
Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer

It is possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer to help it last longer and to change up its texture. Freezing cottage cheese increases its shelf life, as it can be kept for up to two months. Additionally, freezing lends the cheese a more crumbly texture, which makes it a good topping for casseroles and salads. When defrosted, it is best used in uncooked dishes, making it versatile for a variety of meals.

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Sour milk protein product, which is obtained by heating sour milk or kefir, followed by separation of whey – cottage cheese. It is divided according to the contained fat into fatty (17%) bold (7-9%) and nonfat curds (not more than 2.5%). It is used as an independent product, or as an ingredient for cooking dishes – pancakes, cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles, cheesecakes. There are situations when there is an extra fermented milk product. Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese for storage? Will its taste and nutritional qualities deteriorate??

Does cottage cheese lose its properties after freezing

Cottage cheese is rich in slowly assimilated protein (casein), contains more than 15 g of protein per 100 g. It contains a high concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP. Experts say that you can store cottage cheese in the freezer – after proper freezing and thawing, all the useful qualities of the product are preserved. It is frozen at temperatures up to -20 degrees, so it can be stored for up to two months.

The industrial capacities of dairy plants allow the production of so-called shock freezing, in which the product freezes in an extremely short time at a very low temperature, about -35 degrees. If you freeze cottage cheese in a freezer at home at a temperature of an ordinary chamber from -5 to -10 degrees, then the taste of cottage cheese will significantly deteriorate.

Under the influence of subzero temperature, the structure of the fermented milk product changes. The liquid in it undergoes a crystallization process. When thawing, delamination begins, the taste of the resulting cottage cheese changes due to the fact that the microorganisms in it are activated, the fermentation process begins, due to improper harvesting.

The benefits and harms of frozen cottage cheese

This type of product is obtained by draining the whey from a milk base, leaving a clean, tasty protein mass and a small amount of carbohydrates, so it is extremely saturated with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, see photo. Proteins are broken down by lactic acid bacteria to useful amino acids:

  • lysine, which is indispensable for the normal functioning of the liver;
  • methionine, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis, helps to eliminate cholesterol, normalize the emotional background;
  • choline, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human nervous system.

Curd in a plate

Cottage cheese must be consumed by people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cholecystitis, with fractures, joint problems. Due to the high content of calcium, a fermented milk product is required for pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents, and senior citizens. Athletes use cottage cheese to replenish protein reserves and build muscle.

The use of dietary cottage cheese is the minimum fat content, the manufacturing technology of which is the lactic fermentation of skim milk, by introducing a special yeast, see photo. This product contains the maximum amount of calcium phosphorus, and vitamin PP, which strengthen the skeletal system, improve vascular elasticity, and heal the intestinal microflora. All the useful properties of cottage cheese are stored in a frozen product, subject to the rules for its preparation and thawing.

The ratio of benefit and harm from the curd depends on the method of its production and product quality. A large concentration of biologically active components is contained in a product prepared at home by fermenting natural milk. It is not recommended to use expired cottage cheese, as pathogenic microflora actively multiplies in it.

Is it possible to freeze sweet cottage cheese and how to properly preserve it? It is not recommended to eat fresh, as well as freeze, store sweet curd curds and masses. They contain a large amount of sugar and its substitutes, preservatives, stabilizers, synthetic flavorings and emulsifiers. Such additives are harmful to health in fresh and thawed form, even if all the rules for the preparation and thawing of the product are observed. It must be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator, within the expiration date indicated on the package.

Is it possible to store cottage cheese in the freezer

Homemade cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-4 days at low humidity (up to 50%), if you transfer it from a plastic bag to a ceramic or enamelled sudok. The shelf life of a store analog is up to a week, as manufacturers add preservatives to increase the shelf life. Freshly prepared product is subjected to deep freezing, which, after defrosting, can be consumed without heat treatment. As for the store-like pasty product, it is not recommended to freeze it; preference should be given to grainy.

To freeze cottage cheese for storage, the temperature of the freezer must be set at least -18 degrees (3 or 4 scale divisions on the control knob). Substantial freezing extends its shelf life to 1-2 months. Such a frozen product retains its valuable and useful properties, but before using it directly, you need to defrost.

Cottage cheese and cherry

How to freeze

To always have fresh tasty cottage cheese on the table, it must be frozen and stored correctly:

  1. For freezing, you need to take only a fresh product of industrial or home production.
  2. The use of plastic bags is not recommended. Preference should be given to glass or enameled containers, which can already be wrapped in cellophane and signed with a marker (product name and date).
  3. Tanks must not be filled to the top, as when freezing, the liquid in the product will begin to expand, and will take up the entire volume provided.
  4. It is recommended to freeze the curd in portions, as thawed product cannot be re-harvested.
  5. You can freeze ready-to-cook foods – cottage cheese is used to make pancakes, dumplings, cheesecakes, which are prepared according to the classic recipe, then they are packed and frozen. So the curd does not change its taste, but is stored longer.

How to defrost cottage cheese

After the thawing process, the fermented milk product should be wrung out to remove excess whey, since it no longer has useful properties. It should be borne in mind that the curd after defrosting should fully correspond to the fresh product: have a white color, a pleasant taste and aroma. Depending on the method of use, there are several ways to thaw this dairy product:

  1. For fresh consumption, it is thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 12 hours.
  2. For cooking with subsequent heat treatment – at room temperature for about 3-4 hours.
  3. In the microwave with defrost function for cooking with curd.
  4. For defrosting, followed by baking, you can use a multicooker, for this it is recommended to set the device to a temperature of +20 degrees.

Cottage cheese with strawberries

What can be prepared from frozen cottage cheese

Thawed curd, cooked in accordance with all the rules, can be eaten fresh if it is thawed gradually in the refrigerator. In other cases, the product is used as an ingredient for the preparation of other delicious dishes, see recipes and photos:

  1. Cheesecakes. For their preparation, you need to mix 200 g of cottage cheese, one egg, 1 tbsp. sugar and sour cream. Knead, then add 0.5 tbsp. flour and a pinch of soda. Knead the dough, form small “patties”, fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden.
  2. Pasta casserole. Mix 250 g of boiled pasta with 150 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. Sahara. Put the mass on a frying pan greased with butter, bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
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Comments: 3
  1. Oakley

    Yes, it is possible to freeze cottage cheese in the freezer. However, freezing might alter the texture and consistency of the cheese, making it more crumbly and less creamy. It is recommended to use frozen cottage cheese within three months for the best quality. Have any other questions regarding freezing or cottage cheese? Let me know!

  2. Victoria Wells

    Can you freeze cottage cheese in the freezer? I’ve always wondered if I can extend its shelf life this way. Will it affect the texture or taste? Any tips or advice on how to freeze it properly would be greatly appreciated!

    1. William Abbott

      Yes, you can freeze cottage cheese in the freezer to extend its shelf life. However, freezing may alter the texture and result in a slightly grainy consistency upon thawing. To freeze it properly, transfer the cottage cheese into an airtight container or freezer bag. Make sure to remove any excess liquid before freezing. Thaw the frozen cottage cheese in the refrigerator overnight and give it a gentle stir before consuming. While the taste might not be affected significantly, it is advisable to use the frozen cottage cheese in recipes that require heating or mixing rather than consuming it directly, to minimize any texture changes.

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