
10 Preventable Summer Skin Problems

This WordPress post discusses 10 common skin problems that can be prevented over the summer. It highlights the importance of SPF sunscreen and the risks of lying out in the sun, burning and developing skin cancer, as well as the probability of developing other skin concerns such as skin rashes, heat rash, prickly heat, and itchy skin. Additionally, it gives advice to stay hydrated, cover up when in the sun, examine any moles on the body regularly, and use skin care products with fewer chemicals. In conclusion, this post provides key insights to having a healthy, safe summer and avoiding skin issues.

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In the warm season, the body is especially susceptible to external factors. This negatively affects the condition of the skin: there is peeling, dryness, itching and other problems. Most of them can be prevented if you follow the recommendations of dermatologists. Summer skin care differs from winter and autumn treatments.



The sweat generated during the heat is mixed with bacteria and body fat and clogs the pores. If the skin of a person is prone to acne, this process will cause acne.

Summer face care to prevent problems:

  • Gently pat the sweat with a clean towel. Excessive friction irritates the skin, increasing the chances of acne.
  • Wash sweaty clothes, headbands, towels, and hats before putting them on again.
  • Use makeup, not containing gum. Such products do not clog pores..

Dryness and irritation

The skin in the summer is exposed to hot air, sun and water – these factors cause dryness and irritation. To avoid problems, consider the recommendations:

  • Accept shower immediately after leaving the pool. Turn on warm water, use a mild detergent or shower gel. Do not use antibacterial soaps and gels as they dry your skin.
  • Apply sunscreen before going out. Better get a waterproof product with SPF 30+.
  • Use fragrance-free moisturizer after each water treatment, after waiting 5 minutes.
  • If air conditioning dry the air, turn on the thermostat.



The holes from which the hairs on the body grow are called follicles. If an infection gets into them, a skin disease develops folliculitis. It manifests as itchy acne..

How to reduce the risk of infection in the summer:

  • Take off training clothes immediately after class.
  • Regularly take a shower. Avoid hot tubs: the chlorine contained in them provokes folliculitis.
  • If on the street hot and humid, wear loose, breathable clothing.


Be careful when doing manicures, pedicures at home or in the salon. Failure to comply with hygiene requirements can lead to infection and skin diseases..

Precautionary measures:

  • Regularly clean home tools, disinfect the skin of hands, feet and nails before the procedure. Before going to the salon, make sure that its masters comply with hygiene requirements.
  • Give up from severe cutting of the cuticle. If you damage delicate skin, infection will get there..



The body is constantly exposed to the sun in the summer, which provokes the development of melasma – dark spots on the skin. To avoid hyperpigmentation, consider the recommendations:

  • Use sunscreen daily on cloudy days, after bathing and with perspiration.
  • Buy a product with a wide range of protection – SPF 30 or more, as well as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These substances limit the harmful effects of sunlight..
  • Apply cream 15 minutes before going out and again every 2 hours.
  • Wear wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses while outdoors.
  • Avoid wax depilation. It can cause inflammation, which will aggravate the situation..

Contact dermatitis

Skin in the summer is more prone to rash. One of the reasons for its appearance is an oily toxin, which is found in the leaves of poison ivy. The best way to avoid an allergic reaction is to find out what the plant looks like and to avoid contact with an irritant..

Heat rash

In summer, sweat glands become clogged with dirt. Excess fluid cannot escape through them, therefore, it accumulates under the skin, causing a rash and the appearance of small itchy bumps. When they burst, a person feels a tingling sensation..
Heat rash can be avoided if sweating is reduced:

  • Wear lightweight loose cotton clothes.
  • Train in the fresh air in the cool time of the day. If this is not possible, transfer the lesson to an air-conditioned room..
  • Try to prevent overheating of the skin. Use a fan, take a cool shower.



A small rash with itching occurs due to some inhabitants of the ponds. Dermatitis develops when water parasites penetrate the upper layers of the skin. They cause tiny red spots to appear, itchy blisters on exposed parts of the body. Children are especially prone to skin disease because they bathe in warm water at a shallow depth..

To prevent scabies, swim only in clean ponds. After exiting the water, immediately wipe off with a towel: parasites will not be able to penetrate the skin if it is dry.

Sun allergy

People with hypersensitivity to the sun, taking certain medications, may experience urticaria from ultraviolet radiation. A characteristic sign of allergy to the sun is red, scaly acne, which itches and can become inflamed to blisters.

How to prevent the problem:

  • Consult with a pharmacist. Ask which medicines do not combine with sun exposure: often these are antibiotics or painkillers.
  • Protect body from the sun. Try to stay in the shade, wear closed but light clothing, hats and sunglasses.
  • Use cream with SPF 30+.



Summer is a great time to sunbathe, but if you sit in the sun for a long time, you can get a burn. This will not only spoil the mood, but also increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Protect your body to prevent burns. Use creams, hats and wear covered clothing.

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Comments: 3
  1. Tatum

    What are some effective ways to prevent summer skin problems and ensure a safe and enjoyable season under the sun?

    1. Mason Foster

      Some effective ways to prevent summer skin problems and ensure a safe and enjoyable season under the sun include applying sunscreen with a high SPF regularly and reapplying after swimming or excessive sweating. Wearing protective clothing like hats, sunglasses, and long sleeves can also shield the skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Taking breaks from direct sunlight, especially during the peak hours of 10 am to 4 pm, can help prevent sunburns and heat-related illnesses. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using hydrating skincare products can maintain the skin’s moisture barrier. Avoiding excessive exposure to chlorinated water or sea salt by rinsing off after swimming is essential to prevent dryness and irritation.

  2. Avery Palmer

    What are some effective preventive measures for the most common summer skin problems?

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