Innovative design of the house CarlOft – a radical solution to the problem of parking

The innovative design of the “CarlOft” house presents a radical solution to the problem of parking. The house features two ramps leading from street level to two levels of parking for up to 3 cars, each tucked neatly under the house itself. The house also provides multiple eco-friendly features, such as rooftop gardens and a green roof, which help to reduce energy consumption and maximize the benefits of natural insulation. The house is also fireproof, structurally sound and uses materials that are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. With its innovative design and unique features, the “CarlOft” house offers a practical solution to the parking needs of its residents.

Good day to all the guests of the Beautiful Country House. In the near future the world will start to build buildings that will not have special parking lots or underground garages. The fact that German architects have designed unique residential buildings, in which the parking lot is located in the apartment! Therefore, already at the present time in the Berlin, Germany is building similar constructions and in the future there will be more.

The purpose of such houses with their own parking lots, which were given the name CarLoft, very simple.

The owner of each apartment has a large balcony with space for a car. An elevator is attached to the building, which will bring the car to this balcony. And the owner of such an apartment will be able to exit the elevator to his individual garage.

According to Manfred Dick – the architect who planned this project of the house, through this reconstruction, a lot of difficulties can be resolved. For example, owners of cars won’t have problems with where to park their car (it’s a big problem in big European cities). In addition, you will not have to worry about your transport.

However, this project has its disadvantages. For example, not every spouse will like that her chosen one will warm up his SUV on the balcony. Currently, the design of the house CarLoft already patented in many countries in the world. And that is why, perhaps, such houses will appear in large Russian cities.

Workroom in the apartment
Dining area with large window
Modern kitchen design in dark tones
Bar stools in the kitchen
Bathroom interior design
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 2
  1. Amelia Thompson

    How does the innovative design of the house CarlOft offer a radical solution to the parking problem? Are there any specific features or mechanisms that make it stand out?

    1. Caleb Knight

      The innovative design of the house CarlOft offers a radical solution to the parking problem through its built-in mechanized parking system. This automated system allows vehicles to be stored vertically within the structure, maximizing the available space and eliminating the need for traditional parking lots. The house’s standout feature is its hydraulic lift that seamlessly transports cars from the entrance to their designated parking spot. This efficient mechanism not only saves time but also provides a secure and convenient parking solution. With CarlOft, parking woes become a thing of the past, showcasing an intelligent approach to addressing the ever-growing parking problem.

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