Remodeling historic buildings: a modern take on the water tower –a loft project by Ellis Williams Architects
Remodeling homes
Ellis Williams Architects have taken an innovative and modern approach to remodeling historic buildings.
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Cozy home: River House interior design – the dialogue of space and light after remodeling by Remy Meijers
Remodeling homes
This WordPress post chronicles the story of the River House, a space remodeled by designer Remy Meijers.
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English country houses: The Oaks – a cottage made from an old stable by SOUP Architects Ltd
Remodeling homes
The Oaks, designed by SOUP Architects Ltd, is an exquisite example of visionary design and fine craftsmanship.
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Cottage on the river: a new take on the old Berwyn Mill by DMD Group, North Wales, UK
Remodeling homes
The DMD Group in North Wales, UK, has renovated the old Berwyn Mill into a stunning cottage on the river
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Aristocratic interior design of the Barents temple & Krans – renovation of two buildings in The Hague by Hofman Dujardin Architects
Remodeling homes
The renovation of two buildings in The Hague, the Barents temple and the Krans, by Hofman Dujardin Architects
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Old mill in Madrid has tenants
Remodeling homes
The old mill located in the heart of Madrid has now been renovated and serves as affordable housing
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English country style or a new home from an old mews: The Stables by AR Design Studio, UK
Remodeling homes
The Stables by AR Design Studio is a stunning example of a home breathing new life into a historical building.
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Beautiful Art Nouveau houses: modern design of an old mansion
Remodeling homes
This WordPress post introduces a unique example of modern design: a remarkable old mansion with elements
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California beach house – sea, salt and garden
Remodeling homes
This captivating California beach house is the perfect place to relax, surrounded by the beauty of the
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Interior design for a minimalist home: a story of careful restoration by Benedini & Partners, Montonate, Italy
Remodeling homes
Benedini & Partners, Montonate, Italy, has crafted a truly unique and modern interior design for a minimalist home.
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Eco-home by Ryall Porter Sheridan Arcitects on Long Island
Remodeling homes
The building’s compact design, heat-saving windows, double wall insulation, and constant regulation
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The house-fortress: modern reconstruction of the old family castle
Remodeling homes
This post introduces a modern reconstruction of a traditional family castle, known as the House-Fortress.
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