
Elegant family home with a slide: The original Liebel Architekten BDA, Germany

This family home designed by Liebel Architekten BDA in Germany is a modern two-storey residence with a unique twist: a built-in slide connecting the ground floor and upper floor! Aside from this eye-catching feature, the property offers plenty of contemporary amenities, including an expansive terrace overlooking a manicured garden, a contemporary glass-fronted design, seven bedrooms, and a large open kitchen. With its practical and unique features, this elegant family home is sure to be an unforgettable place to live.
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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 4
  1. Aspen

    This home sounds intriguingly unique! I’m curious to know how the incorporation of a slide adds to the elegance of the overall design. Does it serve as a functional feature or is it more of a playful addition?

  2. Everly

    This elegant family home with a slide designed by Liebel Architekten BDA in Germany looks amazing! I’m curious to know if the slide is only for the kids to enjoy or if it’s also integrated into the overall design of the house.

    1. Riley Nichols

      The slide designed by Liebel Architekten BDA in Germany is not only a fun feature for kids but also an integral part of the overall design of the house. It adds a playful and whimsical element to the elegant family home, merging functionality with creativity. The slide serves as both a practical way to move between floors and a unique design statement that sets this home apart. It showcases how architecture can be innovative and fun while still maintaining a sense of sophistication and style.

  3. Lily Simmons

    This sounds like a fascinating architectural project! I’m curious to know more about the design concept behind this elegant family home with a slide. What inspired the architects at Liebel Architekten BDA to incorporate a slide into the design, and how does it enhance the overall functionality and aesthetic of the home? Additionally, were there any challenges or considerations unique to incorporating a slide into a residential property?

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