
How to take goji berries for weight loss

If you're looking for a simple and natural way to boost your weight loss efforts, Goji Berries may be exactly what you need. These highly nutritious and antioxidant-rich berries have been linked to several health benefits, including improved metabolism, increased energy, and appetite suppression. In addition, research has shown that taking Goji Berries on a regular basis can help to reduce stored fat and optimize the body's ability to burn calories. As a holistic supplement, Goji Berries can also help to improve overall wellness and mood. So, why not give Goji Berries a try today and achieve your weight loss goals naturally!

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There is a huge amount of means, diets, sports loads, thanks to which people have been trying for centuries to achieve harmony and health. For example, even in ancient China there were legends about the miraculous benefits of goji berries: men and women who took a specially prepared decoction of these fruits did not look young for years, were healthy, surprisingly slim. Most recently, these secrets were revealed to a wide circle of people, and it became known how to take goji berries for weight loss. The most important question exciting women of all time is how to be slim and young.?

The benefits and harms of goji berries

The secret of such remarkable properties of berries from Tibet lies in the vitamins C, E, A that they contain, as well as in amino acids. They also contain iodine, zinc and other useful substances, help strengthen the body, helping to fight many diseases. This is an indispensable source of useful properties for:

  • losing weight – by properly consuming goji berries in your diet, you will effectively lose weight and strengthen your health;
  • poor eyesight, strengthening muscles, bones;
  • hypertension – the fruits normalize the blood pressure of the vessels of the brain;
  • rejuvenation – due to the large amount of antioxidants contained in them;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cancer cell control due to polysaccharides in Chinese barberry.

Miracle berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and also help to eliminate toxins, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. It is very useful to use them for pregnant women – berries have a beneficial effect on bearing a child; produce a strong effect on the body’s immunity, improve sleep, memory, help relieve stress.

The composition of the useful elements of goji berries

This list of useful properties of goji fruit can be listed endlessly. However, it is worthwhile to focus on when taking this healing plant can have a negative effect and harm your health:

  • nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea (preservatives that are sometimes used to store berries brought from distant lands can cause poisoning);
  • sharp surges in pressure (it is impossible to combine taking fruits with medications for hypertension);
  • sleep disturbances (fruits should not be consumed before bedtime, as they have a energizing, energetic effect).

Since you can’t buy this plant in a regular pharmacy, beware of fakes, try to buy berries only from trusted distributors.

How to take for weight loss

This plant remarkably helps the body fight fat cells, normalizing metabolism, and inhibiting the formation of cholesterol plaques. For the effective use of goji berries in the fight against excess weight, you need to know how to take them correctly:

  • When purchasing a Tibetan plant, it is important to know exactly where it came from: they are also grown in Spain, but such berries are inferior in medicinal properties to those that grow in Tibet itself.

Goji berry picking process in Tibet

  • Take the minimum dose to check if this medicine is right for you..
  • The washed dry fruits are eaten from 15 to 45 g daily, like dried fruits, or brewed with hot water and added to various desserts, yogurts, salads, drunk as tea or a cocktail, eaten with breakfast cereal or cereal.
  • In order to effectively lose weight, you should reconsider your usual diet, eliminate foods that are harmful to a beautiful figure: fatty, flour, fried, sweets.
  • Acceptance of berries is permissible exclusively in dry form (initially they should be like dried fruits, only then they should be steamed if necessary), otherwise it is poison.

The process of drying berries

How long to take them and in what dosage

You set out to lose weight? Nutritionists recommend combining berries with diet, take dried goji fruits daily up to 50 g for one month. If you need to lose weight intensively, then the course should be increased to 2-4 months. As for the full course of treatment, it is necessary to take goji in the same doses daily, but for about six months.

When to eat: before meals or after

For the fastest weight loss, it is best to follow such a scheme for taking goji fruits, counting 50 g per day:

  1. The first part of the berries (7-10 g) should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, somewhere forty minutes before eating.
  2. The rest of the dose must be broken for the whole day..
  3. Keep in mind that the last intake should occur no later than 17.00 (before or after a meal – it does not matter).

What does the instruction offer

  • Appearance: red berries, reminiscent of barberry.
  • Goji Fruit Origin: China.
  • They taste inexpressive, fresh.
  • They are a universal remedy that is used independently, like dried fruits, or is used as an additive to dishes..
  • Widely used in the cosmetology industry, medicine, cooking.

The instructions from Chinese healers indicate:

  • Initially, treatment should be limited to 10 g every day;
  • gradually, when you feel weight loss, increase the dosage to 20 g;
  • the maximum norm that should be followed according to the instructions is not more than 30 g of goji berries daily.

Popular recipes

There are many ways to cook different dishes using Chinese barberry (goji). Some people like to add these berries to desserts, milk porridges, prepare soups with them, wellness cocktails, tinctures, teas. Below you will find several popular recipes that will help you learn how to take goji berries for weight loss with benefit and pleasure..

Tea brewing recipe

Since ancient times, the Chinese have been preparing tea with goji berries and chrysanthemum, which is good not only for weight loss, but also for those who suffer from pressure or high blood sugar. This tea has a tonic effect, energizes and gives strength for the whole day. Here is its composition:

  • one teaspoon of black tea;
  • chrysanthemum flowers (3-5 pieces);
  • six berries.

Pour boiling water over all components, then insist half an hour and take. You will get 2-3 servings of tea, which is good to drink all day: supplement them with your breakfast, lunch or dinner. And it’s also great to drink such a drink before physical exertion (for example, in the gym).

Tonic tea

Healing cocktail

The recipe is simple:

  • take one liter of low percentage milk;
  • add four tablespoons of the fruits of Chinese barberry, cover, leave to insist in the refrigerator for the night;
  • in the morning, get milk with berries, beat it with a blender;
  • add some cinnamon to add flavor.

Thanks to this cocktail, an excellent diet breakfast is served. Drink the remaining amount throughout the day – before and after training.

Nutritious milkshake


For those who like diet breakfasts, porridge should especially like. Take note of proven recipes:

  1. Rinse one glass of brown rice, toss in a saucepan along with 5 g of berries, pour water (2 cups), boil. If your goal is losing weight, adding sugar, salt, oil is not recommended..
  2. Soak 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and boil in water, add 200 g of skim milk, 5-7 pieces of berries, one tablespoon of honey, let the resulting porridge infuse for a couple of minutes. Porridge is ready!

Diet porridge


Before you engage in treatment and weight loss, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the contraindications that exist in the use of goji berries:

  • you can not use goji berries if you have a high fever or there are signs of an inflammatory process;
  • those with allergies of any kind should exclude the use of Chinese barberry, as it is fraught with an allergic attack;
  • it is necessary to carefully apply these berries to those with diabetes mellitus or hypertension (those medications that are taken for treatment in such cases can adversely affect the body, interacting with goji fruit substances);
  • goji fruits should not be used by those who suffer from poor blood coagulation, people taking medications with anticoagulants and during menstruation – this can cause bleeding.

In any case, consult your doctor if you have disputed health issues or are not sure that you know how to take goji berries for weight loss, make sure that you are acting correctly.

Doctor and goji berries

Weight Loss Reviews

Today, there are many people who have tried the effective effect of these Tibetan fruits on themselves. Here are some of the girls’ comments on how they took goji berries for weight loss:


The miraculous properties of Chinese barberry have been known for many centuries, it is used all over the world, nutritionists do not stop recommending the fruits of this plant when they are overweight, doctors not only agree with its healing properties, but also use it in the fight against a large number of diseases. Watch the video where Elena Malysheva talks about healing properties and how goji berries are taken for weight loss:

Photos of people before and after taking goji berries

Weight Loss Girls

Goji Berry Results

Girls before and after taking goji

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Comments: 3
  1. Juniper

    Can anyone provide guidance on the best way to incorporate goji berries into my diet for weight loss purposes? Should I eat them raw, drink them as a juice, or include them in recipes? Also, what is the recommended daily intake of goji berries for weight management? Thank you!

  2. Tatum

    For readers seeking weight loss help, I’m curious about the best approach to consuming goji berries. How should one incorporate them into their diet to optimize weight loss benefits? Any specific quantities, recipes, or timings recommended? Thanks in advance for any advice!

  3. Hazel Clarke

    “Can anyone please share the recommended way to consume goji berries for effective weight loss? Should they be eaten raw, soaked, or mixed with other ingredients? And what would be the ideal portion size and frequency to incorporate them into a weight loss regimen? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.”

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