
15 ways to bring happiness and health to Feng Shui for the home

This WordPress post provides fifteen easy ways to bring health and happiness to your home using Feng Shui. Feng Shui is an ancient oriental system for creating harmonious home environments. These tips will help you cleanse and purify your home, reduce distractions, and create a welcome atmosphere for visitors. Suggestions include decluttering your home, adding plants and colors, using mirrors to brighten up dark places, and opening windows to let in natural light. All of these tips will result in a healthier, happier home.

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In his home, a person should feel full of energy. To the apartment was the embodiment of harmony and comfort, it is advised to carefully analyze the location of things. To do this, you can use Feng Shui for home. Taoist practice of organizing space helps fill housing with positive energy.

Create Feng Shui Zones Correctly

Feng Shui Zones

Each part of the housing is associated with a specific area of ​​life. The sides are determined by the compass (cardinal points). If you stand inside the house with your back to the north:

  • Far left corner – money sector. Direction – Southeast. Color is light green. There should be fresh flowers and plants. This is a place for images of money and financial well-being..
  • Right far sector – zone of love. Direction – Southwest. Brown color. The paired items here attract love. Especially strong are butterflies, lovebirds, intertwined trees (or their images).
  • The middle left sector is responsible for family relationships.. Direction – East. Color is dark green. Place an aquarium or fresh flowers here. There should be no dried plants in the family zone, photos of deceased relatives and weapons.
  • Right – a zone of children and creativity. Direction – West. Color – white, silver. The place is suitable for any craft, sewing. Auspicious objects – photos of children, metal figurines or hang bells “Music of the wind”.
  • The farthest zone in the middle is the sector of reputation and fame. Direction – South. The color is red. This is a place for hanging awards, medals, letters of commendation.
  • Near Left – Knowledge Sector. Direction – Northeast. Colors are beige and yellow. The room in this area is suitable for talking, talking, reading. Well, if there is a bookcase or desk, there are figures of snakes, owls or crystals, pyramids.
  • The right near sector is responsible for the environment, friends, travel. Direction – Northeast. Colors – white, gold, silver. Place here maps of the world, photos of authoritative people and places you would like to visit.
  • Middle Sector – Career. Direction – North. Colors – blue, black. This area should be lit as much as possible. Mirrors, paintings with ponds, glass objects, an aquarium are suitable for decoration. Well, if there is a study. Area Mascot – Turtle.
  • The central part of the apartment is the health sector. Colors – brown, yellow. Here you can place figures from clay or ceramics, a decorative fountain, a crystal chandelier. Talismans and symbols of the zone – peach, crane, pine, bamboo, heron.

Open your home for positive energy.

Feng shui hallway

Well-being enters the apartment through the front door. To attract good luck and the circulation of energy, it must be open, that is, the space in front of the door must be cleared of things blocking the road. In the hallway, place a plant with red flowers. This color attracts success and good fortune..

Get rid of creaking doors

Sounds affect mood and well-being. The creaking door is not the most pleasant thing to hear when you come home or leave it. To make positive energy visit your home, regularly lubricate the hinges. This applies to all doors in the apartment, but the entrance doors are the most important..

Do not mess in the house

Order in the nursery

In Feng Shui, cluttered space is equated with a cluttered mind. To ensure that energy does not leave the apartment, it is important to regularly restore order. This applies to all its corners and parts..

The order in the house in Feng Shui should be everywhere, from the closet to the attic.

Remove obstacles to moving around the house

Walk around the apartment. This can be the way from the bed to the bathroom or from the bedroom to the kitchen. Your road should not be cluttered. All obstacles in the way are a blockage of energy. An obstacle may be a lamp that prevents passage, or a closed door.

Keep a balance of 5 elements

Five Element Zones

Feng Shui for the home says that there should be “representatives” of all elements in housing:

  • Earth
  • Tree;
  • Fire;
  • Water;
  • Metal.

These elements can be present both physically and symbolically. The goal is to balance life and the environment. An ideal Feng Shui home, instead of elements, may contain colors in the design that symbolize them. It is yellow or brown, green, red, black and white.

Clean things with negative symbolism

If you have low self-esteem, check if wall mirrors are hanging high at home. If the owner of the apartment is single, it is worth taking a closer look if he does not have things without a pair. For example, it can be one vase, a chair or the only person in the picture. To return positive energy, remove these things from the apartment.

Add the most natural light.

Room lighting

This is a symbol of happiness and positive. Hang mirrors that attract prosperity to your home. They will scatter natural light. When mounting mirrors, make sure that they reflect most of the room or a pleasant view.

Use mirrors wisely

They are placed where you need to increase the flow of energy. Something beautiful should be reflected in the mirrors. To attract good luck in the bedroom, correctly place them in the room.

The mirror should not display the bed. This will adversely affect your sleep..

Arrange houseplants in the house

Feng Shui Plants

Living plants attract qi energy. It is needed to restore human health. The best place for flowers is in the kitchen between the fridge and stove. So they will balance energy. Flowers can stand on furniture, stand or floor.

Keep the bathroom door closed

Wealth in Feng Shui is associated with water. In the bathroom she leaves, and with it well-being from the hearth. To avoid this, keep the room doors closed. This rule also applies to the toilet lid, as it also has a drain.

Correctly place the bed in the bedroom

Furnishing a bedroom in Feng Shui

The layout of the house plays an important role in Feng Shui. The apartment must be equipped so that the energy circulates correctly. This also applies to places to sleep. When placing a bed or sofa, remember that they should not stand at the window or “legs” to the door.

Place a place to sleep so that you can see incoming people from it.

Wash all windows

They are a symbol of the eyes. Glasses let in sunlight, so that the energy of the house was good, the windows should always be clean. Use non-toxic products such as water and vinegar to clean them..

Clean the energy in the house

Sage and Orange Oil for Energy

Her character depends on the people who visit the accommodation. This energy must be cleaned and removed in order for a new one to come. You can use natural essential oils. To clean the energy, spray them around the room. Sage and orange oils are suitable.

Good to have a fountain at home. Water cleans energy, removes dirt.

Post family photos in the living room

The bedroom should not be decorated with any images. This also applies to photographs. They are best placed on the walls of the living room or dining room. It doesn’t matter who is shown in the photo: children, relatives or you. If the images hang on the walls of the bedroom, looking at them, you will mentally switch to some events, which will interfere with quality sleep.

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Comments: 3
  1. Waverly

    Can you please provide some specific tips or techniques on how to incorporate Feng Shui into our homes in order to enhance both happiness and health?

    1. Aurora Powell

      To incorporate Feng Shui into your home to enhance happiness and health, start by decluttering and organizing your space to allow positive energy to flow freely. Arrange furniture to create a harmonious flow of energy, known as chi, in your living areas. Use bright and uplifting colors, natural light, and indoor plants to promote well-being. Display symbols of abundance, such as wealth bowls or crystals, in key areas of your home. Place a mirror opposite the entrance to reflect positivity entering your space. Keep your bedroom serene and clutter-free to promote restful sleep. Overall, aim to create a balanced and peaceful environment that supports your physical and emotional well-being.

  2. Penelope Morgan

    What are some specific practices or changes that can be implemented to incorporate Feng Shui into our homes, promoting both happiness and good health?

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