15 things your handwriting can say about your personality

This post examines the art of handwriting and the many ways it can reveal facets of your personality. It looks at aspects such as size, slant, pressure, speed and spacing, to gain an insight into traits such as self-confidence, mood, enthusiasm and outgoingness. The post demonstrates how you can make an assessment of yourself, and shows how a professional graphologist can provide greater and more in-depth insight. It also explains how your handwriting can change depending on circumstances, and how the science of graphology continues to develop. This post allows readers to discover more about themselves and learn how they can gain greater self-awareness.

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Although it is practically impossible to determine precisely the character of a person by handwriting, the manner of writing can tell a lot. Therefore, doctors and other specialists, including criminal experts, use graphology in their work. If you are interested in learning something new about yourself, it’s time to flip through old notebooks and notebooks. Keep in mind that you should not make a diagnosis based on the prompts given, but you will probably learn something new about how handwriting and character are related..

Handwriting Going Up

Handwriting Going Up

Take a look at your notes, shopping lists, or to-do lists. If the lines inexorably creep up from the beginning to the end, this indicates high ambitiousness. Ascending handwriting is also a sign of arrogance, say graphologists..

Fine handwriting

Fine handwriting

The tendency to write in microscopic letters indicates the ability to concentrate even on the smallest things. You are a detail-oriented person, prone to introspection.

Unfinished letters on top

Unfinished letters on top

Pay attention to how you write the capital letters “a,” “e,” and “d,” whether you leave them not completely closed at the top. Researchers say that people with this particular handwriting feature rarely finish the job they’ve started. This means that they are either lazy and careless individuals, or suffer from mental disorders, such as depression.

Small spaces between words

If the words almost overlap each other, this indicates anxiety and haste. Such people are often prone to neurotization. If it sounds familiar, pay attention to your mental state..

Words flow smoothly in neat lines

Neat handwriting

If the handwriting looks even, measured, neat, its holder is calm, relaxed, not prone to stormy experiences, experts explain.

Circles or hearts above the letter “th”

Circles in letter th

The next way to determine the character of a person’s handwriting is to pay attention to the “th”. If there is a habit of decorating a letter with a non-standard “bracket”, otherwise, the person who wrote it may like to attract attention. If this is a habit that you cannot overcome, it can be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It does not hurt to monitor the status.

The habit of writing in all parts of the page

Writing Behind Fields in a Notebook

If the lines do not fit into the designated fields, but are scattered throughout the sheet, this indicates a talkative, easily excitable person. Such people become great friends. It is also a symptom of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), especially if the notes aren’t meaningful..

The abundance of flourishes

Handwriting curls

If the notes are decorated with loops, and the handwriting looks “curly”, the writer is a compassionate, emotional person with well-developed intuition. It focuses on feelings, which is manifested in the style of writing.

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Sharp, angular handwriting

Sharp, angular handwriting

If the letters have sharp corners, this indicates an internal turmoil. A sharp handwriting indicates increased energy, and in some cases, anger. Such people are tough..

Handwriting Too Neat

Handwriting Too Neat

If you are neat and accurate when writing, like a machine, it means that there is inner stiffness and tension. Surely you at school were worried about grades, and now – because of everything in a row. It also indicates a tendency to be influenced by peers..

Huge capital letters


Uppercase letters hint at a hidden desire for fame, or at least recognition. Such people become bosses, CEOs, famous musicians or film actors. The larger the letters, the more a person wants to be noticed..

The habit of starting recordings from the very top of the page

Entries from the top of the page

If you start notes or greeting cards from the top of the page, this indicates good planning and organization skills, graphology experts say. People who do not know how to plan begin to write below.

Suddenly spoiled handwriting

If you had a normal handwriting, but suddenly became awkward and sloppy, it makes sense to consult a doctor. Depression and other mental disorders, physical ailments – possible causes.

Strong tilt to the left

Strong tilt to the left

If the letters significantly lean to the left, almost stretching along the line, this indicates the nature of the cold and restrained. Such people are selfish, intolerant of others..

Unfinished letters “a” and “o” below

If the letters that are not written above are hinting at laziness, open areas below are a sign of isolation and insincerity. Perhaps you are not a very frank person and like to mislead others.

what man’s handwriting says in theory is not always true in practice. Observe other circumstances. The fact that you, for example, draw circles over the “th” does not automatically mean that you have a mental disorder. However, this is an occasion to closely monitor their internal state..

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Comments: 4
  1. Grace Carter

    What are some key characteristics that can be revealed through one’s handwriting? Can it truly reflect someone’s personality? I’m curious to know if there’s any scientific basis behind this or if it’s purely subjective.

    1. Ava Dawson

      Handwriting analysis, or graphology, suggests that various aspects of one’s personality can be revealed through their handwriting. Some key characteristics that can be assessed include the level of attention to detail, emotional stability, extroversion or introversion, creativity, and even dishonesty. However, the scientific community is divided on the reliability of graphology. While some studies have found correlations between certain handwriting traits and personality traits, others argue that these connections are weak or purely subjective. Hence, while handwriting analysis can provide interesting insights, it should not be regarded as a definitive or scientific personality assessment tool.

      1. Aria Willis

        Handwriting analysis, or graphology, suggests that handwriting can reveal aspects of one’s personality such as attention to detail, emotional stability, extroversion or introversion, creativity, and even dishonesty. However, the scientific community is divided on its reliability. Some studies have found correlations between handwriting traits and personality traits, but others argue that these connections are weak or subjective. Therefore, while handwriting analysis can provide interesting insights, it should not be seen as a definitive or scientific personality assessment tool.

      2. Dylan Phillips

        Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is a fascinating concept that suggests a person’s personality can be revealed through their handwriting. It can assess traits like attention to detail, emotional stability, creativity, and more. However, the scientific community is divided on its reliability. Some studies show correlations between handwriting and personality traits, while others argue it is weak or subjective. Therefore, while handwriting analysis can offer insights, it should not be considered a definitive or scientific tool for assessing personality.

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