
Medilis – instructions for use, composition, mechanism of action and contraindications

Medilis is an innovatively formulated therapeutic product designed to improve the wellbeing and health of individuals. It is based on a novel technology that combines several beneficial components into one product, providing users with a comprehensive range of benefits. The product is composed of herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals that are extremely beneficial for maintaining healthy immune and cardiovascular systems. Its mechanism of action is to regulate the body's own natural systems and provide relief from specific conditions. Medilis also has minimal contraindications, making it a safe and effective option for improving health and wellbeing.

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You can get rid of insects that have occupied an apartment, a house, or parasitic on plants, using modern means. Insectoacaricides are universal drugs that help to destroy not only insects, but also arachnids (ticks). This type of remedy includes Medilis, created on the basis of a powerful pesticide that inhibits the vital functions of small pests. Unlike analogues, lice, fleas and other insects do not develop resistance to this remedy.

Instructions for use Medilis

The tool is used to treat residential and non-residential premises, territories, boarding houses, sanatoriums, medical institutions from harmful insects. It is used in the agricultural sector to control pests of crops, applied to clothing for the prevention of tick bites, with it you can get rid of lice and fleas. Use insectoacaricide carefully so as not to harm yourself, children, pets. For this, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for use..

Composition and form of release

The insecticide is available in three varieties, each of which has its own composition. There are ready-to-use products on sale, but there are also those that require dilution with water:

Type of drug Active substance Auxiliary components Release form
Antiklop Permethrin, cypermethrin, tetramethrin Organic solvent Spray bottle (spray)
Ziper Cypermethrin (25%) Emulsifiers, perfume Plastic container 50, 500 mm or in ampoules of 1 ml
Super Fenthion (24%) Synergist substances enhancing fenthion activity Glass or plastic container 50, 500 ml

The mechanism of action of the drug

The effect of the agent on parasites depends on the main active substance. In the Super product, the active ingredient is fenthion, a synthetic oily substance with a garlic odor. Fenthion inhibits the vital functions of insects, adversely affecting cholinesterase – enzymes that stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. The substance continues to act for 1–2 months after surface treatment, resistant to ultraviolet light.

Cypermethrin, which is part of Medilis Anticlop and Ziper, has a slightly different effect. This substance is a pyrethroid, and it enters the body of the parasite in two ways – through the outer integument or through digestion. Cypermethrin strikes the nervous system of the pest, because it causes depolarization of cell membranes, which leads to a slowdown in the flow of sodium ions. This process leads to the occurrence of synaptic disorders that immobilize the insect..

Medilis product line


The insecticide has activity against bugs, cockroaches, ants, fleas, wasps, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae. A drug is used to prevent bites of ixodid ticks that carry encephalitis and borreliosis. This tool is used to treat territories and premises for the destruction of scabies mites, larvae of dangerous insects. A variety of Super is also used against various types of lice – head, pubic, clothing.

Dosage and administration

Super and Ziper are used in diluted form and applied by spraying. Before you start working with the drug, you need to wear rubber gloves, and after the procedure is completed, throw them away and wash your hands with soap. The concentration of the finished solution depends on which pest to fight. After adding the drug, the liquid should be shaken well for 5 minutes.

Medilis Super

If you want to get rid of lice, Super is suitable. From 1 ml of the product (1 ampoule) mixed with 119 ml of water, a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 0.2% will be obtained. Apply the prepared concentrate to the scalp with a cotton swab, rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with an acidic solution (mix a glass of 9% vinegar with 200 ml of water), comb out a small comb to remove nits and dead insects. Repeat hair treatment after 7-10 days. Do not use more than 2 times in 30 days.

To destroy body lice, it is advisable to treat the patient’s clothes. For this, things need to be soaked for 20 minutes in water, where a 2% aqueous emulsion of the drug is added. For 1 kg of dry linen, 2.5 liters of solution will be required. After that, rinse the clothes and soak them again in 3 l of hot water (80–85 ° C) with the addition of 3 tbsp. l soda and 15 g of laundry soap, then wash in the usual way.

To destroy the bugs, you should prepare a solution – take 9 ml of the product with 995 ml of water. To prevent infection with pests, you can use a weaker concentration – 998 ml of liquid, 2 ml of the drug. To process a bed, mattress, and bed linen it is better to boil or disinfect and wash in the above manner. Eliminate cockroaches will help a more concentrated solution – 15 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. It is possible to process walls, floors, cracks between the wall and the baseboard, exhaust grilles.

Medilis Ziper

This tool is not suitable for eliminating lice, otherwise the concentrate is diluted in the same way as Super. The instructions indicate the following proportions:

  • for the treatment of clothing for the prevention of bites of ixodid ticks – 995 ml of water 5 ml of the product;
  • to destroy flies (adults), cockroaches, fleas, wasp nests, hornets, it is necessary to dilute 4 ml of the drug in 996 ml of liquid;
  • ants, bed bugs, mosquitoes, mosquitoes – take 2 ml of insecticide per 998 ml of water.

special instructions

When working with an insecticide, it is important to comply with safety rules – use a protective suit (if large areas are to be treated), gloves, glasses, a respirator. Other special instructions:

  • Dispose of the dishes in which the solution was prepared..
  • Disinfection of the room is performed with open windows, food must be removed from the room in advance. After finishing the treatment, air the home for half an hour.
  • The product has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, but it is better to perform the procedure in the absence of pets. If there is an aquarium in the room, you need to cover it, turn off the aerator.

Girls apply the drug to hair

Side effects and contraindications

During disinfection, pregnant women, persons under the age of 18, and those who are contraindicated in contact with pesticides should not be present. When poisoning with vapors of a substance, the following manifestations are possible:

  • taste of bitterness in the mouth, salivation;
  • nausea, aggravated by smoking, eating;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • abdominal pain, dyspeptic symptoms;
  • general weakness.

With such symptoms, you need to bring the victim to fresh air, give him a drink of water. If part of the emulsion has entered the stomach, it is necessary to drink an absorbent – activated charcoal (10–20 tablets), Enterosgel or Atoxil. If the product gets into the eyes, be sure to rinse them with water, drip with Albucid. After first aid to the patient, show the doctor.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy an insecticide in specialized departments of department stores. An undiluted drug is flammable, therefore, store it away from fire at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C. Do not place the container with the product near food. The shelf life from the moment of production is 5 years. Ready emulsion must be used within 8 hours after preparation.


Instead of Medilis, you can use another means to combat insects. The following drugs are effective:

  • Veda is a shampoo designed to remove lice and nits. As part of permethrin, which paralyzes insects, striking their nervous system.
  • Medifox is a permethrin-based agent for the treatment of head lice and scabies. The drug is diluted with water and applied to the skin or hair with a tampon.
  • Here – an oily solution, the active substance of which is dimethicone. This compound is a liquid silicone, it envelops insects with a dense shell, contributing to their strangulation.
  • Plus couple – a multicomponent aerosol from lice and nits. The composition of permethrin, malathion and peronil butoxide, which work in synergy, enhancing each other’s action.
  • Paranit – shampoo for head lice based on dimethicone, which has the effect of dehydration and strangulation of parasites.
  • Parasidosis is an insect repellent that is used to prevent the appearance of lice in children and adults. As part of ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate, sprayed onto hair.
  • Full Marx – a means to eliminate head lice (head lice). As a part of cyclomethicone and isopropyl myristate. Leads to dehydration of insects and their death.

Full Marx Solution

Medilis Price

The cost of Medilis depends on the region, the volume of the container with the drug, the store. The variety of insecticide – Antiklop, Tsiper, Super matters. In Moscow, you can purchase the product at the following prices:

Drug name Capacity volume, cost
50 ml / rubles 250 ml / rubles 500 ml / rubles
Antiklop 385-460
Ziper 190–230 1200-1500
Super 190–250 1300-1550
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Comments: 2
  1. Marigold

    Can you provide more information about Medilis, such as its instructions for use, composition, mechanism of action, and any contraindications?

  2. Liam Richardson

    Can you please provide more information about Medilis? I would like to know its instructions for use, composition, mechanism of action, and any contraindications associated with it. Thank you.

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