Which oven is better to buy?
Stoves and fireplaces
This post explores the critical features to consider when selecting an oven for your kitchen.
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Grill and compact smokehouse from a clay pot
Stoves and fireplaces
This blog post introduces a new and creative way to make a grill and compact smokehouse from a simple clay pot.
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Sheet steel wood-burning stoves
Stoves and fireplaces
Sheet steel wood-burning stoves are efficient sources of heat and can provide a cosy ambience indoors.
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Stove heating of a private house: pros and cons
Stoves and fireplaces
This WordPress post discusses the pros and cons of stove heating in a private home. Stove heating is
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Unusual false fireplaces in the interior of an apartment and a house
Stoves and fireplaces
False fireplaces add a touch of charm to the interior of a home, offering unique advantages that can
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Secrets of choosing and operating a sauna stove in questions and answers
Stoves and fireplaces
This WordPress post provides a comprehensive guide to choosing and operating a sauna stove.
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What to do if the stove smokes
Stoves and fireplaces
Having old or improperly maintained stoves can cause them to emit smoke, which not only generates unpleasant
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Indoor barbecues and grills: pros, cons, varieties
Stoves and fireplaces
Indoor barbecuing and grilling can be a fantastic way to cook food and enjoy the flavor of outdoor grilling
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Russian stove in the interior of a modern house
Stoves and fireplaces
This WordPress post discusses the unique feature of a Russian stove in the interior of a modern house.
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Brazier with a cauldron: photos and examples
Stoves and fireplaces
A very simple option. It’s easier just to make a brazier with a cauldron from a pipe or an iron
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Grates for stoves and fireplaces: types, features of selection and operation
Stoves and fireplaces
The right grate for stoves and fireplaces plays an important role in creating a pleasant atmosphere
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Stone fireplaces
Stoves and fireplaces
Stone fireplaces add a sense of sophistication, comfort, and style to any home. Not only are they aesthetically
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