Modern Edgemoor residence by architect David Jameson –s controversial design will pleasantly surprise you, Maryland, USA

This stunning modern Edgemoor residence, designed by renowned architect David Jameson, is a captivating and interesting sight. Located in Maryland, USA, it has a unique and controversial design that provides both visual and functional advantages. The residence is comprised of a series of boxes, with contrasting angles and shapes, creating an eye-catching look that stands out from the surrounding environment. Inside, the bold design continues with an open-floor plan, natural light, and expansive views of the outdoors. Furthermore, the design is surprisingly energy-efficient, with access to a rooftop garden and other green features. All in all, it's a daring, yet remarkable residence that will pleasantly surprise anyone who sees it.
Edgemoor residence in Bethesda
Edgemoor Residence in Bethesda
Edgemoor residence lounge interior design
Edgemoor residence living room interior design
Edgemoor kitchen interior design
Openwork staircase railings at Edgemoor Residence
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 3
  1. Clementine

    What are some specific aspects of the design of the Modern Edgemoor residence that have sparked controversy and why?

  2. Rhiannon

    This headline about the Modern Edgemoor residence by architect David Jameson has piqued my curiosity. Could you please elaborate on what makes this design controversial?

  3. Skylar Simmons

    What is it about the design of the Modern Edgemoor residence by architect David Jameson that makes it controversial?

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