How to drink alcohol and not get drunk – what you need to do and take before a feast

This post outlines the steps one should take and the supplies to have on hand to avoid getting drunk while consuming alcohol. It provides tips on moderating consumption, including sticking to one type of drink, washing it down with food or alternating with a glass of water, and using a straw to drink. The post also recommends stocking up on nutritious snacks, sugary drinks, and electrolytes to replace essential nutrients and hydrate the body. Additionally, important safety precautions are mentioned such as never driving after alcohol consumption and monitoring others who may have drunk more.

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Drinking alcohol for a holiday is an established tradition. Many men and women who do not want to break away from the team at a party or corporate party need advice on how not to get drunk on alcohol, not get a hangover. Specialists identify a number of simple rules for those who want to stay in shape throughout the fun. The list consists of preparatory activities and alcohol recommendations..

How to drink and not get drunk

There are some simple recommendations on how not to get drunk on alcohol:

  • Before the holiday, drink a few crushed tablets of activated carbon with plenty of water. Eat something enveloping, such as oatmeal or butter sandwich.
  • Once directly at the event, it is advisable to eat a fatty, satisfying dish. In consequence, you can snack with lighter foods.
  • Try not to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks..
  • Do not mix different types of alcohol.
  • Between toasts, make large gaps, drink alcohol in small sips.
  • If you feel that you are starting to get drunk, drink half a glass of lemon juice. Vitamin C helps reduce the negative effects of alcohol.


An important tool, like drinking vodka and not getting drunk, is prevention. Before drinking high-degree alcohol, it is recommended to take enzymes, sorbents and B vitamins. Vodka should be cold, let the bottle lie in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Drink the drink in small portions (50 g) without holding it in your mouth. You can drink vodka with fruit juices or compote. As an appetizer, you first need to eat hearty dishes, gradually moving to lighter ones. When you feel that it has become difficult to swallow vodka, it is better to stop drinking alcohol.

Bottle of vodka and a glass with a drink in the hands of a man


As you know, from champagne you can get drunk very quickly. This is explained by the presence of bubbles in the drink. Therefore, one of the means, how not to get drunk from champagne, is to place grapes or a piece of chocolate in a glass. A foreign object in the vessel helps remove bubbles. Drink sparkling wine should be chilled, in small sips. It is also not recommended to mix champagne with other alcoholic beverages, the reaction can cause rapid intoxication.


The rules for drinking beer, so as not to get drunk quickly, are consistent with general recommendations. Take on board a few simple tips to help prevent drunkenness from this drink for a while:

  • Do not drink more than 1 glass of beer per hour. Doctors believe that most toxins are processed during this period..
  • If you want to drink alcoholic beverages of a greater strength at the festive table, give preference to vodka, since it is made from grain. Mixing beer with wine or brandy is not recommended..
  • Take adsorbents and vitamins B1 and B6 some time before the party. These medications will help block the effects of toxins..
  • Some people prefer to quench their thirst with cold beer in hot weather. This is not recommended, as you can get drunk soon.
  • Drinking a drink is better from glass vessels, so you can control how much you drank.
  • Have beer with fatty foods.

Beer of different varieties in glasses

How to drink

In order not to get drunk from alcohol quickly, you need to apply a few simple rules during a feast:

  • If you are going to drink different drinks, start with the lungs, gradually increasing the degree of alcohol.
  • Bubbles of carbon dioxide, located in soda, contribute to the rapid entry of alcohol into the blood, so do not drink alcohol with them.
  • Be sure to have a snack, eating high-calorie foods: meat, fish, lard, sandwiches.
  • Frequent exposure to the open air and intense physical activity will help increase the metabolic rate and prevent rapid intoxication..
  • If you smoke, try to do it as little as possible..
  • Drink in moderation as uncontrolled consumption will lead to negative consequences..
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What to eat

In order not to get drunk from alcohol quickly, do not drink on an empty stomach. You should eat before the party and have a snack in the process. The scheme will help not only stay sober longer, but also protect your stomach. The snack should be plentiful and high-calorie, while making sure that there is no overeating, because otherwise you will overload the liver.

For jamming alcohol, potatoes, meat, hot, lard and other fatty foods are suitable. They will help to facilitate the intake of alcohol parsley and citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange), which you need to eat with zest. Do not eat unknown exotic dishes, as they can give an unexpected reaction to the intake of alcohol-containing drinks in the digestive system..

What to drink before a feast

Before the coming booze, you need to prepare your body for alcohol, this will help not to get drunk quickly. Before the holiday, drink 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Due to its structure, it envelops the walls of the stomach, prevents the absorption of alcohol. Using oil, you can delay the adverse effects of alcohol for about an hour.

To prepare the body for a few hours before the proposed feast, drink a stack of vodka or other alcohol that you intend to consume in an equivalent amount. This technique works like a vaccine, improving the process of processing alcohol. The body will begin to process toxic substances before the bulk of the alcohol enters. Both methods are suitable only in cases where you do not intend to take alcohol in large quantities..

Vegetable oil in glass jars

Drunkenness pills

One way to stay drunk for a long time is to use certain medications. Experts recommend taking 5 tablets of activated carbon, which should be crushed to a powder. To do this, so as not to get intoxicated, is required 2-3 hours before the intended use of alcohol. The drug helps to absorb fusel oils and alcohol, so a person can get drunk more slowly. It is useful to take tablets containing enzymes 40 minutes before the feast. These drugs include Mezim and Festal.

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Comments: 7
  1. Aspen

    There are a few strategies to try if you want to drink alcohol and not get drunk. Firstly, make sure to eat a substantial meal before drinking as it slows down alcohol absorption. Drinking water or non-alcoholic beverages in between alcoholic drinks can also help dilute the alcohol in your system. Additionally, pacing yourself by sipping slowly and limiting the number of drinks consumed can minimize intoxication. But remember, everyone’s tolerance varies, so always drink responsibly and know your limits. Is there anything else you’d like to know about this topic?

    1. Connor Taylor

      In addition to the strategies mentioned, it’s important to keep track of how much you’re drinking and to be mindful of the alcohol content in your beverages. Choosing lower alcohol content drinks or opting for light beers can also help in reducing the chances of getting drunk quickly. It’s also helpful to have a designated driver or plan for alternative transportation if you plan on drinking. And remember, it’s always okay to say no to alcohol if you feel uncomfortable or if you know you have a low tolerance. Stay safe and enjoy responsibly!

  2. Hadley

    Is it possible to enjoy alcohol at a feast without getting drunk? I’m curious to know your tips and tricks on how to drink responsibly. What are some actions or precautions one should take before indulging in alcoholic beverages? Please share any advice or remedies that can help maintain a level head while enjoying the festivities. Thank you!

  3. Avalon

    Is there a way to enjoy alcohol without getting drunk? I would love to indulge in social events without feeling the effects too strongly. Are there any tips or tricks, like specific foods or supplements, that can help me maintain a moderate level of alcohol intake during festive occasions?

    1. Harper Caldwell

      Yes, there are ways to enjoy alcohol without getting drunk. Eating a balanced meal before drinking can help slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Drinking slowly and alternating alcoholic beverages with non-alcoholic ones can also help moderate alcohol intake. Consuming water between drinks can help stay hydrated and reduce alcohol effects. Additionally, choosing lower alcohol content beverages or diluting alcoholic drinks can be beneficial. Finally, being mindful of your alcohol consumption, setting limits, and knowing your tolerance can help maintain a moderate level of intake during social events.

  4. Luna Mitchell

    I understand that avoiding getting drunk while drinking alcohol can be a concern. Can someone please share tips or guidance on what precautions one should take before a social event or feast to prevent getting drunk? Are there any specific strategies, food choices, or remedies that can help in this regard? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

    1. James Turner

      To avoid getting drunk while drinking alcohol, consider the following precautions before a social event or feast. First, pace your drinks by spacing them out with non-alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated and lessen alcohol absorption. Eating a nutritious meal before drinking can also slow down alcohol absorption. Opt for high-protein foods as they take longer to digest. Additionally, avoid sugary mixed drinks, as sugar can increase alcohol’s effects. Stick to lower alcohol content drinks like beer or wine instead of stronger spirits. Lastly, know your limits and learn to say no when you’ve had enough. Remember, moderation is key to enjoying alcohol responsibly and avoiding intoxication.

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