
Updated design of the priest’s home and church hall in a modern style

A priest's home and church hall have recently been redesigned with a modern style that updates its look, while preserving its traditional essence. This renovation project has resulted in an aesthetically pleasing and practical space, which offers many advantages. The ample lighting and a variety of seating options create an inviting atmosphere, contributing to the feel of openness, flexibility, and comfort. The updated materials, combined with modern technological features, make the space more functional and efficient. Additionally, the new design is more energy-efficient and cost-effective. This modern renovation has enhanced the overall look and feel of the priest's home and church hall.
Priest's home by Michael Meier Marius Hug
A priest's house by Michael Meier Marius Hug

Once inside, you go from the church to the expansive foyer and then to the lower-level prayer room. The rubble stone cladding on the walls and larch wood frames around the huge windows underline the desire to adapt the building to the local surroundings.

The minister's house by Michael Meier Marius Hug
Priest's house by Michael Meier Marius Hug

The designers tried to express the close connection with the environment by using finishing materials found in the area, like butte, special plaster and lead roof.

A priest's house by Michael Meier Marius Hug
The rectory by Michael Meier Marius Hug
The minister's house by Michael Meier Marius Hug
Priest House by Michael Meier Marius Hug
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Riley Davis

    What specific changes were made to the design of the priest’s home and the church hall to reflect a modern style?

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