
Before and After: Old house makeover

This post documents the remarkable transformation of a tired, run-down house into a modern, stylish living space. From replacing the crumbling roof to updating the decorations, the entire remodeling process was carefully planned and completed in a few short months. In addition to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the house, new energy-efficient appliances and insulation make it much more cost-effective and comfortable to live in. The home's unique features, such as the warm wooden flooring and pop of color in the kitchen, provide a cozy atmosphere while harboring timeless charm.
Old Home Makeover: Before Renovation

The room before the renovation

Old American home makeover: redesigning the kitchen

After the renovation, the kitchen design is truly European..

Old U.S. home makeover: a great new kitchen

Brighten up the room

Old home makeovers in the U.S.: Cooking in the new kitchen

Beloved meals can now be pampered more often


Behind the kitchen. A new French door was added for better lighting.

Old U.S. home makeover: dining room before renovation

Before the renovation, the room was small and dark

Old U.S. home transformation: built-in pantry

A built-in buffet is one of the few items that remain from the renovation

The living room

The room is divided into two sitting areas, using prized heirloom Indian furniture that the family refused to get rid of. A linear gas fireplace was installed, and all the windows were replaced with energy-efficient ones.

Old American Home Makeover: Old Living Room View

Old tiles didn’t fit in with the new house design

Old home makeover in the U.S.: a new hallway

A modern hallway leads to a meditation room, a shrine to Indian culture


The room is trimmed, like the rest of the house, with walnut wood, and the owners’ pride and joy, Indian rugs, on the floor.

Old American Home Makeover: Bathroom Before Renovation

Bathroom before renovation

Transforming an old house in the U.S.: hostess decorations

Space for the hostess’ many decorations, too

How would you like to change your old house??

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Antonio Jonson

Hello there! I'm Antonio Jonson, and I'm thrilled to share my passion for appliance repair and installation with you. As an author on this website, I'm driven by my love for technology and my desire to help others understand and resolve issues related to their appliances.

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Comments: 1
  1. Hazel Kelly

    I’m curious to know about the process of transforming an old house into a beautiful new space. How did you decide on the renovation plans and what were the main challenges you faced throughout? Did you encounter any surprises during the makeover? Also, what key changes did you make to modernize the house while still retaining its original charm?

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