
How to clean a crystal chandelier at home

This article outlines a step-by-step guide on how to clean a crystal chandelier at home. It covers the supplies needed, simple instructions, and various useful tips to guarantee a safe and thorough clean. In addition, this guide offers advice on how to prevent further damage to the chandelier and how to restore old pieces. With a little effort and knowledge, readers can easily revive their crystal chandeliers and ensure that these beautiful pieces remain in perfect condition.

The content of the article

The lampshade from this material is difficult to wash only with water. To clean the crystal chandelier at home, special tools will help. It is important that they do not leave stains, stains on the surface, do not lead to dullness and darkening of pendants, the appearance of rust on elements made of bronze or other metals. Helpful tips help solve the problem..

How to clean a crystal chandelier

How to wash a chandelier

The choice of method depends on the degree of contamination of the lighting device. You can clean the lampshade from dust in a dry way. If this method is ineffective, try washing the crystal chandelier with special compounds..


This is the best way to restore order. He needs purchased or home cleaning products. Be careful when cleaning..

To avoid breaking pendants, use plastic basins or bowls.

Watch the temperature of the water, which should not be more than 27, otherwise the crystal may grow dull. Wet cleaning can be carried out with the dismantling of the lampshade or without it, when the structure cannot be removed and disassembled.


This method is suitable if there is a thin layer of dust on the lighting device. Arm yourself with a soft, dry cloth or special brush and wipe the lamp. An important condition: make careful movements so that the crystal pendants do not touch, do not scratch each other.


If you intend to remove parts of the luminaire to clean it, take a picture of it before cleaning. This will facilitate the subsequent assembly process. Open the window to ventilate the room. Prepare detergents, napkins, gloves. For cleaning at home, you will need special brushes.

Required Accessories

Accessories needed to clean the chandelier

  1. Gloves. They are needed so that the details of the lighting device do not slip out of your hands, and your fingers do not leave fingerprints on the surface. Materials – rubber, lint-free fabrics or silicone.
  2. Plastic basin need to wash items.
  3. Lint-free wipes or microfiber will wash out parts that could not be removed.
  4. A clean, soft cloth will be required to lay out the washed items..
  5. Blanket or Terry Towel. They are placed on the floor under the lamp so that pendants that accidentally fall do not crash.
  6. Special brush (duster), which attracts dust, dirt when dry cleaned.
  7. Velvet fabric will help to grate the lampshade, to give details shine.
  8. Cellophane newspaper. They are necessary if you need to clean the lamp without dismantling.
  9. Toothbrush helps to reach hard to reach places.


To clean the crystal chandelier, you can purchase drugs in the store:

  • Antistatic spray. The tool cleans the lamp without removing it from the ceiling. Spray the composition onto the lampshade and let it dry. After that, the light will become clean..
  • Dishwashing Detergent, like Fairy. Dissolve 45 ml in 2 l of water, wash the fixture parts.
  • Foam. Lay cellophane or newspaper on the floor under the lamp. Spray the agent onto the crystal lampshade, wait for the foam to subside. After cleaning, the lamp will look like new.

Crystal chandelier cleaner can be prepared at home. Homemade formulations guarantee good results:

  • To 5 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l ammonia.
  • Pour 50 ml of table vinegar, 40 g of sodium chloride into 3 liters of water, mix well until it dissolves.
  • On a coarse grater, rub 1/3 of the bar of laundry soap, add 35 g of soda, pour 3 liters of water.


Stages of cleaning the chandelier without removing

To clean the crystal chandelier with dismantling, two approaches are needed. Unfasten first, wash the pendants thoroughly. Then proceed to the metal structure. Wipe it with a soft, non-abrasive cloth so as not to scratch it..

Suspension Cleaning

  1. Unscrew the plugs, turn off the electricity.
  2. Prepare a washing solution.
  3. Install a staircase under the chandelier. Lay a thick blanket next to it to protect the lamp parts from breaking when dropped.
  4. Disconnect the wires that feed the lamp, remove it from the hook, place it on the floor.
  5. Unfasten the pendants, immerse them in a plastic basin with detergent, carefully spoil.
  6. Rinse the parts in a container of clean water. Put on a cloth, dry.
  7. Wear lint-free gloves and assemble the lampshade.
  8. Rub the pendants with a velvet cloth to make them shine.
  9. Fix the lamp, connect the electricity.

Cleaning the bronze elements

Cleaning with ammonia solution

To wash this metal at home, prepare a solution of ammonia. Dampen a soft cloth with it, wipe all the bronze parts, then remove the moisture with a dry cloth. If this is not done, the metal elements may become dull. When there is rust on the chandelier, use table vinegar. Precisely treat them problem areas.

One-piece chandelier cleaning

  1. Disconnect the room. Put a newspaper or cellophane, a blanket on the floor under the chandelier, place a stepladder.
  2. Prepare a detergent. Work each crystal piece with a cloth dampened with a compound..
  3. Wipe immediately with a soft, lint-free cloth..
  4. Do not twist the lamp to gain access to each side of it. Such actions lead to damage to parts and supports, due to which the chandelier may break, fall.
  5. Wipe light bulbs, shades with a dry cloth.
  6. Using a toothbrush or cotton swabs, work on hard to reach places. Clean all metal elements.
  7. With a velvet cloth, rub the pendants to a shine.
  8. Leave the lamp for 3 hours to dry completely. Turn on the electricity.
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Comments: 3
  1. Aspen

    What are the best methods for cleaning a crystal chandelier effectively and safely at home?

    1. Benjamin Davis

      To clean a crystal chandelier effectively and safely at home, here are some recommended methods:

      1. Turn off the power: Ensure the chandelier is unplugged or turn off the power to avoid accidents.

      2. Dusting: Start by dusting the chandelier using a soft, lint-free cloth or a feather duster to remove loose dirt and debris. Be gentle to avoid damaging the crystals.

      3. Vinegar solution: Mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and distilled water. Dampen a microfiber cloth with the solution and gently wipe each crystal. The vinegar’s acidity helps cut through grime and leaves a streak-free shine.

      4. Dish soap solution: For heavier dirt, mix warm water with a mild dish soap. Dip a soft cloth into the solution, wring it out well, and wipe each crystal individually. Rinse the cloth frequently to avoid spreading dirt.

      5. Spot cleaning: For stubborn stains, soak a cotton swab or cloth in the vinegar solution and gently rub the affected area. Avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch the crystal.

      6. Drying: After cleaning, use a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess moisture from the crystals. Allow the chandelier to air dry completely before turning the power back on.

      Remember, delicate crystal chandeliers require careful handling. If unsure or dealing with an intricate design, it’s always advisable to consult a professional chandelier cleaner to avoid any damage.

  2. Owen Mitchell

    Can anyone provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean a crystal chandelier at home? I want to ensure it’s done correctly without causing any damage. Any expert tips or recommended cleaning solutions/products would be greatly appreciated!

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