 4. This norm allows a span of up to 25%, so there are percentages of daily dose values:

  • proteins – 31-35;
  • fats – 16-20;
  • carbohydrates – 46-49.

Daily Calories for Women

How to determine KBZhU, make a calculation of calories for weight loss women? It is necessary to build on basic indicators. Values ​​are related to lifestyle, physical activity, age. For example, in pregnant women, the need is 3000 kilocalories. The accepted standard of kcal per day for women, girls:

Age years Life style Norm, kcal
20-30 inactive 2000
mobile 2500
31-50 inactive 1800
mobile 2300
51-70 inactive 1600
mobile 2100

Daily calories for men

The peculiarity of men is that they consume and spend more energy. Before calculating KBJU with weight loss, you should find out the basic indicators for calorie content. Nutritionists accepted a value that is safe for health – 1500 kcal. The daily calorie intake for a man depends on his activity and age. The number of kcal per day is tabulated and is:

Age years Life style Norm, kcal
20-30 passive 2400
mobile 2900
31-50 passive 2200
mobile 2700
51-70 passive 2000
mobile 2500

The ratio of BJU for weight loss

The human body is designed so that weight loss is possible when a deficit appears – the amount of kilocalories spent during vigorous activity will prevail over those received with food. This is not the only requirement. It is important to observe the ratio of BZHU for weight loss. The figures should be: 50 – 30 – 20%. From this it follows – when organizing nutrition, it is necessary to increase the proportion of proteins, reducing carbohydrates with fats.

How to realize this in life? It is necessary to draw up a diet taking into account the requirements for BZHU, change eating habits. It is important to consider:

  • Carbohydrates are fast, contributing to an increase in fat, weight gain. These include sweets, flour products. Slow, giving energy to the body, activating the brain – pasta from durum cereals, cereals, greens. Whole grain breads, vegetables, oranges are useful for weight loss..
  • Proteins can be obtained if you eat fat-free cottage cheese, chicken, milk, beef, fish.

Particular attention among the parameters of KBLU must be given to fats. They are important substances in the work of the body, especially the female. It is a mistake to believe that a decrease in the amount of fat will lead to weight loss – there is a high probability of hormonal imbalance. It is worth knowing – the use of unsaturated fats is useful, it is necessary to include in the product menu:

  • lean meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • nuts
  • fish oil;
  • eggs
  • fatty fish.

Different types of pasta in wooden spoons

How to calculate your daily calorie intake

To say goodbye to extra pounds, it is important to know how to calculate KBJU for weight loss. The first parameter is the number of calories. You can perform the task using special programs that, like calculators, are able to automatically calculate values. To find out this important parameter of the KBLU, you must enter the data:

  • floor;
  • height;
  • age;
  • weight;
  • degree of activity.

There are still ways to calculate the daily calorie intake rate without an automatic counter – using special formulas. According to them, calorie is determined – the consumption rate for the main exchange. It includes energy costs necessary to ensure the vital activity of the body – sleep, respiration, digestion of food, brain function. Accounting for the level of activity is carried out by correction factors:

  • lack of workloads, office work – 1.2;
  • training three times a week – 1.3;
  • athlete’s daily training load -1.7.

Calorie Daily Calculation Formula

How to calculate KBJU for weight loss? When determining calorie per day, one of the most popular methods is used – the formula for calculating the Muffin-Geor calories. The calculation results are adjusted by correction factors, if necessary, fat burning, weight loss are reduced by 25%. There are differences in the calculations, depending on the gender:

  • women – K = 10xM + 6.25xR – 4.92xB – 161;
  • men – K = 10xM + 6.25xP – 4.92x B + 5;
  • K – calorie, kcal;
  • M – body weight, kg;
  • In – age, years;
  • P – human height, cm.

Girl makes calculations on a calculator

How to calculate proteins, fats, carbohydrates

To ensure effective weight loss, you need to know KBJU – the amount of basic substances required for the normal existence of a particular person. How to calculate proteins, fats, carbohydrates? You will need a formula and such data:

  • daily calorie intake;
  • BZHU standards for the day;
  • allowable discrepancy from the calculated values;
  • calorie content 1 gram of basic substances.

The formula for calculating the BJU

In order to determine the RCU for weight loss, it is necessary to calculate the standards for a specific person. To do this, take into account the calorie content of 1 gram of substance in kcal. This value is for protein – 4, fat – 9, and carbohydrates – 4. The minimum values ​​of the standard percentage of each substance and calorie content (K), which were calculated earlier, are taken as the basis. According to the BZHU calculation formulas, the minimum daily amount in grams is determined:

  • proteins – B = Kx30%: 4;
  • fats – W = Kx20%: 9;
  • carbohydrates – Y = Kx40%: 4.

How to calculate BJU for weight loss

Knowing the standard values ​​of KBZhU, you can easily determine the values ​​necessary for the loss of extra pounds. How to calculate BJU for weight loss? Various techniques are available. This can be a program or a very simple formula for calculating BZHU for weight loss. It is repelled from the mass of a person, which is multiplied by the amount of substance needed for each day. In the calculation of carbohydrates per kg of weight, an indicator of 5 grams is introduced. Knowing how to consider BJU for weight loss, it is worth considering the same parameters for:

  • proteins – 1.2-1.49 g;
  • fat – 1 g.

Norm BJU per day

If you have a daily standard KBZHU, you can calculate the standards for a particular person, taking into account his age, gender and tasks that he faces. This may be maintaining constant weight, losing weight, gaining mass. Specialists in the field of dietetics accepted the standards of BJU per day:

  • in gram proportions – 1: 1: 4;
  • percentage combination – proteins – 30-39, fats – 20-24, carbohydrates – 40-49.

Food and calculator

Norm BZHU for weight loss

Indicators for effective weight loss are determined taking into account the normative values ​​of KBZhU. Professionals were able to calculate that to reduce weight, you need to reduce the number of calories, carbohydrates, fats. Protein reduction is undesirable, therefore, the final BJU norm for weight loss in the percentage ratio looks like this:

  • proteins – 40-44;
  • fats – 15-19;
  • carbohydrates – 30-40.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for guidance only. Materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Comments: 2
  1. Isla

    Can someone please guide me on how to calculate KBJU for weight loss? I’m looking for formulas, programs, or online calculators that can help me determine the appropriate caloric intake for achieving my weight loss goals. Any recommendations or suggestions would be highly appreciated!

  2. Skylar Reed

    Could anyone please provide information on the various formulas, programs, and online calculators available to calculate KBJU for weight loss purposes? I’m looking for effective methods to determine my nutritional needs accurately. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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