
Reasons for fogging plastic windows

Fogging plastic windows is an effective way to reduce condensation and extend the life of your windows. This simple and inexpensive installation technique prevents water droplets from forming on the window, while also blocking UV rays and conserving energy. It also helps keep out noise and protect against excessive heat of direct sunlight. While there are a variety of materials and techniques available, the fogging technique provides an effective and cost-effective solution to reduce condensation and protect the longevity of your plastic windows.

Recommendation points

Plastic window may fog up, and this is nothing unusual. The reasons can be different, starting with defects in the apartment and ending with malfunctions of the window itself, or incompatibility of something. And before calling the company where the windows were ordered, you need to try to figure out what the matter is, so you can solve everything much sooner.


The window is fogging up because the apartment has high humidity

First about fogging in general. What it is? Misting is the formation of condensation on the windows, that is, moisture condenses. Having thought logically, it becomes clear that if moisture condenses, it means that the apartment has high humidity and then we will immediately discuss the methods of struggle. Each room should be ventilated, it is enough to open the window three or four times for five minutes and the moisture should be normalized. If one of the readers is outraged, then we recall that increased moisture affects human health for the worse, which means that this must be done. Moreover, this often manifests itself only by installing a plastic window, because ordinary windows have many small slots through which air passes, which removed moisture earlier. And PVC windows are very tight and these processes are stopped. If the windows are installed modern, then, most likely, they should have a ventilation mode, it turns on by turning the knob and setting it to the diagonal position. In this mode, the window slightly moves away and lets in a little air, moreover, the heat loss in this mode is insignificant, which is why it is often called the “winter ventilation mode”. This was the first reason and the fight against it, let’s move on.

The window is fogging up due to a violation of the convection mode

It is possible that the convection mode is violated in the room. As you can see, the premise is also a complex thing and has its own laws. As you know, convection is the process of mixing, air movement, when the warm layers rise up and the cold ones go down. The movement begins from the battery, there the hot air goes up, and then, passing along the ceiling and cooling down, falls to the floor on the opposite side of the window. As everyone knows, windows are always installed above radiators, this is done because the window in another place will almost always fog up. But if it is above the battery, then warm air heats the glass and moisture does not condense on it (and it condenses on cold objects). Now, probably, the reader has already guessed that the reason may be a violation of the natural convection of warm air in the room, that is, something, perhaps, interferes with the heating of the glass.

These can be objects covering the heating or even wide radiators that prevent air from reaching the very glass. It is possible that by installing plastic windows, the window sills were installed much wider, in the form of a table or something similar. The reason is clear here. In this case, you can get rid of by making holes in the windowsill for air, then fogging will definitely stop.

Window fogs up due to too wide glass unit

The next reason for the fogging of a plastic window may be too wide a glass unit. Only airing the room will help here to reduce the moisture inside, no more. However, you can also install an air conditioner, just do not forget that you need a high-quality split system to keep track of moisture. But it is better if the glass unit is not very wide in thickness, although this is no longer so easy to change if the windows are already installed. The best option for double-glazed windows is up to 70 mm thick, since it no longer retains much heat and only interferes with other properties of the window.

Window defect caused fogging

And the last reason is a defect in the window. It can be determined by discarding the indicated defects. If there are many windows and only one fogs up, but there is no difference between them, then the defect is in reality. If all the windows are sweating, then, most likely, the reasons are not in them (we do not take into account wide double-glazed windows), since all windows can hardly be incorrect. In case of a window defect, contact the company, if it is confirmed, everything will be eliminated. Of course, it is necessary to apply, discarding the indicated options, and, most likely, the point is in them. Incorrectly assembled windows are rare, so we look for the reasons first for rooms, not windows.

Hopefully, many readers will be able to easily fix the problem of a fogged window themselves. Indeed, indeed, the window should show us the world, the sun, the sky, and not drips of moisture, which so resemble a tear …

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Comments: 1
  1. Nova Simmons

    What are the main reasons for plastic windows getting fogged up, and how can I prevent or fix this issue?

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