
When is it better to sterilize a cat?

Sterilizing cats provides numerous health benefits. It can help reduce the risk of certain cancers and diseases, and may also provide behavioral benefits by curbing the tendency of cats to roam and fight. In addition, cats can be sterilized as young as eight weeks old, with the procedure taking less than an hour. The optimal time to sterilize a cat depends largely on the cat's age and health. Cats should be sterilized before they reach sexual maturity at five to nine months – males before females – if possible. It's important to have cats checked by a veterinarian before sterilization to ensure they aren't carrying any diseases.

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Sterilization of cats – an operation to remove reproductive organs. After it, the hormonal background of the animal decreases, reproductive functions completely cease. In cats, this intervention is called castration. Animals that do not have health problems tolerate surgery well; consequences rarely occur after it.

What you need to know before cat sterilization

Comparison of the invasiveness of cat sterilization methods

In order for the operation to take place without consequences, check with your veterinarian according to what signs to understand whether the animal is ready for the procedure and whether it is necessary to vaccinate first. Find out what type of sterilization will be used in your case..

Operation Methods:

  1. Tubal occlusion. This is a tubal ligation that prevents pregnancy but does not suppress sexual instincts..
  2. Ovariectomy. Only the ovaries are removed. The operation is more often performed in young, nulliparous cats. After the procedure, the risk of swelling and miscarriage is minimized..
  3. Hysterectomy. Only the uterus is removed. The method is rarely used in veterinary medicine, because the hormonal background of the animal does not change, but the need for mating remains.
  4. Ovariohysterectomy. The ovaries and uterus are removed. The operation is done to animals of any age..

Standard sterilization for cats is ovariectomy.

The operation to remove both testicles in cats is called orchidectomy or castration. During the procedure, the surgeon removes the testes, after which the reproductive function ceases, sexual instincts are suppressed.

Purpose of operation

The benefits of surgery

Cat sterilization or cat castration is carried out to ensure a comfortable stay of the pet in the house, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, to prevent stress, which is inevitable with hormonal surges.

After the operation, the animal will get rid of suffering, less likely to show aggression.

How to determine the readiness of an animal for sterilization

When a cat reaches puberty, she shows her readiness for mating with her whole appearance. The pet becomes restless, sometimes aggressive, trying to break out of the house, puts tags. The mammary glands swell in cats, mucus is released from the genitals, many cry, do not sleep at night, demanding a gentleman.

The veterinarian will help determine exactly if the animal is ready for sterilization..

Do I need vaccinations

One month before sterilization with the animal, it is necessary to get vaccinated according to the schedule. This will protect him from viruses while visiting the clinic. After anesthesia, the pet’s immunity decreases, which also increases the risk of catching an infection.

At what age is better to sterilize a cat

When is the best time for surgery?

Each breed reaches puberty at one time. Only a doctor can understand when it is better to sterilize a cat after examining and evaluating the animal’s health status.

Up to six months

The advantage of surgery at this age is that the kitten has not yet reached puberty, has not had time to feel the stress of hormonal surges, has not learned how to mark territory. Veterinarians do not advise an animal to undergo surgery until six months, because its body has not yet matured, and immunity continues to form.

The best age for cat sterilization is 6–9 months.

After puberty

It is also allowed to castrate or sterilize a pet in a later period. The body and immunity of the animal are fully formed, but the risk of postoperative complications increases, and there is no guarantee that the behavior of the pet will change for the better. Sexual habits may persist long after surgery.

The best way is to sterilize the cat before the first estrus..

After childbirth

Sterilization is done even after the appearance of kittens, but if you do not plan to breed offspring, it is better not to let the cat become pregnant or give birth. Until this time, sex hormones estrogens are produced only in the ovaries, and after that they get into other organs. After sterilization, they will affect the hormonal background of the animal.

In adulthood

There are no clear restrictions on how many years a cat can be sterilized. It all depends on the individual characteristics of her body..

The main condition is that the animal must be healthy at this time..

If the cat is elderly and she was 8-10 years old, to prevent postoperative complications, to identify hidden diseases, will have to undergo an additional examination.

How is the operation

Surgical and endoscopic methods

  • Classic. An incision of 10-30 mm is made in the center of the abdomen. The surgeon removes the uterus with the ovaries, after which a suture remains on the skin.
  • Through lateral access. The surgeon makes a side incision, separating the muscles in a blunt way. The uterus and ovaries are removed, and a classic or intradermal suture is applied to the skin. This operation for cats is less traumatic than the previous one..
  • Through an ultra-small incision using a hook. The skin and peritoneum are dissected with a scalpel, the cut length is up to 10 mm. A special hook is immersed in the wound, with which the ovaries and uterus are picked up and pulled out. After removal of organs, a suture is applied..
  • Laparoscopy. The surgeon introduces an endoscope through punctures in the peritoneum and, under visual control, removes the reproductive organs.

Recovery period

Postoperative blanket

After sterilization, the animal needs rehabilitation. In the early days, the cat will move away from anesthesia, so ensure her safety by limiting active movements. Place your pet in a warm place so that it does not shiver.

You can drink the animal after 4 hours, feed – no earlier than the next day. To prevent the cat from scratching and licking the itching healing wound, put a special collar on her neck.

Carefully monitor the condition of the wound, regularly treat with an antiseptic.

Features of cat sterilization

Some breeds of puberty reach later and do not always successfully undergo surgery. Before sterilization, study these nuances to avoid care mistakes..

British or scottish fold

Scottish lop-eared

These breeds reach puberty later than their relatives, so for them the optimal sterilization time is 8-9 months.

After the operation, pay special attention to the nutrition of the animal, because British and Scottish women tend to quickly gain weight.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cat

After sterilization, such cats may develop a complication – a thickening of the walls of the ventricle of the heart, which is associated with anesthesia. If the dose of the drug is not calculated correctly, often this causes the death of Maine Coon.

Breeders of kittens that are not intended to participate in exhibitions prefer to sterilize them at an early age, before being transferred to the owners.

This is done so that unscrupulous owners do not breed low quality kittens and do not sell them under the guise of a real Maine Coon.

Pros and cons of sterilization


  • No unpleasant odor due to territory marking.
  • 2-3 years increase in pet’s life expectancy.
  • No problems finding a partner, distributing kittens.
  • Prevention of the development of dangerous gynecological diseases.
  • Sterilized, neutered pets are less dangerous for people with allergies..


  • Risks associated with the use of general anesthesia.
  • Complications after surgery due to a decrease in immunity or as a result of infection.
  • Rehabilitation takes time.
  • Sterilized animals are often obese, lead an inactive lifestyle..
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Comments: 3
  1. Aspen

    When considering the optimal time to sterilize a cat, the answer may vary depending on factors such as the cat’s health, breed, and lifestyle. However, most veterinarians recommend spaying or neutering your cat between the ages of 4 and 6 months. This timeframe ensures the procedure is done before cats reach sexual maturity, preventing unwanted pregnancies and reducing the risk of certain health issues. It’s always best to consult with a trusted veterinarian to determine the most suitable timing for your specific cat.

  2. Sage

    When is the ideal time to get a cat sterilized? Is it safe to sterilize them at a young age or should I wait till they’re older?

  3. Samuel Price

    When is the ideal time to have a cat sterilized? Is it better to do it while they are still a kitten or is it better to wait until they become adults?

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