
Shiitake mushrooms: recipes and medicinal properties

Shiitake mushrooms are a culinary and medicinal delight that can add taste and nutrition to any meal! Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals, but they are also high in fiber and have powerful healing properties. Aside from being incredibly scrumptious and nutritious, Shiitake mushrooms offer a host of other benefits such as helping to reduce cholesterol, boosting the immune system, and fighting infection. This WordPress post covers the many delicious recipe ideas one can make with Shiitake mushrooms, as well as the various medicinal properties associated with them, showcasing why they are an excellent addition to every enchanted kitchen.

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In Japan, China and Korea, dishes without shiitake can be counted on the fingers. Eastern residents simply adore this mushroom, and not only for its taste, but also for its healing properties. There he is called the elixir of youth, beauty, health and longevity. Why is this mushroom so useful??

What is shiitake

Shiitake is known to be an edible agaric that grows on a tree. The hat reaches a diameter of up to 30 centimeters, and its color is light or dark brown. The edge is cream-colored fringe, and the top of the mushroom is covered with scales. If you look under the hat, you can see white fibers in which a mass of useful elements have accumulated. The cylindrical shape of the leg is white, browning upon breaking, with a fibrous surface.

Shiitake mushroom cultivation

Just the name already speaks of the method of growth. “Shii”, translated from Japanese, means a tree of broad-leaved species, and “take” – a mushroom. Other names of this plant are also known: black forest mushroom, Chinese or Japanese mushrooms, and its Latin name is edible lentil. In vivo, shiitake grows in the east: Japan, Korea, China and parts of Southeast Asia.

Such mushrooms are cultivated in Russia: in the Far East and in the Primorsky Territory. There are only two types of artificial production:

  • outdoors – an extensive way of growing;
  • in the greenhouse – an intensive way.

The cultivation of shiitake mushrooms with an extensive method takes from 6 to 12 months. To begin with, small depressions are made on pieces of wood into which the shiitake mycelium or its whole culture is laid. Then the logs are kept in the shade for a while, at a certain temperature and humidity. The fruiting of mushrooms on logs lasts from 3 to 5 years, and the yield from 1 cubic meter. m of wood is about 250 kg.

An intensive method involves the cultivation of shiitake on a mixture of hardwood sawdust with wheat or rice bran, in special propylene containers. Initially, the substrate is sterilized, pasteurized in hot water, dried and only after that the mycelium is planted in the soil. On one block, the mushrooms will grow from 30 to 60 days, and the yield for the entire fruiting period will be 15-20%.

Shiitake mushroom cultivation

Shiitake – benefits and harms

Shiitake dishes are not only low-calorie (nutritional value of 1 kg – 300-500 kcal), but also useful. For example, there is as much calcium as fish meat. In addition, they contain a lot of phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. The accumulation of substances is concentrated on the hat, because only spores are formed there. At the stalk, micro and macro elements are 2 times less. Therefore, dietitians advise to trim the bottom, and cook as many hats as possible.

It is worth knowing that the benefits and harms of shiitake are a very controversial topic. As it turned out, even they are imperfect. Sparingly soluble mushroom protein is practically not absorbed by our body. In addition, chitin fiber contributes to poor digestion. It interferes with the production of gastric juice and passes through the body in transit. For these reasons, doctors do not recommend giving shiitake to children under 3 years of age, and adults can consume no more than 300 g of mushrooms per day..

Healing properties

The Japanese Shiitake are called the elixir of longevity – dishes from it were often served at the imperial table. And in Russia, the benefit of an overseas guest was recognized several decades ago. There is even a whole science – fungotherapy, which studies the healing qualities of mushrooms. It is proved that the healing properties of shiitake lie in a rich vitamin composition:

  • Polysaccharides, leucine, lysine normalize the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to weight loss.
  • Ergosterol was found in dried mushrooms, which, when absorbed, turns into vitamin D.
  • Amino acids lower the level of sugar, bad cholesterol, and improve blood circulation. This makes the fungus an indispensable product for diabetes and hypertension..
  • According to Chinese studies, the presence of this fungus in the diet will increase resistance to stress, help to cope with exhaustion and weakness..
  • Lingans with lingins – the virus-like particles that make up shiitake help the body resist herpes and hepatitis viruses.
  • With complex therapy, shiitake is used to treat the upper respiratory tract, influenza, smallpox, polio and even HIV..
  • Eating 16 grams of dried mushrooms per day will increase immunity, prevent the development of heart diseases: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease.
  • Chitin with cellulose helps cleanse the blood of chemical, toxic, radioactive substances.

There is unconfirmed evidence that the fungus helps well in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gout, hemorrhoids, liver pathologies, prostatitis, and sexual impotence. Some companies specializing in medical cosmetics for women produce anti-aging products based on Japanese mushrooms: creams, cosmetic masks, lotions. Lentinan, added to the composition of this cosmetics, stops premature skin aging.

Raw Shiitake Mushroom


If you want to have beautiful velvety skin, as in the photo of Japanese geishas, ​​it is not at all necessary to buy expensive creams. The shiitake tincture prepared at home will cope with the tasks set. Skin lotion is made according to a simple recipe:

  1. Dried mushrooms are mixed with alcohol in proportions of 2 to 1.
  2. Close the container with a lid, and then insist 7-10 days.
  3. The finished solution is applied to a cotton pad and rubbed on the face, except for the eye area and nasolabial folds.
  4. The procedure is repeated regularly: morning and evening.

In oncology

Extracts and extracts from shiitake have been used in the prevention and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Science has found that these medicinal mushrooms have strong antitumor properties, but this does not mean that it is worth stopping the main treatment and refusing operations. Shiitake mushroom in oncology only reduces the spread of cancer cells, slightly reduces the size of the tumor, enhances the effects of chemotherapeutic procedures, restores the blood formula, relieves pain.

Shiitake mushrooms – how to cook

The Chinese mushroom is used not only by doctors, they are often included in the composition of dishes. Making shiitake is not a complicated process. On the palate, they resemble a cross between a porcini mushroom and champignons. Fresh they can be used in salads or snacks recipes. This mushroom will emphasize, embellish and enrich the taste of any unsweetened sauce. In Shiitake, Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines make rich miso soups.

Miso soup with shiitake mushrooms in a plate

How to cook frozen shiitake mushrooms

Before you start cooking frozen shiitake mushrooms, you must let them stand at room temperature for 2-4 hours, and then squeeze out excess moisture. The easiest option is to fry the mushrooms in a pan with vegetable oil. You can add onion, lemon, sesame seed to the product. Often frozen shiitake is added to more complex dishes of meat, fish, vegetables, seafood.

How to Cook Dried Shiitake

Dry mushrooms before cooking should be soaked in warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar. If after this you plan to cook the dried shiitake further, rather than spreading it in the salad as it is, then you can prepare the marinade for steaming. To do this, mix sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, spices and lemon juice. Marinate with a mixture of mushrooms for the night, and in the morning continue cooking according to the recipe.

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Comments: 2
  1. Nova Russell

    What are some delicious recipes using shiitake mushrooms? Also, I’m curious about their medicinal properties. Can you share some information on how shiitake mushrooms can benefit our health?

    1. Addison Pearson

      There are numerous delicious recipes using shiitake mushrooms! They can be stir-fried with vegetables, added to soups and stews, or used in pasta dishes. They have a rich, earthy flavor that complements many dishes. As for their medicinal properties, shiitake mushrooms are known to boost the immune system, lower cholesterol, and have anti-cancer properties. They’re also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These mushrooms contain a compound called lentinan, which has been studied for its potential to fight infections and improve cardiovascular health. Overall, adding shiitake mushrooms to your diet can provide both delightful taste and potential health benefits.

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